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2 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW The Interviewer will ask for specific examples from your past experiences to determine if you can provide evidence of your skills in a certain area – the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.  Although the interviewer is having you recount stories from your past, they are really trying to imagine how you would handle similar situations in the future. Recount stories :to ​describe how something ​happened, or to ​tell a ​story:He recounted his ​adventures since he had ​left ​home.

3 When deciding what examples from your past to use, consider the following:
The more recent the behavior, the better its predictive power. The more long-lasting the behavior, the better its predictive power. Prepare yourself for the probable skill areas the employer will be interested in and will, therefore, likely be asked about in the interview. Determine this by reviewing the job description.

This format is highly structured in that hypothetical situations are described and applicants are asked to explain what they would do in these situations.  Interviewers may use a scoring guide consisting of sample answers to evaluate and score each applicant’s answers. hypothetical: imaginary bias: unfairness demeanor: somebody's behavior, manner, or appearance, especially as it reflects on character

5 STRUCTURED INTERVIEW This format combines the situational interview with a variety of other types of interview questions.  Typically, each candidate is asked the same set of questions and their answers are compared to a scoring guide and rated.  The goal of this approach is to reduce interviewer bias and to help make an objective decision about the best candidate.

Questions here are based on the individual’s application documents such as their résumé and so different variants of a question will be asked to each applicant. Without structured guidelines, the conversation can be free-flowing, thus making this method of interviewing the most prone to bias, but allowing the interviewer to get a more natural and perhaps more realistic sense of who you are.  Although this type of interview may seem more casual, and may even occur over lunch or dinner, you must still be well-prepared and maintain a professional demeanor. Be careful not to provide information you would not have communicated if the interview was more structured. SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW This format is a blend of structured and unstructured, where the interviewer will ask a small list of similar questions to all candidates along with some questions pertaining to your resume.

7 CASE INTERVIEW The case interview format is popular among consulting firms. It gives the interviewer a good idea of you ability to solve problems ‘on the spot’ – an important skill for any consultant. This interview format is also designed to assess logical thought processes, quantitative skills, business knowledge, general knowledge, creativity, and communication skills. TESTING/ASSESSMENT It is common for employers to use standardized tests or work simulation exercises to assess a candidates fit to the position or to test work-related competencies. Testing is usually done after an initial screening process and can be a very costly process for the employer. HOME -ASSIGNMENT 1)Give synonym: Interview 2) Give antonym: structured 3) Give meaning : a) skills b) simulation c) competencies d) standardized 4) Make a sentence using the following words/phrases: a) on the spot b) ability c) employer

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