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How Not to be Your Only Volunteer: Recruiting, Training, & Retaining a Solid Volunteer Corps Kimberly Elman.

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Presentation on theme: "How Not to be Your Only Volunteer: Recruiting, Training, & Retaining a Solid Volunteer Corps Kimberly Elman."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Not to be Your Only Volunteer: Recruiting, Training, & Retaining a Solid Volunteer Corps
Kimberly Elman

2 Is this your current reality?

3 Where are all my volunteers?
Lack of communication Unprofessional environment Unclear expectations Why do volunteers quit? Don’t feel they’re making a difference Inadequate training Little or no flexibility Asking too much or too little No feedback or appreciation

4 The Truth We CAN change the future!
In order to shift from the reality we are currently experiencing to our vision for the future of the animals we are saving, we must first face the truth. “Sometimes you have to SLOW DOWN in order to go FAST” Patty Hegwood, Best Friends Animal Society

5 Laying the Foundation Effective volunteer programs fundamentally leverage volunteers and their SKILLS across all leadership levels and departments within an organization to successfully deliver its mission Strategic planning & development Effective onboarding & training Leadership support

6 If you build it, they will come…
Strategic planning & development Organizational business plan, tied to your mission including a vision that incorporates volunteers Formal volunteer program, with a dedicated program coordinator Onboarding for volunteers and staff Ongoing volunteer recruitment, training & engagement process Volunteer Performance support process

7 Laying the Foundation Create Position Descriptions: Position name
Function/Impact Reporting to? Time commitment & location of work Core responsibilities Qualifications/Requirements

8 Recruiting Volunteers
Online Resources Your website Social media LinkedIn Craigslist (with caution) Virtual bulletin boards Equine & animal rescue sites Local Resources Local volunteer center Local businesses Universities Civic organizations Local publications/news outlets Equine-related events YOUR VOLUNTEERS

9 Volunteer Orientation
Purpose is to learn more about your organization & determine if this is the right place for them Not “official” volunteers If a match, they’ll sign up to volunteer AFTER orientation ASK THEM about their skills & interests!

10 Create Community Leaders
Leaders expand the capability to engage and activate more volunteers & fulfill critical mission goals Leaders empower people on behalf of your organization and serve the brand of your organization Leaders increase your opportunity to do more Be the kind of leader who creates new leaders!

11 Effective Volunteer Training
WHO develops content and trains them? (Should be position specific) Provide consistent procedures & schedules WHO mentors and provides feedback (+ and -) to them? Include effective training for your staff too LEAD volunteers can help with training! Training=SUCCESS

12 Leadership Support Demonstrated executive commitment to volunteer engagement: Establish a sense of urgency Drive the change process; communicate what is to be gained by changing Inspire action and cooperation from staff and volunteers “Leadership defines what the future should look like, aligns people with that vision, and inspires them to make it happen, despite the obstacles.” -John P. Kotter

13 Leadership opportunities
Volunteer Engagement Initial contact Leadership opportunities Short term commitment Skill development Reliable regular

14 Volunteer Retention Volunteers need ongoing management
Successful volunteer retention is built on mutual trust, respect, communication, and appreciation between staff and volunteers You are creating a COMMUNITY for your volunteers! Community: A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals

15 Volunteer Engagement: From “I” to“We”
Name badges T-shirts A dedicated space Consistent schedules The 10-4 rule 360 degree feedback Formal performance support Opportunities for advanced responsibility Effective risk management

16 Volunteer Engagement: From “I” to “We”
Expressing gratitude Celebrating successes! Handwritten notes & cards Phone calls Volunteer stories Videos Socials Eat some cake

17 Communicating IMPACT Extremely IMPORTANT for volunteers to understand the WHY & PURPOSE when you’re asking for their assistance Provides volunteers insight around your desired outcome for specific life-saving programs, positions, and events. IMPACT DRIVES YOUR MISSION! Communicating impact recruits more volunteers and determines their continued support Always include impact when expressing gratitude and celebrating successes with your volunteers!

18 LOTS of Personalities!

19 The Power of Motivation
Help the animals Make a difference Fill the soul Work in Animal Welfare Volunteer in Animal Welfare

20 Volunteer Performance Support
Establish standard & consistent coaching procedures Provide training and tools to staff so they can confidently provide constructive feedback to volunteers Have expectations been communicated upfront to volunteers? Check in regularly with volunteers to give & receive feedback Address issues as soon as possible after they happen and document all conversations

21 The Journey Going Forward……
“Without a disciplined and respectful approach to recruitment, orientation, support, assessment, and recognition, we will have lower performance and a disenchanted volunteer.” Francis Hesselbein

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