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Period 4- Video Gaming Game Salad

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1 Period 4- Video Gaming Game Salad
Project 1 Meteor Period 4- Video Gaming Game Salad

2 Game Objective You are traveling through space and your only option is to travel through a meteor shower The only way that you can eliminate the meteors is by shooting them with a laser beam You need to eliminate 90% of the meteors before time is up to move on to the next level If you get hit by a meteor you will lose a life If you travel through both levels successfully with a life left you will win the game

3 Similar Games

4 Technical Objectives/Requirements
Game Interfaces Counters 3 Actors w/behaviors Main Character Enemy Weapon Transition between two action scenes Sound Effects Background Documentation Game Design Document Peered Reviewed Use royalty free sound and images Game works all of the time

5 Required Documentation
Game Design Document Complete the One Page Concept Overview Peer Reviews At least two review from people who have played your game At least one review from someone out of your age group (teacher, parent, younger sibling, grandparent)

6 Standard Sizes for Target Platform
Screen Dimension (Pixels) iPhone Landscape 480 x 320 iPhone Portrait 320 x 480 Legacy Web Game 720 x 480 iPad Landscape 1024 x 768 iPad Portrait 768 x 1024 720P HD 1280 x 720 MacBook 1280 x 800 Game Salad Arcade Kindle/Nook Landscape 1024 x 600 Kindle/Nook Portrait 600 x 1024

7 Background Make a background image on Photoshop
Save as: meteorbackground.jpg in Meteor folder Add to media library and drag/drop into game

8 Main Character Make a main character image on Photoshop
Draw the character larger than it needs to be to save integrity of the image Save as: meteormaincharacter.png in Meteor folder PNG file will not add white border Add to media library and drag/drop into game

9 Enemy Make an enemy image on Photoshop
Save as: meteorenemy.jpg in Meteor folder Add to media library and drag/drop into game

10 Game Interface Menu screens that you come to before, during and after the game Will be added as new scenes in Game Salad

11 Start Screen Make a start screen image on Photoshop
Save as: meteorstart.jpg in Meteor folder Add to media library and drag/drop into game Your Start Screen needs a Press Start, Play, or New Game button Save as: meteorstartbutton.jpg

12 Pause Screen Make a pause screen image on Photoshop
Save as: meteorpause.jpg in Meteor folder Add to media library and drag/drop into game

13 Victory Screen Make a victory screen image on Photoshop
Save as: meteorvictory.png in Meteor folder Add to media library and drag/drop into game

14 Game Over Screen Make a game over screen image on Photoshop
Save as: meteorgameover.jpg in Meteor folder Add to media library and drag/drop into game

15 Counter (Score, Life, Damage)
Score (Actor) Text display Copy Score Actor and re-name to Main Character Armor Change the attributes

16 Timer Timer (Actor) Change timer attributes in prototype behavior

17 Common Behaviors Reset Game Reset Scene Rotate Rotate to Angle
Accelerate Animate Change Attribute Change Image Change Scene Change Size Change Velocity Collide Constrain Attributes Control Camera Destroy Display Text Group Interpolate Load Attributes Move Move To Note Particles Pause Game Pause Music Play Music Play Sound Replicate Reset Game Reset Scene Rotate Rotate to Angle Rotate to Position Rule Save Attribute Spawn Actor Stop Music Timer Unpause Game (See the Common Behaviors Handout for more detailed descriptions)

18 Actor w/behavior Main Character Movement Defining Parameters
Main Character Logic Weapons Enemy Movement/Logic

19 Main Character Movement
Key Direction Right Left 180 Up 90 Down 270

20 Defining Parameters Go to Main Character movement to the right
Type Attribute in the open field Navigate through the menu Attributes > Main Character > Position > X

21 Defining Parameters Movement Attribute Expression Right
Self.position.x Less than 420 Left Greater than 0 Up Self.position.y Less than 300 Down

22 Weapons Create a Main Character Weapon Create an Enemy Weapon Laser

23 Main Character Logic (Armor)

24 Enemy Movement

25 Transition

26 Sound Effects

27 Game Design Document Complete the one sheet concept overview
Cover Page Game Title Game Platform Game Summary Player Controls Game Outline Unique Selling Points Similar Competitive Products

28 Peer Review Questions What is the goal of this game?
What are some of the rules of the game? How are the characters moving? What changes about the game as the levels change? Rate the level of difficulty of this game (Scale of 1-5) Have you played a game that is similar to this game? Were there any glitches or errors that you found during your experience? Would you play this game again? What would you like to see changed about this game?

29 Project Reflection

30 Grading Each Technical Object/Requirement will be graded with the following point system Evaluation Points Not Included Did Not Meet Requirement 1 Met Requirement 2 Exceeded Requirements 3

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