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Matchbook Project for The Westing Game.

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1 Matchbook Project for The Westing Game

2 File Folder Instructions
Write Your Name and Hour on the Tab This will be stored in the ELA Class Hour Bin IF you take it home to work on it MUST come back to class the next school day! Keep the inside and outside of the folder clean of doodling, dirt, etc.

3 The Matchbook Paper After completing a certain number of chapters in The Westing Game, you will receive a white strip of paper Fold the bottom portion up ½ inch Then fold the top portion down to line up with the crease at the ½ inch at the bottom This top portion will be able to tuck snuggly into the bottom tab to “close” it Each one you receive will be stored in the plastic bag inside the manilla folder

4 On the Matchbook Outside: on the bottom tab write - Chapter/s _______ (put in the number/s of the appropriate chapter/s not a line Outside: on the top fold over, draw and color your favorite scene from the chapter/s Inside: Write a sentence summary of the chapter/s = this should contain the MOST important events

5 Folder Cover On the front cover of the folder, you will be creating a new book cover for The Westing Game This will be completed later in the book so you have ideas of what you want to add/use for a picture Remember, the author’s name and title of the novel MUST be included in the new book cover!

6 Example Matchbook Folders

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