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Cheikh Mouhamed Fadel Kebe

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1 Cheikh Mouhamed Fadel Kebe
Etude de la performance et de la fiabilité des modules solaires PV en Afrique Subsaharienne (Senegal, Call 2016) Nicolas Wyrsch Photovoltaics and thin-film electronics laboratory (PV-lab), EPFL Cheikh Mouhamed Fadel Kebe Centre International de Formation et de Recherche en Energie Solaire (CIFRES), EPS Dakar Seed Money Conference 2016

2 Project scope and goals
Degradation mechanisms of solar modules in sub-saharian climatic conditions Goals Start a collaboration between CIFRES and PV-lab Exchange of modules and methodology Get preliminary modules monitoring results Explore opportunities for continuation projects Seed Money Conference 2016

3 Project activities Degraded solar modules sent from CIFRES to PV-lab
Detailed investigations of these degraded solar modules Partial delamination Cracks «Snail tracks» Seed Money Conference 2016

4 Project activities New solar modules fully characterized at PV-lab and sent to CIFRES Installation of modules on two sites for long term monitoring (first site running, second to be set ASAP) Exchange of module evaluation and monitoring data Mission of PV-lab to CIFRES (end of October) Mission of CIFRES to PV-lab (this week) Plans for improvements of the monitoring platforms in Senegal Exploration of possible continuation projects (scope and funding) Drafting of a project proposal to continue and strengthen the collaboration Seed Money Conference 2016

5 Challenges and problems
Logistics Choice of module due to cost of shipping modules  Smaller modules, but should still be representative of full size module Climatic conditions (rain season)  Delays Availability of material and equipments in Dakar Need for simple and cost effective solutions Solutions adapted for local environment Impossibility to directly transfer solutions developed at PVLAB Set up a low cost solar module monitoring system Budget Seed money helpful Need for a full fledge project Seed Money Conference 2016

6 Opportunities Help PV development where it could make a big change
Provide useful expertise on the choice of technology Help develop adapted technique and methodology Enable a raising in confidence for PV solutions Develop low cost monitoring system to test materials, equipment and evaluate local PV potential Set up a long term collaboration to support PV deployment in Senegal (possibility to duplicate the scheme in other countries) Seed Money Conference 2016

7 Experience of PV-lab Collaboration experience with foreign partners:
Mutual commitment to help the development of PV, but means and problems are very different Allowed PVLAB to understand the bottlenecks for PV deployment in Senegal (and African countries) Very rich and fruitful exchanges Looking for opportunities / funding to establish long term collaboration Seed Money Conference 2016

8 Experience of CIFRES Collaboration experience with EPFL researchers:
The major lesson we learn from this project is a rich and beautiful collaborative experience. Approach was simple with a coherence in the collaboration on a common thematic of research Assessment of the contributions of the different actors involved: Exploiting complementarity in our skills and technical capacities The good common comprehension of the thematic was a good point to undertake challenges quickly Starting by a small project with real activities in field was a good approach to better involved researchers Seed Money Conference 2016

9 Benefit of seed funding
Seed funding was essential to start a collaboration and first exchanges Budget cut unfortunatly delay full deployment of the project actvities (will be financed by PVLAB) Allows EPFL to have a rather clear view of the PV market in Senegal and assess the problems Allows discussions on concrete possibilities to extend and enlarge collaboration Allows for a first good experience in term of technology transfer A concret initiative in term of north/south research collaboration on a prospective thematic such as degradation of solar pannels in Sahelian region Seed Money Conference 2016

10 Outlook Continue the exchanges and collaboration between ESP and EPFL
Exchange of monitoring data Exchange of experience Look for more monitoring sites Develop simple low cost monitoring station Continue to explore possible financing sources Finalize and submit project proposal (according to financing) Seed Money Conference 2016

11 Thank you for your attention
Seed Money Conference 2016

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