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1 Synthesis

2 Roll In the chapter you read for HW, there were two articles on Mobile Phone Tracking. Nikki Swartz’s “Mobile Phone Tracking Scrutinized” and Terry Allen’s article “Reach Out and Track Someone”. How would you describe each writer’s angle of vision? Summarize each of the author’s main points. List any differences or contradictions you see between the two pieces.

3 CELl Phone Tracking What is Swartz’s Angle of Vision?
What is Allen’s Angle of Vision? What is Swartz’s main point/ thesis? What is Allen’s main point/ thesis?

4 Cell Phone Tracking What ideas do the pieces have in common?
What are the contradictions (antithesis) or differences you see in these pieces? After the new knowledge that we gained from reading both pieces, can you think of any new ideas about the topic that neither author addressed?

5 Definition of Synthesis
the combining of the constituent elements of separate material or abstract entities into a single or unified entity. the dialectic combination of thesis and antithesis into a higher stage of truth Seeing and coming to terms with complexities.

6 Synthesis goes further than Analysis
Analyzing a text breaks it down into parts to see their relationships. Synthesizing takes the parts and puts them back together in a new way. We don’t just compare and contrast the 3 essays, but pull out each of their parts, and combine then to make a new idea or argument.

7 Benjamin Bloom’s Thinking Processes
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

8 Hegel’s Dialectics When Thesis clashes with Antithesis- the reader comes up with a new idea that uses parts of each side to go somewhere different.

9 Synthesis Essay (p346 in A&B)
Moves beyond analysis to show how a writer interacts with a group of texts, explores alternative perspectives on an issue, and enlarges the reader’s own perspective. Synthesis should allow you to carve out your own thinking space to say something new.

10 Turn to page 353 in A&B Let’s discuss “annotating” a text. Visible with Kate MacAulay’s piece. Notice the notes by the margins and how clearly it tells the reader what the essay is about and where to find the information it contains. Reading while annotating is an important tool to use to condense lengthy passages or to break down difficult theoretical texts.

11 Types of Synthesis Questions
How have cell phones affected the lives of American citizens? What should be our attitude towards increasing America’s economy? What are the biggest obstacles in attempting to find a cure for cancer? Should the US increase its production of electricity by building more nuclear power plants? What does it mean to be American? What do these questions remind you of? What type of assignment do these look like?

12 Reality TV Show Bachelor Clip

13 Three Cheers for Reality TV
What did you think of the article/ overall impressions? Do you agree or disagree with Havrilesky? What is her thesis? What does she do to support her thesis? What is Havrilesky’s style/ tone/ audience? What rhetorical choices does she make (can you point to specific words or phrases) What were the “hot spots” of this article? Where did you mark in the margins that she said something that affected you?

14 Three Cheers continued…
What does Havrilesky see as the problem with Reality TV? What is the problem with Dramas on TV these days? Who is to blame? What do reality shows offer audiences according to Havrilesky? What does Havrilesky see as the “death of the Reality TV genre”? What does the author see as the point of TV in general? What do audiences want?

15 Three Cheers Synthesis Chart on page 99 of the SG Author’s Main Point
*Your blackboard posts from last night.* Author’s Main Point Types of Evidence/ Examples Counterarguments

16 Student Guide page 95 Read the Key Assignment Description Goals Look at Sample Questions about the assignment?

17 Writing if there is Time
Create some sort of TV script. You can freewrite about an idea for a TV show. You can write a dialogue or small section of what you would want the characters to say or do. You can write poetry or a song that could be the beginning of the show (the intro). Have fun and be ready to share!

18 Homework Read pages in the SG. Please read the Poniewozik article on Bb under the documents, called “Why Reality TV is Good for Us” (Print and bring to class.) Also read the Godspeed article on Bb under Course Documents called “The Cultural Plague of Reality TV” (Bring to class, printed). Post on the BB blog by 3:00 on Tuesday Nov words comparing and contrasting the arguments made by Poniewozik and Godspeed about reality TV.

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