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KISA Retreat Friday, April 21, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "KISA Retreat Friday, April 21, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 KISA Retreat Friday, April 21, 2017

2 Agenda State Aid Analysis Health Care Landscape Teacher Staffing Data
Regional Service Model Collaborative Services – Special Education Review

3 State Aid Analysis

4 Sec 6 - Calculation of Blended Count for Foundation Payments
Final - 90%/10% (Fall 2016/Spring 2016) Sec 20 - Foundation Allowance Increase Final - basic $8,229 (+$60); minimum foundation $7,511 (+$120) Sec 20m Foundation Allowance Increase (20j) Final - reinstate Sec. 20j payments, under Sec. 20m, to bring all districts to a minimum of a $60 increase in foundation allowance including those above the basic  Sec 6 - Membership definition (Homeschoolers and Non-Public Schools) Final - Current law with no FTE limit for shared time arrangements for non-core subjects. Calls for MDE workgroup to define part-time student and nonessential elective courses. Total Appropriations – General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) Final - $218.9 million transfer from GF/GP to School Aid Fund (SAF) +$665 +$210 +$263 -$36


6 Net CC/Univ Funding increased $133.4 million

7 GF/GP = ($74) million; CC/Univ = $144

8 Budgets

9 Cost of Step & 1%

10 Cost of Step & 1%

11 Money for Next Year $100 Per pupil increase ($94) Cost of step
($40) Medical CPI increase of 3.3% ($82) Dollars to cut per pupil Unknown = student enrollment change

12 Health Care Landscape

13 MESSA Renewal

14 Kent County % Increase Average = 7.06%

15 PAK A (Choices) Employee Cost
Plan design varies

16 PAK C (ABC) Employee Cost
All plans are the same (1300/2600)


18 WMHIP Rate Increase

19 6 Year Average

20 Teacher Comparison (Wyoming)
Family (Choices): MESSA WMHIP Diff % $12,513 $7,060 $5,453 44% savings Family (ABC): $8,927 $5,734 $3,193 36% savings

21 Rate Comparison

22 Teacher Staffing Data

23 Wages – Kent ISD

24 Wages – Statewide

25 Classroom Expenditures (Kent)

26 Protecting the Classroom (Kent)
Total Classroom Non-Classroom : $911,917,007 = $468,140, $443,776,868 : $869,863,430 = $424,711, $445,152,372 Difference $42,053,577 $43,429,081 ($1,375,504) Classroom defined as function codes 111 (elementary), 112 (middle), and 113 (high); doesn’t include special education, summer school or adult-ed.

27 Protecting the Classroom (State)
Total Classroom Non-Classroom : $13,927,980,329 = $6,458,072, $7,469,907,508 : $14,784,411,342 = $6,640,309, $8,144,102,161 Difference ($856,431,013) ($182,236,360) ($674,194,653) Classroom defined as function codes 111 (elementary), 112 (middle), and 113 (high); doesn’t include special education, summer school or adult-ed.

28 Teacher FTE Data Trend from 2007-08 to 2015-16 FTE data, not headcount
Includes regular teachers, special instructional staff and subject area teachers, and career tech teachers Does not include At-risk or Title

29 Sorted by Teacher FTE Change

30 Sorted by Enrollment Change

31 Sorted by Region

32 Negotiations

33 Settlement Report 2017-18 District Step Scale Byron Center Yes 1.25%
Cedar Yes Formula EGR Formula Godwin Yes 1.25% Grandville Yes 1.50% K’ville Yes 1.00% off schedule – 403b Kentwood Yes 1.00% Lowell Yes .25% TK Yes .50 – 1.00% Wyoming Yes 1.00%

34 Settlement Report 2018-19 District Step Scale Cedar Yes Formula
Grandville Yes 1.50% Lowell Yes .50% Wyoming Yes 1.25%

35 Regional Service Model

36 Success of Academic Partnerships
Kent ISD provides leadership in area Streamlined HR, evaluation, accounting Each partner has input & ownership Model adapts & scales to current need Shared Goal of improved academic service

37 What is an Academic Partnership?
Regional or local agreement ISD - ISD, ISD - District, District - District Focused on need and benefit Maximize resource availability Strengthens influence & quality Scalable , flexible, and replicable

38 EL Regional Partnership
Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon, Allegan 51 districts, 42 PSAs Includes: Consortium for grant funds (38 districts) EL Regional Consultant Expansion of PD to all areas Inclusion of all areas in communication Access to experienced personnel Each partner has a stake Funding for regional consultant Access to consortium membership Can be scaled up

39 Future Partnership Potential
Grant Programs Specialty Positions Curriculum EL Coaches State and Federal Programs Literacy Coaches (3rd grade reading bill)

40 Collaborative Services – Special Ed Review

41 Cost Analysis

42 Questions or Comments?

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