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Period 1 comic strip &welcome to the unit

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1 Period 1 comic strip &welcome to the unit
Unit 2 Travelling Period 1 comic strip &welcome to the unit

2 must be fun go skiing take photos
Translation 1去旅行 2 肯定很有意思 3带…出去 4看美景 5去滑雪 6照相 go on a trip must be fun take …. out see the beautiful view go skiing take photos

3 7随身带着… 8拿着包 9去远足 10.加油,快点 15的一个象征 bring … with take the bag go hiking
come on hurry up be quick a symbol of

4 Travelling = going on a trip 1 Do you like travelling?
2 What’s your feeling when you go on a trip? 3 When do people usually go on a trip? 4 What things would you prepare for your trip? be excited during holiday What are they doing? money, packing, food, map …

5 Eddie and Hobo 1.What is Eddie doing? 2.Does Hobo want to go too?
3.What is Hobo doing? What does he want to do ? 4.Is Eddie happy at last? He is going on a trip to South Hill. Yes. He wants to join Eddie. He is packing. He wants to bring everything with him. No. He has to carry a heavy bag

6 go on a trip to South Hill I’ve been there many times .

7 must be fun join sb take sb out for a few days

8 bring everything with me
bring…with… bring everything with me

9 come on take the bag I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.

10 Act out the dialogue

11 Hobo: Hey, Eddie.______ are you ______?
Eddie: I’m _____ ______ a trip. Hobo: It _____ ______fun. Can I _____ you ? Eddie: OK.______ me ______ you out ______ a few days. What are you doing, Hobo? Hobo: I’m ________.I want to _______ everything _____me. I’m so ________. Come on .Eddie.______ the bag. ________go. Eddie: I _______ think it’ll _______ a holiday ______ me. Where going going on must be join Let take for packing bring with excited Take Let’s don’t be for

12 Do you know them? Popular tourist attractions
When you ask Ss please use questions “what is it?” “Where is it?” “what can we do?” Popular tourist attractions

13 the Great Wall popular tourist attractions ( Beijing, China )
What’s this? climb the Great Wall, take photos, enjoy its beauty its view Where is it? What can people do there?

14 The Statue of Liberty New York , the USA take photos Mount Fuji Tokyo, Japan go skiing go hiking

15 Take photos and see the beautiful view
the Leaning Tower of Pisa Pisa, Italy take photos The little Mermaid Copenhagen, Denmark tail Take photos and see the beautiful view

16 Take photos and see the beautiful view
the Tower Bridge London, England Take photos and see the beautiful view the Great Wall Beijing China Go hiking Take photos and see the beautiful view

17 Popular tourist attractions
Finish Part A on p25

18 the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Fill in the blanks Tourist Attractions Country City Copenhagen Mount Fuji Italy the Great Wall China Beijing the USA England London the Eiffel Tower the Little Mermaid Denmark Japan Tokyo the Leaning Tower of Pisa Pisa the Statue of Liberty New York the Tower Bridge France Paris

19 What’s this? It’s Mount Fuji in Japan—a symbol of Japan. What can people do there ? They can go skiing there.

20 Make a simple dialogue go hiking go skiing see the beautiful view
take photos …… What’s this? It’s _________ in _______—________ What can people do there? They can ________there.

21 the leaning Tower of Pisa
Exercise 按要求填空 You can take many photos in Italy because ____________________ is so great! There is a famous mountain in Japan and you can or _________ or __________in _____________ In Denmark, __________________ is about a lovely and kind princess. In China,____________ is one of wonders (奇迹)of the world and we can see ____________ the leaning Tower of Pisa go hiking go skiing Mount Fuji the Little Mermaid the Great Wall the beautiful view

22 It must be(肯定是,表示对现在情况的 肯定推测,否定推测用“can’t be”) fun.
Notes: It must be(肯定是,表示对现在情况的 肯定推测,否定推测用“can’t be”) fun. 1._我的手表在哪里?-肯定在你桌子上,我刚才看见了. -Where’s my watch?-It______ ______on your desk. I_________it there______ _____. 2.我父亲已去了日本,他肯定不在他的学校. My father______ ________ _________Japan. He______ ______in this school. 3.我女儿今天可能在家,我拿不准. My daughter________ ________at home today, but I’m _______ ________. must be saw just now has gone to can’t be may be not sure

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