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Abstract Art Non-representational art, or art departing from representational accuracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Abstract Art Non-representational art, or art departing from representational accuracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abstract Art Non-representational art, or art departing from representational accuracy.

2 They mainly used color and shape in their paintings to show emotions.
Abstract artists felt that paintings did not have to show only things that were recognizable. In their paintings they did not try to show people, animals, or places exactly as they appeared in the real world. They mainly used color and shape in their paintings to show emotions. Some Abstract art is also called Non-objective art. In non-objective art, you do not see specific objects. It is not painted to look like something specific.

3 1 2 3 6 4 5

4 You Must Choose: Your abstract painting must be in one of the following styles: Abstract Expressionism Surrealism Cubism

5 Abstract Expressionism
A non-representational painting style showing feelings and emotions. The artists that painted in this style were more concerned with having their paintings express a feeling than in making the painting look exactly like what they were painting.








13 Cubism Cubist paintings are not supposed to look real.
The artist uses geometric shapes to show what s/he is trying to paint. Early cubists used mainly grays, browns, greens, and yellows. After 1914, Cubists started to use brighter colors. Cubism was the beginning of the Abstract and Non-objective art styles.







20 Surrealist paintings were generally based on dreams.
Surrealism Surrealist paintings were generally based on dreams. The paintings were filled with familiar objects which were painted to look strange or mysterious. The artists hoped their odd paintings would make people look at things in a different way and change the way they felt about things. They thought that their paintings might stir up feelings in the back of peoples minds.









29 Color Schemes Color schemes are ways to create a mood or feeling by simply using specific colors.

30 Monochromatic Color Scheme
Using different shades of one hue (color).

31 Complementary Color Scheme
Using colors across from each other on the color wheel.

32 Analogous Color Scheme
Using colors beside each other on the color wheel.

33 Cool Colors Blues, Greens, and Violets (Purple).
These colors create feelings of sadness, quiet, peacefulness, etc. Think of the ocean, grass, rain, etc.

34 Warm Colors Reds, Oranges, and Yellows
These colors create feelings of excitement, anger, passion, loudness, etc. Think of the sun and fire.

35 Abstract Painting – Authentic Assessment #2
DUE DATE: Tuesday, February 22 (You have 7 class periods to work on this.) 1. Choose your style (Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism). 2. Create a sketch, in color, to show what your painting will look like. 3. Get sketch OK’d by Mrs. Miles, then start your painting. 4. Use your class time wisely & work every day.

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