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Diacare app PATIENT ENGAGEMENT Team Just finding solutions

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1 Diacare app PATIENT ENGAGEMENT Team Just finding solutions
Aina danilova Ankita karandikar Elyse forbes Sudheer


3 Introduction Patient engagement for chronic diseases(Diabetes)
Primary concern- Communication gap between patient, provider and pharmacist Education is the second most important thing for improving patient engagement and reap maximum benefits

4 Our solution A mobile application Features:
Provide direct communication channel between patient and provider Simple tracking methods for patients to track their conditions Recommendation from doctor for change of a dose or to ask the patient for an appointment Personalized recommendations for diet and exercise Benefits of execs and diet for diabetes Historical analysis of blood sugar levels Notifications to the patient as reminder of medications, diet and exercise Notifications to the provider on the health issues of the patient

5 Diacare application users:
Every diabetic patient and their family members who have to the cellphone or the access to the computer

6 In 2011, 63% of the adult (aged 18–79 years) incident cases of diabetes (i.e., cases diagnosed within the past year) were diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 64 years. About 16% were diagnosed at age 18–39 years, and about 21% were diagnosed at age 65–79 years.(Source: center of disease control and prevention)

7 The youngest users don’t always engage more on digital platforms
The youngest users don’t always engage more on digital platforms. According to comScore Mobile Metrix data, those between the ages of spend more time on mobile apps than any other age segment examined – slightly edging out the younger year-old demographic. At 75 hours of mobile app usage per month, the year-old age group topped those ages and those 55 and older by nearly 11 hours and 25 hours per month, respectively. (Source:

8 1. User installs and clicks on DiaCare app on the home screen
2. System opens DiaCare main menu bar DiaCare

9 3. User selects interested menu option from the menu bar
4. System takes the user to the main page of the selected menu option Profile Health Activity Monitor Medications Diet Device Notifications Connect with Doctor Notifications Settings Add Family member

10 5. User adds his/her personal information.
6. System saves the data in the server database Profile

11 7. User turns on the device to check health measures
8. Systems displays all health measures on the screen Health

12 Activity Monitor 9. User selects the type of exercise
10. System presents the user’s performance, types of exercises and related ads

13 11. User selects the medication from the list
12. System displays current medications and related ads Medications

14 DIET 13. User selects “Diet” from the main menu.
14. System displays options to enter food items eaten either by scanning barcode or manual entry. Displays Nutrition value taken by the patient and benefits of maintaining diet. Displays recommendation for maintaining diet/ DIET Nutrition: Protein Carbohydrate Iron Zinc 10 30 20 10 Recommendation: You are low on protein, increase protein diet and reduce sugar

15 Source device Source for Health Source for Activity Source for Diet
17. User selects “Source Device” from the main menu. 18. System displays options for adding source devices for health, activity and diet from the drop down menu and saves it. Source device Source for Health Source for Activity Source for Diet

16 Doctors 19. User selects “Doctors” from the main menu.
21. User adds the name and phone number of doctors. 20. System displays the type of doctors the patient wants to add. 22. System saves the data entered by the patient to the server. Doctors Physician Name Phone Ophthalmologist Name Phone Pharmacist Name Phone Dietitian Name Phone Physiotherapist Name Phone

17 Family Members 23. User selects “Family members” from the main menu.
25. User adds the name and phone number of family members. 24. System displays the options to add family members. 26. System saves the data entered by the patient to the server. Family Members Son Name Phone Daughter Name Phone

18 Notifications 27. User selects “Notifications” from the main menu.
29. User selects the option. 28. System displays the options to turn the notifications on/off for all the connected persons. 30. System saves the data entered by the patient to the server. Notifications Physician Pharmacist Dietitian Physiotherapist Family Members 911

19 Analyze data 15. User selects “Analyze data” from the main menu.
16. System displays the blood glucose level graph based on the history of patients' data stored in server for last month. Analyze data


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