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Why do we… Why do we go to school? Why do we follow rules?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we… Why do we go to school? Why do we follow rules?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we… Why do we go to school? Why do we follow rules?
Why do we respect our parents? Why do we gain knowledge?

2 Say: ‘Indeed my salah and my worship, my life and my death
are for the sake of Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.’

3 For Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala!
Why do we go to school? Why do we follow rules? Why do we pray? Why do we fast during Ramadan? Why do we respect our parents? Why do we gain knowledge? For Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala!

4 What is niyyah? Niyyah = why we do something Niyyah is an Arabic word
It means intention or why we do something Niyyah = why we do something

5 Our niyyah, our intention
Should always be to please Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala Niyyah comes from our heart

6 Before we begin something
We should think about our niyyah or why we are going to do it Ask yourself a question: Will this make Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala happy with me? Will this act make me closer to HIM?

7 We do it to get closer to Allah
Qurbatan ilallah We do it to get closer to Allah

8 Let’s practice making niyyah
It is time to eat breakfast. First: I will think about my niyyah, why I am going to do it. Then: I will say

9 Before I go to school or Madrasah
First: I make the intention for why I go to school! Then: I say

10 Before I celebrate Make niyyah

11 Sleeping Make niyyah

12 Visiting Friends and Family
First: why?? Then: I say

13 Intention is the pillar of worship
Intention is the pillar of worship. If an action is done without intention, or has an ungodly intention behind it, it will be invalid {batil}.

14 During the time of Rasulullah (s), a man
was killed in the battlefield and people called him a shahid (martyr). Rasulullah (s) told the people that he was killed for the sake of a donkey. The people were surprised. Rasulullah (s) said: ‘His niyyah in going to the battlefield was not for Allah; rather, when he saw that the enemy was riding a good donkey, he said to himself: “I will kill him and take his donkey as war booty. But he did not succeed and the enemy killed him.”’ He was known as qatil al-himar (one killed for the sake of a donkey).

15 Let’s practice making niyyah
It is time to do wudu.

16 What is the very first step to making wudu?
Niyyah After you think about why you are going to make wudhu we say ‘I do wudhu Q__________________’

17 Any One remember - Muqadamat e Salah
QWIPTC Qibla Wudhu Intention Place Time Clothes QWIPTC

18 FIOH FACTS Ruling 931 One must keep the niyyah from the beginning
of the salah until its end; therefore, if during the salah he does not concentrate to the extent that if he was asked: ‘What are you doing?’ he would not know what to reply, his salah is batil. Ruling 932 One must only perform salah in humility to Allah; therefore, if a person prays to show off to people, then his salah is batil, even if he prays for both Allah and to show off to people.

19 Let’s practice making niyyah
It is time to pray zuhr. First: I will think about my niyyah, why I am going to do it. Then: I will begin by saying: _________________________________

20 Consider the following scenarios and discuss whether the niyyah is sincere or not of the person praying: ‘I better pray quickly, the football match is about to start.’ 2. I am going to be extra careful with my salah at madrasah today because the teacher is going to observe us pray and grade us.’ 3. ‘I am all alone, only Allah is watching me.’ 4. ‘I cannot remember whether I prayed salat al-asr or dhuhr.’ 5. ‘I do not need to worry too much about my salah as I am not baligh yet.’ 6. ‘It is fajr time, Allah will be pleased if I wake up and pray.’

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