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Appalachian State University

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1 Appalachian State University
Geometry of the Earth and Universe Labs: From the Classroom to Current Research Dr. Sarah J Greenwald Appalachian State University Boone, North Carolina

2 Geometry of the Earth and Universe Labs
Develop visualization skills while taking advantage of various technologies and manipulatives Perspective drawing Escher and hyperbolic geometry Spherical geometry 2-D, 3-D and 4-D universes Current theories on the shape of our universe

3 Engaging the Students Web movies by Davide Cervone
Interactive web games by Jeff Weeks The Simpsons cartoon The Geometer’s Sketchpad Microsoft Excel Slinkies Globes Zome educational construction toys

4 Lab 1: Research Problems
Each student or group has a different problem Students give initial intuition and then conduct research Problems connect with Book 1 of Euclid's Elements to prepare for related proofs A less technical version of this lab is aimed at students in a course for non-majors Students turn in a report and present their research to the rest of the class and then I go over answers (many only require a globe and string or other manipulatives)

5 Lab 1: Problem 10 Problem 10 In Book 1 of Euclid's Elements, proposition 47 says that in right-angled triangles the square on the side opposite the right angle equals the sum of the squares on the sides containing the right angle. Assume we have a right-angled spherical triangular plot of land on the surface of a spherical globe between approximately Umanak, Greenland, Goiania, Brazil, and Harare, Zimbabwe, that measures 300 and 400 on its short sides. How long is the long side from Greenland to Zimbabwe?

6 Lab 1: Answer to Problem 10 Initial intuition and student research
My 1st response: String Argument My 2nd response: Walter Fendt’s Spherical Triangle Applet

7 Student Reactions to Lab 1
Difficulties Terminology difficulties Research difficulties Grading concerns Benefits Challenges their notion of what mathematics is Process is similar to mathematical research Ownership and excitement about the material Exposure to a variety of viewpoints and definitions

8 Lab 2: Perspective Drawing and Homer3
Perspective portion adapted from Marc Frantz’s Mathematics and Art Vanishing points Perspective Theorem Perspective Drawing in Excel One-point perspective and Vanishing Distance Students perform activities and then answer worksheet questions

9 Lab 2: Perspective Drawing and Homer3
In the supposedly 2-D Simpsons’ world, what aspects could be used to argue that they are living in a 2-D world? A 3-D world? Homer Changing Dimensions from Treehouse of Horror VI 3F04 (10/30/95)

10 Student Reactions to Lab 2
Difficulties Must get close to the computer screen to view the box from the correct vanishing distance Taking it Seriously Benefits Challenges their notion of what mathematics is Creative and fun Explore paintings and cartoons in a new mathematical way What is dimension?

11 Lab 3: 2-D Universes Web readings about 2-D creatures
Davide Cervone’s web movies Directed questions about a 2-D Marge Gluing edges to obtain 2-D universes Jeff Weeks’ torus and Klein bottle tic-tac-toe Adapted from excerpts taken from: David Henderson Experiencing Geometry in the Euclidean, Spherical, and Hyperbolic Spaces Michio Kaku Hyperspace & A Theory of Everything Davide Cervone's materials and movies Jeff Weeks Exploring the Shape of Space

12 Lab 4: Hyperbolic Geometry
Sketchpad explorations of the Poincare Disk model Escher activities Henderson and Taimina models: polygonal tiling models of the sphere, the plane, and hyperbolic space, and Crochet model of hyperbolic space

13 Lab 5: Shape of the Universe
Gluing spaces to obtain possible shapes Real-life attempts to discover the geometry What is the 4th physical dimension? Managing data using higher dimensions Mapping the brain What might one layer of Homer's skin look like if he were to change from 3-D to 4-D? Adapted from excerpts taken from: Davide Cervone's materials and movies Cathy Gorini Geometry at Work David Henderson Experiencing Geometry in the Euclidean, Spherical, and Hyperbolic Spaces Jean-Pierre Luminet, Glenn D. Starkman and Jeffrey R. Weeks Is Space Finite? Diane Martindale Road Map for the Mind Jeff Weeks Exploring the Shape of Space

14 Appalachian State University
Geometry of the Earth and Universe Labs: From the Classroom to Current Research Dr. Sarah J Greenwald Appalachian State University Boone, North Carolina

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