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R.E.A.L. Term Co-Op Experience

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Presentation on theme: "R.E.A.L. Term Co-Op Experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 R.E.A.L. Term Co-Op Experience
Realistic Education and Authentic Learning Tuesday, April This template can be used as a starter file for presenting training materials in a group setting. Sections Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors. On the Home tab under Slides, click Section, and then click Add Section. Notes Use the Notes pane for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. You can see these notes in Presenter View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production) Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes. Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale. Graphics, tables, and graphs Keep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors. Label all graphs and tables.

2 Top Ten Tips for a successful internship experience:
ARRIVE ON TIME Wear Appropriate clothing Behave in a professional manner Have a positive attitude Ask questions Contribute your ideas to the team Be self-motivated Put away your phones & earbuds and pay full attention when with co-workers. Listen carefully and remember what they say. Use positive body language… SMILE! Enjoy yourself Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important. Introduce each of the major topics. To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.

3 #1 Arrive on time (if not early)
There will be traffic, leave early! 1 Before your first day do a practice run. 2 If you are sick and can’t make it, be sure to your supervisor before you are supposed to be there and let GWCS know as well. 3 This is another option for an overview slide.

4 #2 Wear Appropriate Clothing Look at your confirmation sheet – what does it say to wear?
Professional office: Boys: Slacks (or khakis) and a button down shirt. Possibly Tie. No jeans. 1 Professional office: Girls: Dresses, skirts/blouse, nice pants and nice top. No revealing clothes, and no jeans. 2 Other: Possibly closed toed shoes (outside work), dress for weather or to get dirty. 3 This is another option for an overview slide.

5 #3 Behave in a professional manner
Shake hands when you meet someone. 1 Establish eye contact when listening and talking. 2 Avoid using slang words. 3 This is another option for an overview slide.

6 #4 Have a positive attitude
Accept all assignments, even the ones you don’t want to do. 1 Greet people with a smile and repeat their name. 2 Thank them at the end of each day. 3 This is another option for an overview slide.

7 #5 Ask Questions and #6 Contribute your ideas to the team
Don’t be afraid to speak up and add to the conversations. 1 Tell stories when appropriate, they want to learn more about you as a person. 2 Ask questions. That’s what you are there for and they’ll expect it. 3 This is another option for an overview slide.

8 #7 Be Self-Motivated 1 2 3 Once you finish a task ask to do more.
If you see someone needing assistance, offer your help. 2 If there are additional opportunities outside your internship schedule, ask to join in on the event. 3 This is another option for an overview slide.

9 #8 Pay Attention Pay full attention when with co-workers. Don’t check your phones or wear your ear buds while engaging with others. 1 Listen carefully when getting instructions or when host is sharing their ideas, and try to remember what they say. 2 Instead of just nodding when your host is sharing information with you, ask questions. It shows you are listening to them. 3 This is another option for an overview slide.

10 #9 Use Positive Body Language
Smile! Most people mimic what the person across from them does. So if you smile, they will smile. If you frown all the time, they will get a negative feeling too. What will the audience be able to do after this training is complete? Briefly describe each objective and how the audience will benefit from this presentation.

11 #10 Enjoy Yourself! This is a wonderful opportunity and a fabulous learning experience. Just have fun with it. What will the audience be able to do after this training is complete? Briefly describe each objective and how the audience will benefit from this presentation.

12 Microsoft Engineering Excellence
Questions? Microsoft Confidential

13 Microsoft Engineering Excellence
Your Host Thank you, Host Supervisor’s Name, for providing me with this wonderful opportunity at HOST BUSINESS NAME. I am excited to get started on Friday, April 21st and to begin learning more about your industry. I appreciate your willingness to share your enthusiasm about your career and look forward to working with you. See you soon, STUDENT NAME Microsoft Confidential

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