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NAME / Lamiaa Fathy Asal

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2 NAME / Lamiaa Fathy Asal
Specialization / poultry Advisor / prof .Dr Hassan saber zeweil

3 Effect of SUBSTITUTION some untraditional sources of proteins FOR SOYBEAN MEAL IN DIETS of New Zealand White rabbits

4 Introduction Since the discovery of mad cow disease in the last decade, soybean meal have increased demands and accordingly raised its feeding cost. In Egypt, there is a continuous increase in the prices of traditional plant protein sources such as soybean meal, owing to its universal use. Therefore, search for cheaper alternative vegetable protein sources Is urgent. There are a large amount of crops, vegetables and fruit residues could be a new source of feedstuff with low price and high quality proteins which can be used to solve feed shortage and produce least cost diets for rabbits.

5 NIGELLA SEEDS Nigella seed (Nigella sativa) frequently referred to as black cumin, serves as an important medical crop in many countries and is primarily consumed as medical oil; second, Nigella seed meal (NSM) after oil removal can be used as a protein-rich meal.NSM contains most of the essential amino acids, with crude protein about 33% (EL-Nattat and ELKady,2007) .Nigella sativa control and buffer the condition of the stomach and intestine (Projapati et al., 2003). The black cumin seeds contain thymoquinine that has antibacterial, and immunopotentiating activities via increasing neuterophil of the body against infection (Kanter et al., 2005). Black cumin oil and its derivatives inhibit eicosanoid generation in leukocytes and membrane lipid peroxidation (El-Dakhakhny et al., 2002). Besides, the seeds contain eight essential amino acids that improve natural immune system activity (Omar et al., 1999).

6 ROCKET SEEDS Production of rocket in Egypt has been stead increased for the strong demand to volatile oils for pharmaceutical purpose. This plant was found to be incarnate the body condition to counteract the stress of illness (Eisenberg et al., 1993).The rocket seeds contain carotenoids, vitamin C, flavonoids such as appiin and luteolin and glucosinolates the precursors of isothiocyanates and sulfaraphene (Talalay and Fahey, 2001), volatileoils like myristicin, apiole β-phellandrene (Bradley, 1992; Leung and Foster, 1996). Glucosinolates were found to have several biological activities including anticarcinogenic, antifungal, antibacterial plus their antioxidant action (Kim et al., 2004). They also contain Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and other elements (Abdo, 2003) After oil removal, rocket seed meal which increase immune response. (RSM)could be used as a protein-rich meal for feeding rabbits with crude protein about 32% (El-Nattat and El-Kady, 2007). This product is expected to increase in near future due to high demand of the extracted oil .


8 EXPERIMENTAL Diets 5%RSM 10.5%RSM 9 rabbits 9 rabbits 0%RSM 21%RSM

9 Mineral and vitamin premix1 Chemical composition (%DM):
Table 1: Feed ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental diets RSM 21% RSM 10.5% RSM 5% RSM 0% (Control) Ingredients (%) 29.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 Clover hay 15.0 18.0 20.0 Yellow corn 19.3 16.3 14.5 Wheat bran 11.0 12.0 12.3 Barley grain - 7.5 11.3 Soybean meal 21.0 10.5 5.2 Rocket seed meal 3.0 Molasses 1.0 Limestone 0.5 Common salt 0.2 Mineral and vitamin premix1 Chemical composition (%DM): 92.5 92.7 92.9 93.1 Dry matter (%) 92.6 92.8 Organic matter 15.7 15.8 16.0 Crude protein 3.6 3.2 2.9 2.7 Ether extract Crude fiber 61.3 61.8 62.3 62.2 Nitrogen free extract 3176 3162 3148 3136 DE (kcal/kg DM) 1Vitamin and mineral premix per kg contained: Vit. A 2.000,000 IU, Vit. D3 150,000IU, Vit. K 0.33 mg, Bit. B g, Vit.B2 1.0 g, Vit. B6 0.33g, Vit. B mg, Pantothenic acid 3.33 g, Biotin 33 mg, Folic acid 0.83, Choline chloride 200 mg, Zn 11.7 g, Mn 5.0 g, Fe 12.5g, Mg 66.7 mg, Se 16.6 mg, Co 1.33 mg, Cu 0.5 g, I 16.6 mg and Antioxidant 10.0 g

10 Results

11 Initial body weight (g) Total feed consumption (g)
Table 2: Effect of dietary replacement of SBM by RSM on growth performance Experimental diets Significance RSM 21% RSM 10.5% RSM 5% RSM 0% (Control) NS 921 927 957 942 Initial body weight (g) 0.01 878±47.3b 1042±21.2a 924±39.3b 905±19.0b Total weight gain (g) 4008±4.9a 4004±8.8a 3978±19.4ab 3953±24.7b Total feed consumption (g) 4.57±0.25a 3.84±0.36c 4.21±0.19b 4.38±0.40ab Feed conversion ratio - 8/9 7/9 Viability (n)

12 Apparent digestibility coefficients:
Table 3: Effects of dietary replacement of SBM by RSM on nutrients digestibility coefficients and diets nutritive value Experimental diets RSM 0% RSM 5% RSM 10.5% RSM 21% Significance Apparent digestibility coefficients: Dry matter (DM) 74.2±3.1b 74.0±1.5b 77.5±2.2a 70.8±2.1c 0.01 Organic matter (OM) 73.8±1.4b 73.6±2.5b 77.3±0.8a 70.0±1.9c Crude protein (CP) 66.2±1.0b 68.9±1.4a 69.1±0.8a 66.0±1.3b Ether extract (EE) 82.3±2.8 85.5±3.6 84.3±1.0 81.5±1.4 NS Crude fiber (CF) 38.4±2.1c 49.6±0.6b 53.4±2.2a 40.1±0.9bc Nitrogen free extract (NFE) 80.2±3.1ab 78.8±1.9ab 83.6±2.7a 76.2±1.2b 0.05 Nutritive value: Digestible protein (%) 10.6±0.11b 10.9±0.20a 10.9±0.13a 10.4±0.14b ME (kcal/kg DM)1 3047±77b 3040±75b 3178±33a 2921±77c

13 Experimental diets Significance RSM 0% (Control) RSM 5% RSM 10.5%
Table 4: Effect of dietary replacement of SBM protein by RSM protein on carcass traits and serum blood constituents Experimental diets Significance RSM 0% (Control) RSM 5% RSM 10.5% RSM 21% Total protein (gm/dl) 6.07±0.06c 6.47±0.16b 6.92±0.09a 6.15±0.03c 0.05 Albumen (gm/dl) 4.42±0.24 4.77±0.04 4.91±0.05 4.51±0.24 NS Globulin (gm/dl) 1.68±0.22b 1.70±0.12b 2.00±0.11a 1.64±0.21b 0.01 Total lipids (mg/dl) 264±3.52 259±5.81 254±0.87 256±2.05 Cholesterol (mg/dl) 69.9±0.95b 72.2±0.37a 73.1±0.38a 73.6±0.07a Urea-N (mg/dl) 30.2±1.26 30.1±0.58 29.9±0.80 30.7±0.42 GPT (U/ml) 33.5±7.77 32.0±4.24 29.1±2.90 29.0±1.79

14 Conclusion

15 It can be concluded that rocket seed meal at 10
It can be concluded that rocket seed meal at 10.5% level of the diet in NZW rabbits had the best results without adverse effects on the growth performance, kidney or liver function, however further studies are needed in this aspect.


17 EXPERIMENTAL Diets 6%NSM 12%NSM 9 rabbits 9 rabbits o%NSM 24%NSM


19 Results

20 Initial body weight (g) Total feed consumption (g)
Table 2: Effect of different levels of NSM on growth performance Experimental diets Significance NSM 0%(Control) NSM 6% NSM 12% NSM 24% Initial body weight (g) 896 900 890 902 NS Total weight gain (g) 971±12b 991±10b 1046±15a 883±19c 0.01 Total feed consumption (g) 3989±14c 4075±22b 4144±20a 3911±18d Feed conversion ratio 4.11±0.26ab 4.11±0.08ab 3.96±0.11b 4.43±0.12a 0.05 Viability (n) 8/9 9/9 7/9

21 Table 3: Effect of different levels of NSM on digestibility coefficients of nutrients and nutritive values Experimental diets Significance NSM 0% (Control) NSM 6% NSM 12% NSM 24% Apparent digestibility coefficients: Dry matter (DM) 76.6±0.29b 76.8±0.49b 78.4±0.42a 73.8±0.39c 0.05 Organic matter (OM) 77.6±0.54b 78.1±1.08b 80.8±0.58a 75.3± 0.25c Crude protein (CP) 84.6±0.45b 84.3±0.12b 86.5±0.48a 83.6±0.37c 0.01 Ether extract (EE) 85.9±0.99 87.4±1.82 86.8±1.35 83.6±1.28 NS Crude fiber (CF) 54.5±1.29b 57.6±0.68a 58.7±1.34a 50.2±1.14c Nitrogen free extract (NFE) 79.5±0.25b 81.0±0.30ab 83.1±0.67a 75.4±0.78c Nutritive value of diets: Digestible protein (%) 13.9±0.19ab 13.9±0.18ab 14.0±0.08a 13.7±0.27b Metabolisable energy (kcal/kg DM)* 3142±26b 3152±18b 3212±24a 3034±34c 1According to Maertens and de Groote (1987) 

22 Table 4: Effect of different levels of NSM on serum blood constituents
Experimental diets Significance NSM 0% (Control) NSM 6% NSM 12% NSM 24% Total protein (gm/dl) 6.31±0.02b 6.57±0.03a 6.66±0.07a 5.95±0.03c 0.01 Albumen (gm/dl) 4.03±0.04b 4.10±0.03b 4.42±0.05a 3.54±0.10c Globulin (gm/dl) 2.28±0.02 2.47±0.02 2.23±0.08 2.41±0.08 NS Total lipids (mg/dl) 262±0.9 263±1.3 264±0.1 Cholesterol (mg/dl) 69.6±0.24d 74.6±0.24c 76.9±0.07b 78.4±0.34a Urea-N (mg/dl) 31.0±0.4a 28.8±0.3c 30.8±0.2a 30.0±0.1b GPT (U/ml) 32.5±3.5 34.2±7.2 30.5±2.1 33.5±6.4 a, c Means in the same row bearing different letters, differ significantly (P≤0.05)

23 Conclusion

24 It could be recommended to use Nigella seed meal in NZW rabbit diets as a non-traditional source of plant protein up to 12% without harmful effects on the growth performance and blood constituents. Further studies needed from the practical point of view.


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