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Drug and Alcohol Use in Young People

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Presentation on theme: "Drug and Alcohol Use in Young People"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug and Alcohol Use in Young People
Warm Welcome to all

2 Who are we???? Compass is a National Charity, aimed at improving the wellbeing of clients engaged in services such as; sexual health, substance misuse, EIS, mental health and nursing services. In Milton Keynes we offer a substance misuse service including; Targeted interventions Specialist interventions . 2 mins = 12 mins

3 Meet the team;

4 Aims of session: Trends of children and young peoples (C&YP) drug and alcohol use in Milton Keynes 2. Signs and symptoms of C&YP drug and alcohol use 3. How to ask difficult questions 4. Referral routes

5 Trends in Milton Keynes
Cannabis Alcohol Novel Psychoactive Substances Mephedrone

6 Who may identify the concern with you?
Mum Dad Guardian Grandparent Family friend Aunt Uncle Brother Sister Foster career Reception staff C/YP friend The C/YP themselves GP time is short and pressure is high.

7 Stimulant drugs Drugs including; Forms of substance MDMA/Ecstasy
Cocaine Caffeine – Energy drinks Mephedrone Amphetamine NPS – such as power, gocaine etc. Forms of substance Fine white – yellow powder Crystal powder Tablets Liquid

8 Symptoms of a stimulant
Feeling euphoric Bounds of energy Very talkative Wanting to be close Gurning Sweaty Twitchy May be paranoid/aggressive Parent discussing child talking to them as intoxicated

9 Depressant drugs Drugs including; Alcohol Solvents Opioids GBL / GHB
Benzodiazepams Forms of substance Liquid Aerosols Brown powder Tablets

10 Symptoms of a depressant
Increased confidence Unsteady and uncoordinated Slurred speech Nausea and vomiting Deep breathing Wanting to sleep In and out of consciousness Heightened emotional states

11 Hallucinogen drugs Forms of substance Dried mushrooms
Pictured sugar paper Silver canisters Dried cannabis leaves Resin Cannabis oil Dried plant matter sprayed with cannabinoid substance Drugs include; Magic Mushrooms LSD NOS Ketamine Cannabis NPS - Cannabinoids

12 Symptoms of a hallucinogen
Munchies Distorted realities Grandiose Paranoid Anxious/scared Bewildered Wanting to touch 10 mins 1. 05– 11.05

13 How to have the difficult conversations...
Ask parents / guardians to leave the room – Young people are normally more honest when their parent is out of the room Confidentiality – Share clear guidance with the young person and their parents about your confidentiality policies so they know what may happen if they share Ensure to remain composed – The majority of young people do not use drugs however those who do, may have started from a very young age and tried a mixture of different substances Avoid the use of jargon – C&YP will not tell you if they do not understand

14 How to have the difficult conversations continued…
Rapport – Some young people are nervous about speaking to someone in authority. Help them to build professional rapport with you by asking C&YP about what they do with their friends, where they spend their time etc. This will give you signs that they may be using but also develop the rapport. Questions -Ask open questions such as ‘how do you feel about that? This way the other person will feel more able to share. Be patient and listen to what they have to say– the more you listen the more comfortable the other person will feel. The young person should do at least 50% of the talking.

15 How to have the difficult conversation continued……
Honesty – Give the young person examples of information which is concerning you and this is why you want to talk because you are concerned. Referring / Signposting – Be clear about the compass referral routes, what we offer and how we work with C&YP, this will make them feel safer with the process. You could also call us while the patient is with you to make the referral…

16 Compass referral Referral can be made over the phone / via post / via Egress switch account On receiving referral we will contact the client within 24 hours Assessment will be offered within 5 working days Any C/YP who has used drugs or alcohol can be referred. We also work with C&YP at risk of using, e.g. if their friends are using We deliver CBT, MI, BSFT sessions with young people for as long as is needed to support them to meet their goals We see young people at school, at home, in the community – in a place they feel safe to meet Compass work in a holistic way, it is never just DRUGS or ALCOHOL.

17 Any Questions?

18 Compass Simply call us on Patients under 18 - 01908 691911
Patients 18 or above –

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