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INCEPTION Beginning Present Outlook

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2 INCEPTION Beginning Present Outlook
The Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) was established by the Colombo Plan Secretariat as one of its permanent programs in 1973, and has since pioneered demand and supply reduction initiative. DAP is focused on responding to multi-faceted problems on drug use by strengthening programme development in drug demand and supply reduction. Beginning Present Outlook Establishment of the Drug Advisory Programme as a permanent programme during Colombo Plan’s 23rd Consultative Committee Meeting in New Zealand. DAP identifies emerging challenges in demand and supply reduction and efficiently provides customized, effective, innovative and strategic response. DAP continues to be pioneer responsive initiatives the field of drug demand and supply reduction as it partners with countries and organizations develop and deliver innovative programs.

DAP’s initiatives ensure a holistic approach to conquering drug abuse by: Developing effective prevention programs Engaging youth participation in drug demand reduction Improving access to treatment and rehabilitation Providing treatment services for children Rendering expert advisory service Training for the drug demand and supply reduction workforce

4 Key DAP STRATEGY & INNOVATION Prevention Activities
DAP  supports preventing substance use by implementing prevention interventions in various settings—schools, communities, and organizations. DAP’s prevention programs provide practical and contextualized support, capacity building and technical assistance that build their target beneficiaries’ resilience and resistance to substance use. ● Life Skills Training ● Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program in the Work place ● Preventive Drug Education in schools

5 Key DAP STRATEGY & INNOVATION Treatment Activities
DAP promotes the provision of treatment and care services that are based on evidence and in adherence to ethical standards. DAP taps treatment experts to develop guidelines and provide mentoring in conducting, managing and operating treatment programs. DAP promotes access to treatment by: Advocacy Development of international minimum treatment standards and service quality Training of service providers Monitoring and evaluation of treatment programs Key Activities ● Mapping the Substance Use Treatment Capacity of Member States ● Development of International Minimum Standards for Substance Use Treatment and Care ● Development of National Regulatory System and Guidelines for Licensing of Treatment Facilities

6 Key STRATEGY & INNOVATION Training and Education Activities
DAP is the leading provider effective training and education programs on implementing treatment and prevention initiatives to service providers and key stakeholders. The training programs that DAP develops benefit implementers and help ensure that the quality and appropriateness of local, national and regional systems for drug demand reduction are supported and constantly improved. Key Activities ● Scaling-up the dissemination Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) and Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) ● Facilitate access to international recognition credentials for substance use prevention and treatment practitioners

7 Key DAP STRATEGY & INNOVATION Guiding Recovery Of Women (GROW)
Activities The Guiding Recovery of Women (GROW) Curriculum has been designed to train substance abuse treatment professional on gender-responsive methods and modalities Drawing together key principles of the field and the latest evidence-based practices, the Curriculum provides insight and direction to help women in their recovery ● Developing a specialised curriculum for treating women with substance use disorders ● Review of Curriculum by Experts in the field ● Pilot testing of the Curriculum with treatment practitioners working with women

8 Key STRATEGY & INNOVATION Special Services for Children Activities
The Child Intervention for Living Drug-Free (CHILD) Project is DAP’s main initiative in providing age-appropriate treatment services for children with substance use disorders. DAP, through the CHILD Project, has developed the world’s first treatment curriculum especially designed to train treatment practitioners in providing suitable and effective interventions for children. ● Development and pilot-testing the six courses of the CHILD Curriculum ● Technical Assistance Visits to treatment centers providing services to children in South Asia and South America ● Trainings for treatment practitioners in South Asia and South America on age-appropriate interventions for children | Individual children depicted in this image are not representative beneficiaries accessing treatment services. |

DAP has reached at least 7,012 beneficiaries via 69 innovative initiatives in the last two decades— in the broader global region.

10 DAP remains relevant and innovative in delivering effective drug demand and supply reduction interventions — and therein lies its global impact. The impact of DAP’s work is in its capacity to pioneer relevant and responsive innovations. Its programs evolve with the changing landscapes global drug use trends. As a pioneer in the field of drug demand and supply reduction, it continues to expand its services into a plethora of essential and effective interventions—the world over.


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