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Overview of Spiritual Fitness Camp Program

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1 Overview of Spiritual Fitness Camp Program

2 Highlights Focus on hands-on learning Session types
Camp schedule should include several periods to cover the sessions below. Instructors should plan ahead for the activities they want to conduct within each of these sessions, and make sure necessary resources are available Session types Quran assessment Show me how to do it Finding Knowledge Applying Knowledge Creating Knowledge

3 Sample Schedule Adjust to local times and circumstances, but do not remove sessions
Older atfal should have sleepover at the masjid

4 Quran Assessment Instructors work with children on correct recitation of the Holy Quran Correct pronunciation Rules of Tajweed Practice fluency Instructor ranks student’s overall ability so parents can focus on improvement during the year (see Quran Assessment Chart)

5 Show Me How to Do It Teach/Ask each student to perform the actions of the items below
Junior Wudu and Tayammum Adhan with Translation Salat with Translation Write letter to Huzoor Etiquettes of Masjid Etiquettes of Bathroom Etiquettes of Friday Prayers Janaza Prayers Senior Leading Salat as Imam Delivering Friday Sermon Ghusal e Mayyat Refer to camp material for more information. Time permitting, several/all of these may be covered during the camp.

6 Finding Knowledge Train the participants to explore, browse and find information on required subject
Junior History of Islam/Ahmadiyyat Seerat of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Seerat of the Promised Messiah (as) Prophecies of Promised Messiah (as) Prophecies about present times Senior History of Islam/Ahmadiyyat Sharia Law Companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Companions of the Promised Messiah (as) Jesus in India Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam Early Missionaries and their sacrifices Refer to camp material for more information. Time permitting, several/all of these may be covered during the camp.

7 Applying Knowledge Learn how to apply our knowledge through interactive discussions on hot or taboo topics Junior Islam and Etiquettes Sunnah and its significance Hadith and its significance Prohibition of Salat behind non-Ahmadi Imams Technological challenges of our times (Internet, social media etc.) Handling peer pressure Senior Group discussion on marital life Prohibition of marriage outside Jamaat Prohibition of Salat behind non-Ahmadi Imams Apostasy Women’s rights and equality in Islam Polygamy Technological challenges of our times (Internet, social media etc.) What to look for in a career (stay away from unislamic environments) Refer to camp material for more information. Time permitting, several/all of these may be covered during the camp.

8 Creating Knowledge Learning practical skills for communicating knowledge
How to write and deliver a Speech How to write an Essay Composing thoughts after attending Ijtema, Jalsa, Vacation, Marriage party etc. Composing an analysis after reading a book on a given topic Design a flyer to attract audience for an event (such as Ijtema) Refer to camp material for more information. Time permitting, several/all of these may be covered during the camp.

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