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Georgia Performance Standards

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1 Georgia Performance Standards
Grades Mathematics Day 2: Learning to Assess and Assessing to Learn

2 Carmen Smith Office phone: (404) 463-1746
1754 Twin Towers East, Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Office phone: (404) Office

3 Georgia Performance Standards
Grades Mathematics Day 2: Learning to Assess and Assessing to Learn

4 Group Norms and Housekeeping
Ask questions Work toward solutions Honor confidentiality Meet commitments or let others know if you are struggling Housekeeping: Parking Lot Phone calls Rest rooms Breaks Lunch

5 Four Corners, Part 1 Choose a corner based on your confidence in understanding the GPS for K – 2 Mathematics: Square 1 - Novice Square 2 - Apprentice Square 3 - Practitioner Square 4 - Expert

6 Four Corners, Part 2 What made you choose your corner?
Discuss what you know and what you want to know. Be prepared to share with the group. Have each corner share. Record on chart paper. Post chart paper in front.

7 Bloom on Mastery

8 (perhaps over 90 percent)
Most students (perhaps over 90 percent) CAN master what we teach….

9 ….Our basic instructional task is to define what we mean by
mastery of a subject and to discover methods and materials to help the largest proportion of our students reach it. Benjamin S. Bloom (1971)

10 First Grade Takes A Test by: Miriam Cohen and Ronald Himler
What do we assess? Why do we assess? How do we assess?

11 Table Discussion What should we assess? Why should we assess? How should we assess?

12 Today’s Assessment Develop a performance task to gather evidence of what students will know and be able to do related to the standard(s) you chose.

13 Performance Tasks & Assessments
* often occur over time * result in a tangible product or observable performance * encourage self-evaluation and revision * require judgment to score * reveal degrees of proficiency based on criteria established and made public prior to the performance * sometimes involve students working with others

14 According to Grant Wiggins…
What is to be assessed must be clear and explicit to all students. NO MORE SURPRISES! Rubrics must accompany all major assignments and assessments.

15 Essential Question 1 What should we assess?

16 Geometry Map Use math tools, colored pencils, and chart paper to design a city map (from a bird’s eye view) that meets the following requirements: 4 streets that are parallel to each other 1 avenue that is perpendicular to the 4 parallel streets 1 highway that intersects at least 2 streets but is not perpendicular to them (intersects at an acute angle) 3 parallelogram shaped buildings, 4 square shaped buildings, and 1 trapezoid shaped building 1 park with a 360 degree swimming pool, an equilateral triangle sandbox, and 2 rectangle shaped basketball courts give your city a name label all parts of your map with original names

17 What We Should Assess What mathematics is involved in this task?
What standards/ elements are addressed?

18 Is This a Good Task? Decide whether this is or is not a good task.
Justify your answer.

19 Criteria for Good Tasks
Involves significant mathematics Can be solved in a variety of ways Elicits a range of responses Requires communication Stimulates best performance Lends itself to a scoring rubric

20 Standards Based Education Model
GPS Stage 1 Identify Desired Results (Big Ideas) Enduring Understandings  Essential Questions  Skills and Knowledge (one or more) Standards Elements Stage 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence (Design Balanced Assessments) (To assess student progress toward desired results) All above, plus Tasks Student Work Teacher Commentary Participant’s Guide, page 8 Stage 3 Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction (to support student success on assessments, leading to desired results) All above

21 The Process of Instructional Planning
Select standards from among those students need to know Design an assessment through which students will have an opportunity to demonstrate those things Decide what learning opportunities students will need to learn those things and plan appropriate instruction to assure that each student has adequate opportunities to learn Use data from assessment to give feedback, reteach or move to next level Select a topic from the curriculum Design instructional activities Design and give an assessment Give grade or feedback Move onto new topic Standards-based Practice Traditional Practice The Process of Instructional Planning

22 “To begin with the end in mind
means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” -- Stephen Covey

23 Converting problem situations into mathematical expressions.
Looking for Big Ideas M4G1. Students will define and identify the characteristics of geometric figures through examination and construction. a. Examine and compare angles in order to classify and identify triangles by their angles. b. Describe parallel and perpendicular lines in plane geometric figures. c. Examine and classify quadrilaterals (including parallelograms, squares, rectangles, trapezoids, and rhombi). d. Compare and contrast the relationships among quadrilaterals. Converting problem situations into mathematical expressions. K Standard Share the book, The Grouchy Ladybug.

24 From Understandings to Questions
“Students will define and identify the characteristics of geometric figures through examination and construction.” Why is it important to be able to identify and define these characteristics? How can I represent this knowledge through authentic application?

25 Skills and Knowledge KNOWLEDGE (declarative) SKILLS (procedural) Facts
Concepts Generalizations Rules, Laws, Procedures Skills Procedures Processes A P L I C A T I O N Participant’s Guide, page 13 KNOWLEDGE (declarative) SKILLS (procedural)

26 Skills and Knowledge 1) Angle (two rays that share an endpoint)
2) Equilateral Triangle (a triangle with all sides the same length) 3) Intersect (to meet or cross) 4) Parallel (always the same distance apart) 5) Parallelogram (a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel and congruent sides) 6) Perpendicular (forming right angles) 7) Quadrilateral (a four-sided polygon) 8) Trapezoid (a quadrilateral with exactly two parallel sides)

27 Concept Development Abstract Semi- Abstract Semi- Concrete Concrete

28 Multiple Representations
Pictures Tables Words Symbols Graphs Demonstrate activities that can be used to support the given standard: Arrays (Pictures) Collections (Words) Repeated Addition (Symbols) Multiplication Table (Tables) Function/ Input-Output Chart (Graphs)

29 Essential Question 2 Why should we assess?

30 is to prove achievement, and the purpose of formative assessment
summative assessment is to prove achievement, and the purpose of formative assessment is to improve achievement.” --Pratt, 1980

31 My Perfect Saturday Create a circle graph that represents all 24 hours of your “Perfect Saturday” Activities should be clearly labeled and represented on your circle graph Put all “like” activities together. For examples: all meals should be in one fractional part of the circle Give your graph a title Be prepared to share

32 Graph of the Perfect Saturday
Complete the task. Identify the standards addressed by this assignment. Specify the criteria of the assignment.

33 Perfect Saturday Graph
What could you learn about students based on their performance on this task?

34 Accountability The purpose of the Georgia Testing Program is to
measure the level of student achievement of the standards identify students failing to achieve mastery of content provide teachers with diagnostic information assist school systems in identifying strengths and weaknesses in order to establish priorities in planning educational programs.

35 Testing CRCT Information

36 Essential Question 3 How should we assess?

37 Visualize Tyler’s bike ride as you listen to this story.
Long Bike Ride Visualize Tyler’s bike ride as you listen to this story. Tyler left his house and rode his bike 4 7/8 miles south to his friend Matt’s house. They then rode their bikes 3 ½ miles west to the park. At the park there was a wonderful water fountain that they played in and rested for awhile. When they felt refreshed they rode their bikes 3 ¼ miles north to the soccer fields and played with some friends from school. When they left the soccer field how many miles do they have to ride their bikes east and then north (following the main roads) to get back to Tyler’s house?

38 Long Bike Ride Use the information in the problem to find the answer
Draw a diagram on your chart paper to represent the data All work must be shown You may work individually or with a partner

39 How We Should Assess Which standard(s) does this task assess?
What are the desired results? How does this task assess the desired results?

40 Matching Assessments with Standards
ASSESSMENT FORMAT ACHIEVEMENT TARGET Selected Response Constructed Response Performance Tasks Informal Assessment Knowledge/ Informational Skills/Process Thinking and Reasoning Communication Other: Can assess mastery of specific elements of content knowledge Short answers allow students to apply content knowledge Not a good choice for this target; other options preferred Teacher can ask questions, evaluate answers, and infer mastery; but this may not be time-efficient Can assess application of some patterns of reasoning Can observe and evaluate skills as they are being performed Strong match when skill is oral communication Written descriptions of complex problem solutions can provide insight into reasoning proficiency. Can watch students solve some problems or examine some products and infer reasoning proficiency Can ask students to “think aloud” or can ask follow-up questions to probe reasoning Can observe and evaluate oral & written communication portions of performance tasks. Strong match with some communication skills, especially oral communication Can assess under-standing of the steps of a process, but not a good choice for evaluating most skills Not a good choice for this target; other options preferred. -Adapted from Marzano and Stiggins

41 Types of Classroom Assessment
Selected Response Constructed Response Performance Assessment Informal Assessment Multiple Choice True-False Matching Fill-in-the-blank (words, phrases) Essay Short answer (sentences, paragraphs) Diagram Web Concept Map Flowchart Graph Table Matrix Illustration Presentation Movement Science lab Athletic skill Dramatization Enactment Project Debate Model Exhibition Recital Oral questioning Observation Interview Conference Process description Checklist Rating scale Journal sharing Thinking aloud a process Student self-assessment Peer review

42 Group Activity Choose one of the four assessment formats.
Read the information provided about the format. Get a piece of chart paper and marker. Use a Standard and element to compose an example of an assessment item using the format. Write it on the chart. Record the advantages and limitations of the item. Report your example and ideas to the whole group.

43 Whole Group Reporting Choose a recorder for each type of format.
Have each group report their examples to the recorder for each type of format. Discuss examples, advantages and limitations.

44 Assessment vs. Grading Student 1 receives mostly As and high Bs in the beginning; but his/her performance drops off considerably, and s/he receives an F on the final performance test. Student 2 is erratic, receiving an equal number of As and Fs. Student 3 is clueless at the beginning, but by the last few sessions, s/he catches on and performs flawlessly on the final performance. His/her grades are, in order from the first test to the last, F, F, F, F, C, B, A, A, A.


46 Assessing for Learning vs Grading
Continuous process Provides feedback to improve student achievement May be formative or summative Provides a means of collecting evidence of student mastery of the standards Provides a photo album of student progress through which student growth can be observed Grading A means of assigning numerical or alphabetical grade to a student’s work to inform students, parents and other stakeholders May be formative or summative Provides an attempt to quantitatively describe student achievement Provides a snapshot of student progress

47 Putting It Into Practice
Analyze the four pieces of student work to this task using the steps for “Analyzing Student Work”.

48 Analyzing Student Work
Complete the assignment or task. Identify the standards addressed by this assignment. Specify the criteria of the assignment.

49 Analyzing Student Work
Generate a rough rubric or scoring guide based on the standards addressed and the criteria for this assignment. Score the work or provide feedback on the work, using the rubric/scoring guide. Plan a strategy for improving student performance based on the work.

50 Multiple Representations
Pictures Tables Words Symbols Graphs Demonstrate activities that can be used to support the given standard: Arrays (Pictures) Collections (Words) Repeated Addition (Symbols) Multiplication Table (Tables) Function/ Input-Output Chart (Graphs)

51 A rubric is a set of rules that:
Shows levels of quality Communicates standards Tells students expectations for assessment task Is NOT a checklist (yes or no answers) Includes dimensions (criteria), indicators and a rating scale.

52 Advantages of Using a Rubric
Lowers students’ anxiety about what is expected of them Provides specific feedback about the quality of their work Provides a way to communicate expectations and progress Ensures all student work is judged by the same standard Disengages the “halo” effect and its reverse Leads students toward quality work.

53 Basic Rubric Template Scale Criteria Indicator Indicator Indicator

54 Ugly Rubrics Too wordy so that no one can understand, let alone use them for a fair grade Checklists – Have it, don’t have it Judge the wrong thing so student can just jump through hoops to get a good grade.

55 Pretty Rubrics Are tools
Show level of quality of a performance or task Communicate standards clearly and specifically Are given to students to set expectations Show what to avoid and addresses misconceptions Are consistent and reliable Use content that matches standards and instructional emphasis

56 Small group discussion: What has to happen?
If you know what a student must understand, how do you check to see if that student understands? What evidence will you use to evaluate the level of understanding? What will you do in your classroom based on the evidence you collect?

57 Geometry Map Create a rubric to assess the Geometry Map task as a culminating task for the unit on angles, lines, and geometric plane figures.

58 Put that Rubric to Use Now to try your hand at assessing student work. You are to choose two of the “works” posted around the room and assess this work using the rubric that you have created.

59 Teacher Commentary Now think about how you would give commentary to the two works that you assessed. Be sure that the commentary addresses both successes and growth opportunities. Has the standards that this work addresses been mastered? How do you know?

60 Self-Assessment Setting a Goal

61 Field Assignment Redeliver Day 2.
Use what you have learned today to create an assessment you will use with your students. Collect work samples to share with the group. Bring a copy of the assessment and student work samples of your task to Day 3. Bring resources to help you plan for instruction.

62 Days of Training Implementation Year One Implementation Year Two
Day One: Standards, Content, and Curriculum Mapping Day Two:  Assessment Days Three and Four: Classroom Implementation Implementation Year Two Day Five: Differentiation Day Six: Examining Student Work Day Seven: On-line Survey We don’t have to do it all today!

63 Carmen H. Smith Office phone: (404) 463-1746
1754 Twin Towers East, Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Office phone: (404) Office

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