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The French and Indian War pp

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1 The French and Indian War pp. 108-112
Ch. 4 Sect. 4 The French and Indian War pp

2 The British Take Action
The French were building forts throughout the Great Lakes Region and Ohio R. Valley Alliances with Native Am allowed French to control St. Lawrence R. and south along Miss. R. to New Orleans


4 Braddock Marches to Duquesne
Gen. Braddock w/Washington as an aid, marched w/1400 redcoats and militia to Ft. Duquesne Not used to wilderness fighting the British were ambushed by French and Native American troops 1000 British soldiers killed including Braddock

5 Britain declares war and Pitt takes charge
War in Europe called Seven Years War French troops captured British forts (including Lake George) and Native Americans began raiding frontier farms William Pitt acting as Prime Minister changed war Threw more money on the war and appointed younger generals, Jeffrey Amherst and James Wolfe

6 The Fall of New France Quebec was the capital of New France on the St. Lawrence R. James Wolfe’s troops overwhelmed France’s Gen. Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham—both killed during the battle which ended the war in North America



9 The Treaty of Paris--1763 Ended the war
France gave Britain Canada and lands east of the Mississippi R. plus Florida from Spain Spain gained land west of the Miss. R. and New Orleans Marked the end of France as a power in North America

10 Trouble on the Frontier Pontiac’s War
The French loss left the Native Americans w/o allies and trading partners British settlers moved on to Native American lands Pontiac, an Ottawa chief, tried to unite Indian allies, and stop the settlers War ended in 1765, when allies were defeated

11 The Proclamation of 1763 In order to halt settlers expansion, the British set the Appalachian Mountains as a western boundary The proclamation angered western land speculators, who wanted to profit from selling land

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