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Remote User Tracking Initial Operational Capability March 7, 2003

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Presentation on theme: "Remote User Tracking Initial Operational Capability March 7, 2003"— Presentation transcript:

1 Remote User Tracking Initial Operational Capability March 7, 2003
Nathan Ratliff Michael Pirog Adrienne Noble Steve Martin

2 Software Preparation Operational Software Midlet Servlets
Compiles into a jad file in one step Servlets compile into single war file Installed in Tomcat on

3 Software Preparation Software Support Background database
PostgreSQL database on cubist, maintained by CSE support GNU finger command well tested and used, no support needed CSE pubcookie system Maintained by CSE support LDAP server maintained by CSE support Tomcat Run on cubist, maintained by CSE support Ant

4 Software Preparation Testing Status Version Control FogBugz
CVS used to keep track of source FogBugz Extensive use during testing Helped us fix bugs in a timely and organized fashion Midlet and servlet are both well tested

5 Site Preparation Servers Phones Emulators
Tomcat Phones Nextel phones coming soon Emulators Installed on CSE general instructional machines

6 People Preparation Sign up on secure CSE web page
Choose username/password Make initial friend and group lists Uses registerUser, doLogin, manageAccount, and manageList servlets Download onto cell phone Use midlet user interface Login if first time Add/Delete contacts lists Obtain basic and advanced information on where friends are logged into computers Uses fingerDB and doFinger servlets

7 Demo!!! Servlet Demo Midlet Demo Register new user Manage contact list
Manage account Midlet Demo Log in as new user Finger friends 

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