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Planning of Instance-based state Representation for Network Repair

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1 Planning of Instance-based state Representation for Network Repair
by Aggelos Aggelidakis Aggelos Aggelidakis Department ECE– Technical University of Crete

2 CSFR Model(Cost-Sensitive Fault Remediation)
Failure Mode Take action Gain information Repair actions Detect when correct functioning has been restored Aggelos Aggelidakis Department ECE– Technical University of Crete

3 Aggelos Aggelidakis Department ECE– Technical University of Crete
CSFR Definition S, fault states Pr, prior probability of fault states AT , test actions AR, repair actions C(s,a), cost functions O(s,a), observation model Aggelos Aggelidakis Department ECE– Technical University of Crete

4 Finding Optimal Policy
We can find an optimal repair policy via dynamic programming. Let B be the power set of S, which is the set of belief states of the system. For each b ∈ B and a ∈ AT ∪ AR, define the expected value of action a in belief state b as the expected cost of the action plus the value of the resulting belief state Aggelos Aggelidakis Department ECE– Technical University of Crete

5 Value of resulting belief state
Where bi = {s ∈ b|o(s, a) = i} is the belief state resulting from taking action a in belief state band obtaining outcome i V (b) = min a∈At∪Ar Q(b, a) Pr(b)=∑ Pr(s), s∈B c(b)=∑ Pr(s)*c(s,a)), s∈B, a∈At∪Ar These equations can be evaluated in time proportional to 2|S| (|AT | + |AR |)(|S| + |AT | + |AR |), at which point the optimal policy can be extracted by choosing the action a in belief state b that minimizes Q(b, a). Such a policy will opti- mally trade off actions to gain information, actions to repair, and the information gained from a failed attempt at repair, in a way that minimizes the total expected cost of repair Aggelos Aggelidakis Department ECE– Technical University of Crete

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