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ISA 201 Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition

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1 ISA 201 Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition

2 Lesson 11 Practicum 2 Lesson Point of Contact: Name: Mike Thorne
Phone: Read-Ahead N/A Length of Presentation: Presentation: .5 hours Class Exercise: 3.5 hours ELO(s): ELO Update key Program budget inputs needed for the exercise system EMD Phase. ELO Update appropriate Post Deployment Software Support (PDSS) risks as a result of the TMRR phase exercise situation. ELO Describe the contents, use, and role of the Information Support Plan (ISP) plays in SIS acquisition and development efforts. ELO Given a DoD acquisition scenario, apply laws and DoD directives to ensure successful IT systems management throughout the acquisition life cycle. ELO Given a description of an IT acquisition need, assess documentation to ensure specific information provides a clear understanding of the intended IT acquisition objectives from program outset. ELO Given an IT acquisition scenario, identify the most appropriate software methodology (or a combination of methodologies) to meet the expectations of the government. ELO Given a scenario, identify program IT decision information requirements. ELO Create a set of program IT measures that are linked to the program decision information requirements. ELO Apply the measurement results to support IT program decisions. ELO Given an IT acquisition scenario, choose the appropriate controls for a system based on confidentiality, integrity, or availability requirements. Major Takeways: N/A Quiz questions: N/A

3 Today you will learn to (1 of 2):
Update key Program budget inputs needed for the exercise system EMD Phase. Update appropriate Post Deployment Software Support (PDSS) risks as a result of the TMRR phase exercise situation. Describe the contents, use, and role of the Information Support Plan (ISP) plays in SIS acquisition and development efforts. Given a DoD acquisition scenario, apply laws and DoD directives to ensure successful IT systems management throughout the acquisition life cycle. Given a description of an IT acquisition need, assess documentation to ensure specific information provides a clear understanding of the intended IT acquisition objectives from program outset. SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

4 Today you will learn to (2 of 2):
Given an IT acquisition scenario, identify the most appropriate software methodology (or a combination of methodologies) to meet the expectations of the government. Given a scenario, identify program IT decision information requirements. Create a set of program IT measures that are linked to the program decision information requirements. Apply the measurement results to support IT program decisions. Given an IT acquisition scenario, choose the appropriate controls for a system based on confidentiality, integrity, or availability requirements. SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

5 Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review
Lesson Plan Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review Practicum Instructions Joint Training and Maintenance System (JTAMS) Introduction We will use JTAMS throughout both weeks as we walk the Defense Acquisition Life-Cycle for Information Technology software intensive Systems (IT/SIS) Marching Orders SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Note: Instructions/recommendations for conducting this Practicum are included on the notes page of the “Marching Orders” slide later in the brief. Please read. Note that this is a graded exercise (as are all Practicums) —please be very familiar with the grading approach and the grading rubric provided. Every student must brief to graduate. Additionally, the practicums are based on a scenario that is updated throughout the 2 weeks and across the 4 Practicums. Please read the scenarios and be thoroughly familiar with them. Also review the Job Aids folders for each Practicum and be familiar with all of the artifacts and documents that are provided. Additionally, I recommend you print out the Instructor Answer briefings and read over them prior to having the students brief. You will also need to know how to use the cost estimating tool and the PowerPoint Merge tool—both are found in the Practicum tools folder. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2 March 2014

6 Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction
PURPOSE: to reduce technology, engineering, integration, and life cycle cost risk to the point that a decision to contract for EMD can be made with confidence in successful program execution for development, production, and sustainment ENTER: MDA approved materiel solution and Acquisition Strategy, initial major program documentation and funding in the FYDP ACTIVITIES: Competitive prototyping of critical subsystems, SE Trade-off analysis, develop contracting strategy, conduct Capability Development Document (CDD) Validation conduct Preliminary Design Review (PDR), conduct Development Request For Proposal (RFP) Release Decision, begin source selection for Engineering Manufacturing Development (EMD) EXIT: Demonstration that risks have been adequately mitigated to support a commitment to design for production, Validated capability requirements, full funding in the Future Year Defense Plan (FYDP), and compliance with affordability goals for production and sustainment SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: DRFPRD Regarded by the USD (AT&L) as the most important decision in the program’s lifecycle Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

7 Milestone B MDA approves*: Program Initiation (for most programs)
Entry into EMD Acquisition Program Baseline LRIP quantities Exit criteria for next phase Type of Contract Milestone B Certification (10 USC 2366b) Acquisition Decision Memorandum SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Most requirements for this milestone should be satisfied at the Development RFP Release Decision Point; however, if any significant changes have occurred, or if additional information not available at the Development RFP Release Decision Point could impact this decision, it must be provided at the Milestone B. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

8 Practicum Instructions
Lesson Plan Status Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review Practicum Instructions JRATS/JTAMS Update Marching Orders SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: IT/SIS: Information Technology Software Intensive System Practicum 2 March 2014

9 Practicum 2 Overview During this exercise, each team will be required to perform Level II Information Technology/Software Acquisition Management tasks that would typically be conducted in a government program office. PART I (PM JTAMS) Recommendation on Software Spec Review (SSR) RDP Assessment (IS ICD) CCA Updates - Milestone B Modular Contracting JTAMS PDSS Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans Measures Update PART II—DPM JTAMS 6/7) CR-IPT Requirements Scrub CDD-1 CDD Validation Decision / Development Request for Proposals (RFP) Release Decision Point Assess impacts of CDD updates Revised Cost Estimate Information Support Plan (ISP)& OSA JTAMS and Control AC-6 (PPP Update) Summary/ Recommendation SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Note: Instructions/recommendations for conducting this Practicum are included on the notes page of the “Marching Orders” slide later in the brief. Please read. Note that this is a graded exercise (as are all Practicums) —please be very familiar with the grading approach and the grading rubric provided. Every student must brief to graduate. Additionally, the practicums are based on a scenario that is updated throughout the 2 weeks and across the 4 Practicums. Please read the scenarios and be thoroughly familiar with them. Also review the Job Aids folders for each Practicum and be familiar with all of the artifacts and documents that are provided. Additionally, I recommend you print out the Instructor Answer briefings and read over them prior to having the students brief. You will also need to know how to use the cost estimating tool and the PowerPoint Merge tool—both are found in the Practicum tools folder. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

10 Lesson Plan Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review
Practicum Instructions Joint Training and Maintenance System (JTAMS) Introduction We will use JTAMS throughout both weeks as we walk the Defense Acquisition Life-Cycle for Information Technology software intensive Systems (IT/SIS) Marching Orders SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Note: Instructions/recommendations for conducting this Practicum are included on the notes page of the “Marching Orders” slide later in the brief. Please read. Note that this is a graded exercise (as are all Practicums) – please be very familiar with the grading approach and the grading rubric provided. Every student must brief to graduate. Additionally, the practicums are based on a scenario that is updated throughout the 2 weeks and across the 4 Practicums. Please read the scenarios and be thoroughly familiar with them. Also review the Job Aids folders for each Practicum and be familiar with all of the artifacts and documents that are provided. Additionally, I recommend you print out the Instructor Answer briefings and read over them prior to having the students brief. You will also need to know how to use the cost estimating tool and the Powerpoint Merge tool – both are found in the Practicum tools folder. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: March 2014

11 Practicum 2 Instructions
The workload is split amongst all team members. The PM and Deputy PM (designated within your teams) will each have a sub-team to work with. There are five sections within the PM portion and five sections within the DPM portion. Your instructor will assign your team two sections to brief. There is a Briefing Template already assembled for you to use to build your presentation. You can add to the template slides for your presentation. For each Practicum, there will be a Job Aids folder to help minimize any outside research. You must use the Job Aids provided to you on your Student CD. Everything you need should be in this folder. You DO NOT need to read entire documents. Use the Table of Contents and find what you need. For the Practicum, one team will use the DAU Cost Estimator application found in the Practicum tools folder to do simple cost estimations. You will have at least 2 hours to research each section. After 30 minutes, the Instructor will tell you which 2 sections your team will be required to brief out. You will prepare these sections and then insert them into the Practicum 2 Folder on the shared drive. You will present your briefings. SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2 March 2014 11

12 JRATS/JTAMS Update Lesson Plan Status
Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review Practicum Instructions JRATS/JTAMS Update Marching Orders SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2 March 2014

13 JRATS and JTAMS Update Joint Reconnaissance and Targeting System (JRATS) Congrats, we passed Milestone A! Please see the Milestone A ADM in your Job Aids. We are now getting ready for Milestone B. First, we need to understand our requirements, create a build-to performance specification (System-Sub-System Specification (SSS)), create a Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) that supports the SSS, and an Interface Requirements Specification (IRS) that is the basis for our Allocated Baseline. Our Focus will be on understanding the requirements and risks of a pre-milestone B JTAMS You will analyze Requirements documents Identify risks SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

14 Practicum 2 Timeline SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2 14 14

15 Joint Training and Maintenance System (JTAMS) Increment 1 Government Roadmap Schedule
SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: The Government Roadmap Schedule shows one way a program office can quickly organize parallel events for presentation and planning purposes. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Note that we are planning on two MRES prototypes Engineering Design Models (EDM) Practicum 2 15

16 Marching Orders Lesson Plan Status
Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review Practicum Instructions JRATS/JTAMS Update Marching Orders SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2 March 2014

17 Marching Orders You are members of the JTAMS PMO. Select a PM and DPM for JTAMS. Go to your Student CD and open the folder for this Practicum. Start by reading the Practicum #2 Student Instructions found in the Practicum 2 directory. You have 2 hours to research and develop your presentation. Spend the first ½ hour reviewing the scenario and the documents in the Job Aids Folder. Then, you will have approximately 1.5 hours to prepare the briefings assigned by the instructor. Put your final briefings into the Practicum 2 Folder on the Shared Drive. You will then present the consolidated briefing. SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Reinforce that each team needs to select 2 new briefers (ie students who did not brief in Practicum 1) who will present (and be graded) in accordance with the requirements found in the templated slides and in keeping with the grading rubric. Also reinforce that those not briefing will need the assistance of others on the team to be successful. Remember, it is best to have the students put the contents of the Student CD on their Desktops for better access to the material. This is especially true for the team that does the cost estimating. Overall, selecting teams for this practicum is relatively easy. Be sure you assign the teams after no more than 30 minutes—this will give the team time to focus on their assignments. Do not assign the teams initially—the students need time to read the scenario, review the job aids, and get organized. See the backup slide for a recommended team assignments. Cost Estimating note: the students may come up with different numbers than those in the instructor answer. As long as they are in the ballpark, that’s OK—please do not grade them down for providing slightly different numbers. In fact, there are 2 sets of numbers provided in the instructor answer—anywhere in the range of these numbers is satisfactory. Measures Recommendation: As part of P2, the students will receive the “school solution” to the measures portion of P1. It is not necessary to have the same team/section do the measures portion for P2. RDP section: The RDP will be new to the students and they will likely not remember this from the JCIDS lesson. You may need to pay attention to that section and provide some assistance in terms of the purpose of the RDP, etc. You will need to ensure the “Powerpoint Merge Tool” found in the Practicum Tools\Instructor folder works on the Instructor PC. Once all of the briefings are in the folder, merge them into one cohesive briefing. If it does not work, you will have to go from section to section manually during the presentation. Note that the final section—section 10—requires the students to summarize the overall presentation in terms of making a decision on moving forward. Please ensure section 10 is aware of this and allow them an opportunity to collect the info from the other teams/sections prior to merging the presentation. Another way to do this is to not merge that last slide into the brief and to allow that section to update that slide as the presenters brief. During the student presentations, I recommend you offer feedback after every presentation to reinforce the learning points or to correct areas where the students may have missed the mark. I term this as P-P-C. Presentation, Pontification, Clap—the students do the presentation—the instructor does the pontification (ask leading questions, reinforce key points, etc)—and then the instructor leads the “golf clap” while you transition to the next section. It will be important for the 2d instructor to do the majority of the grading so the primary instructor can take the briefing and execute the “pontification” and clapping portion. Both instructors can have a meeting of the minds with respect to the actual grade after the students have been released for the day. Grading in terms of content should be a combination of what is on the student slides (compared to what is on the instructor answer slides) and what the primary instructor gleans from the briefer during the “pontification” portion of the presentation. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2 March 2014 17

18 Today we learned to (1 of 2):
Update key Program budget inputs needed for the exercise system EMD Phase. Update appropriate Post Deployment Software Support (PDSS) risks as a result of the TMRR phase exercise situation. Describe the contents, use, and role of the Information Support Plan (ISP) plays in SIS acquisition and development efforts. Given a DoD acquisition scenario, apply laws and DoD directives to ensure successful IT systems management throughout the acquisition life cycle. Given a description of an IT acquisition need, assess documentation to ensure specific information provides a clear understanding of the intended IT acquisition objectives from program outset. SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

19 Today we learned to (2 of 2):
Given an IT acquisition scenario, identify the most appropriate software methodology (or a combination of methodologies) to meet the expectations of the government. Given a scenario, identify program IT decision information requirements. Create a set of program IT measures that are linked to the program decision information requirements. Apply the measurement results to support IT program decisions. Given an IT acquisition scenario, choose the appropriate controls for a system based on confidentiality, integrity, or availability requirements SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

20 Backup Backup SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

21 Team / Section Assignments (P2)
Section (PM) Team Section(D/PM) 1 8 3 2 10 6 5 4 7 9 SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: This is a recommended team allocation based on the allocation identified in Practicum 1. This ensures that no team repeats the category of task they had in Practicum 1 and again ensures each team gets a challenging section and one not so challenging Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: This is a recommended team allocation based on the allocation identified in Practicum 1. This ensures that no team repeats the category of task they had in Practicum 1 and again ensures each team gets a challenging section and one not so challenging Practicum 2

22 Team / Section Assignments (P1)
Section (PM) Team Section(D/PM) 5 1 10 4 2 9 3 8 7 6 SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: This is a recommended team allocation based for Practicum 1—this gives each team a relatively challenging task and a task that is not as challenging Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 2

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