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WG Collaborations and other related activities

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1 WG Collaborations and other related activities
Handicap International, DHS, MICS, GLAD, ITU… Mitchell Loeb National Center for Health Statistics, USA and Washington Group on Disability Statistics 5/7/2018

2 Handicap International (HI):
Training on Washington Group tools and their applicability in HI contexts was carried out in September 2015 for HI Technical Advisors (TAs) Current collaborations with HI: Enhancing the production and use of high-quality data on disability in four Andean countries (Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru) Test and assess the WG Questions for use in humanitarian response contexts and to develop guidance on their use that is designed specifically for humanitarian actors. 5/7/2018

3 Handicap International (HI):
An e-Learning module on the WG Short Set was produced by HI and is available on the HI and WG websites: The objective of this training is to help: understand the approach and guiding principles of the WG collect and analyze disability related data using the WG Short Set Examples of projects lead by HI based on data collected and analyzed using the WG tools are presented. Duration: approximately 3 hours 5/7/2018

4 US Agency for International Development (AID):
Training for US AID regional Education Officers was conducted in Addis Ababa (May 2016) and Bangkok (November 2016). The training workshop focused on Disability Inclusive Education and the following presentations were made: The Measurement of Disability & Overcoming the Data Gap, and The Essentials of Monitoring and Evaluation: Indicators for Measuring Success 5/7/2018

5 US Agency for International Development (AID):
Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) “The U.S. Agency for International Development, The Demographic and Health Surveys Program, and the Washington Group on Disability Statistics are proud to announce the result of their collaboration: the Demographic and Health Surveys Disability Module.” 5/7/2018

6 UNICEF: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) In addition to the WG/UNICEF collaboration in developing of the Module on Child Functioning and the Module on Inclusive Education, the UNICEF MICS team has included the WG SS (Adult Functioning module) as part of their Global MICS Pilot. 5/7/2018

7 Global Action on Disability (GLAD)
Global Action on Disability (GLAD) Network: to provide support and coordination in enhancing the inclusion of persons with disabilities in international development and humanitarian action. Washington Group is a member of GLAD. 5/7/2018

8 International Telecommunications Union:
Collaboration with the ITU on Household surveys 5/7/2018

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