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Internationalisation and the UWE Student Experience

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Presentation on theme: "Internationalisation and the UWE Student Experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internationalisation and the UWE Student Experience
Enhancing our services, sharing our ideas, and developing our networks Leanne Bowden, Global Student Support Coordinator

2 UWE International Student Facts and Figures
3116 International Students 30,819 Total UWE Students 10% of student population is international

3 Institutional Strategy
UWE Internationalisation Strategy: “Bristol UWE wishes to…become a truly international university in the West of England, one which embraces global citizenship…The principal goal…is seamlessly to integrate the international perspective into all aspects of University life...” No. 3 (of five strategic objectives): “Continue to develop and enhance the experience of international students and the infrastructure which supports that experience…” AIM 5 LTA Strategy: To develop learners … in global settings and as global citizens

4 Motivation of Student Services Study:
New UWE Internationalisation Strategy and Student Services Department reorganisation Purpose of Study: To get ideas and perspectives on improving the student experience of international students To understand if a need exists for a centralised coordinator role/team

5 Study highlighted the need to…
Develop a role to coordinate activities and information across the institution to enhance the international student experience to ensure quality and consistency to facilitate networking opportunities- encouraging all staff to work more effectively together Have specialised international careers advice Create a central international contact point Support international student integration and cross-cultural exchanges

6 University Response University commitment: internally funded two-year pilot project Global Student Support Team Coordinator, International Careers Advisor, Administrator, student interns

7 Central International Hub
Global Student Support Staff Network- opportunities for staff development, sharing of good practice, across-campus coordination of international activities and support Cross-cultural exchanges/activities for home and international students Thank you! The year ahead… 2009

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