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Ephesians 4:1-6.

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1 Ephesians 4:1-6

2 One God

3 Unity Of God One Infinite, Eternal, Self-existent Being; One Essence
This One Essence is Undivided, and Indivisible! How do we Know There is Only One God? Deuteronomy 6:4 “the Lord is One!” Mark 12:29 Deuteronomy 4:35,39; Isaiah Chapters 40-50; 1 Corinthians 8:4,6; 1 Timothy 2:5; Romans 3:30

4 1 Corinthians 8:6 Father is GOD Acts 5:3,4 Holy Spirit is GOD
ONE GOD Father, Son and Holy Spirit All Referred to as GOD in the NT. 1 Corinthians 8:6 Father is GOD John 1:1 Christ is GOD Acts 5:3,4 Holy Spirit is GOD

5 Not Three Gods That Are One
ONE Infinite Spiritual Essence 3 Personal Distinctions Loving and Being Loved Distinct but NOT Separate Part in Creation & Salvation

6 Historical Ideas c.a. 215 AD, Sabellius taught that divine substance assumes different forms or manifestations – but never more than ONE at a time: Father from creation to birth of Christ Son from birth of Christ to the accomplishment of salvation for mankind. Holy Spirit continues in the role of revelation and sanctification today Biblical Truth Shows This To Be False

7 Historical Ideas 4th Century AD– Monarchianism, Unitarianism:
Sole Unipersonal God Denies the Deity of Christ The Father Only is Truly God Socinians of 16th Century Revived this, and it held by Jehovah’s Witnesses and Unitarians today Biblical Truth Shows This To Be False

8 Historical Ideas 6th Century AD– Tritheism – Three Separate Gods in a Union: Only True Unity is in Cooperation of Though and Action Doctrine revived in the 17th Century by a Dr. Sherlock Another Form of Polytheism! Biblical Truth Shows This To Be False

9 TRUTH FOUND IN John 10:30 “I and my Father are One”
“One” here is “neuter gender, indicating ONE SUBSTANCE rather than ONE PERSONALITY.” Old Testament – two words translated “ONE” – YACHID = only one, or an absolute one.” & ACHID = a united one. Genesis 2:24 “one flesh” = ACHID Exodus 26:6,11 “one tabernacle”=ACHID Deuteronomy 6:4 ACHID = a united ONE

10 TRUTH FOUND IN Genesis 1:1; 3:22 “GOD” – Hebrew ELOHIM – Masculine Gender noun, PLURAL. Genesis 11:7 “let US go down” Genesis 1:26 “let US make man” Deuteronomy 6:4 “our GOD [PLURAL] is ONE [a UNITED ONE]” Ecclesiastes 12:1 “creator” = Plural

11 TRUTH FOUND IN Some Try To Remove Any Distinctions Between The Three!
Bible Does Not Allow us to Do That Matthew 3:16,17 – Jesus in the WATER – Father spoke from HEAVEN- Holy Spirit descended like a DOVE – all three present, yet DISTINCT! Luke 1:35; Matthew 1:18-23 – JESUS begotten – BY the HOLY SPIRIT – Called SON OF GOD

12 TRUTH FOUND IN Some Try To Remove Any Distinctions Between The Three!
Bible Does Not Allow us to Do That John 15:26 – Jesus speaking to Apostles Jesus Was The SPEAKER Would Send COMFORTER (the Holy Spirit) From the FATHER All Three DISTINCT PERSONALITIES! Matthew 29:19; Acts 7:55; Romans 11:36; 8:11; Ephesians 2:18,21,22; Galatians 4:6; Hebrews 9:14; Jude 20,21

Jesus Was Deceptive! John 5:23,36 Father had sent Him! John 14:12 He was going to His Father! – Was He Deceiving Them! Jesus Was NOT The SON OF GOD! John 8:54 His Father, GOD, Honors Him! Honoring HIMSELF? John 10:36 Boldly Declares Himself to BE THE SON OF GOD! Was He a LIAR?

14 TRUTH FOUND IN John 8:16: “For I am not alone, but I am with the Father Who sent Me.” Jesus ONE, the Father ANOTHER – that is TWO and NOT ONE ALONE! John 8 17,18 – TWO Testimonies TRUE – HIS and the FATHER’S. IF not DISTINCT Testimony is INVALID! John 5:31-37 – ANOTHER in verse 32 with reference to God = another of the same class” “another of the same sort”

15 Coequality of the Godhead Father – Son - Holy Spirit
Eternal – Isa Rev. 1: Heb. 9:14 Creator Cor. 8:6- Col. 1: Job 33:4 Omni-Present Jer. 23:24- Matt. 28:20 – Psa. 139:7

16 Each Has Work All Work Together
Subjection of Jesus? John 14:28 “My Father is greater than I” How Could He Be Equal with The Father and Say This? Philippians 2:5-8 Christ Left Equality in State For A Time The Power was His to lay it aside and take the Form of a Man

17 Ephesians 4:6 Christians to keep the “Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” Of Whom is God the Father here? “ALL” must be understood in context to refer to Christians “Over All” = Supreme Power “Through All” = He Fills the Universe “In you All” = refers to Christians Ephesians 2:22; 1 Corinthians 6:19

18 One God And Father YOUR FATHER?

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