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4. Allows users to change their cover image 1. BuddyPress Cover image. Site admin can set a default cover image for users that have not selected their own 7. City/Province/Country 6. A slight grey transparent colour so white text will always show on it 3. Allows users to change their avatar Alex Dorward 5. user’s name High School Student 2. User avatar Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 6. User student type OVERALL RANK uCREDITS PROFILE COMPLETENESS $5.00 70% PROFILE + Add My Grades to build credits & rank and bring you to 75% 8. Profile Completeness Hi, my name is Alex Dorward. I am a student from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. + Add My Experience to build credits &rank and bring you to 90% 11. Standard, editable text 9. Current credits of the user 10. Rank of the student MY LIST Get deadline reminders & application secrets – enter the schools you’re applying to 12. A toggle between making the “my list” section private or public REQUIRED GRADES 13. The Mylist section is just like in the student dashboard but with a few new fields + Add School MY GRADES Discover your candidacy – enter the grades you’ll be submitting to universities
Discover your candidacy – enter the grades you’ll submit to universities 14. A toggle between making the “my grades” section private or public COURSE LOCATION / TYPE COURSE NAME GRADE MARK COURSE CREDITS CREDITS STATUS 18. My grades section International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge (TOK) 74% 75% 74% 1 Confirmed Ontario Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated Ontario Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated Ontario Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated Ontario Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated 6 Other Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated + Add Course OVERALL AVERAGE: PEER RANK: 97% 2/31 17. The rank that the average is compared to all other users 16. Average of the grades entered MY EXPERIENCE Discover your candidacy – enter your activities, certifications, awards, and more 15. A toggle between making the “my experience” section private or public 19. My experience section + Add Experience
This is out of the box buddypress functionality
This is out of the box buddypress functionality. The difference is, uhub admin’s can set a default image for ALL users who have not set their own cover image. Out of the box buddypress functionality. Users click the button to change their profile photo. Users click the button to change their cover photo This just displays the user’s First and Last name that is in my-account A slight grey transparent bar that goes from the side of the user profile to the end of the cover image. This shows the City, Province, and Country values taken from student-overview. Users can change those values by simply double clicking into them and changing Profile completeness is based on what users have done in their profile. As they do more things, they get more credits. See this slide for more details. Displays the number of uCredits the user has, up to 2 decimal places. See this slide for uCredits This displays the rank of the student. Please see this slide for more details This is standard text auto generated but can be edited by the user by simply double clicking in it. The student text is: “Hi, my name is [first name] [last name]. I am a [student type] from [City], [Province], [Country]” By default, this is toggled as Public, meaning all users can see this part of the profile. If the user clicks it, it will make that part private so that other users on the site cannot see that section of that profile The same functionality as MyList in current student-dashboard except a few changes. See this slide for more details.
By default, this is toggled as Public, meaning all users can see this part of the profile. If the user clicks it, it will make that part private so that other users on the site cannot see that section of that profile This is the weighted average of all the courses in the “MyGrades” section for that user. The weighted average is mark*credits. This is the rank amongst all peers based on the average. The person on the site with the highest average will say 1 / X, with X being the number of users who have completed “MyGrades” For my grades section, please see this slide. For My Experience section, please see this slide
Profile Completeness Action Text to show user Profile Completeness
Credit amount $ Have signed up as a user but NOT taken MatchU quiz Take the MatchU quiz to bring you up to 55% and earn $5 of credits 10% Have done matchU quiz Add to MyList to bring you to 70% 40% 5.00 Have added at least 3 items to MyList Add to MyGrades to bring you up to 85% 60% 10.00 Have added at least 6 items to MyGrades Add to MyExperience to bring you to 100% 80% 15.00 Have added to MyExperience Profile Complete 100% 20.00
uCredits uCredits are earned by doing various things on the site. The previous slide detailed some ways of getting credits The credits will be created using this plugin
Rank Ranks would be calculated based on a calculation that looks at a combination of grades (from mygrades) and myexperience activities. The higher the grade, the more points the system calculates. The more extra curriculars they add, the higher the point tally The attached document details how it is calculated
MyList School Title: Same as now
REQUIRED GRADES + Add School School Title: Same as now Program: A specific list of programs appear based on the university selected. See attached file for what programs are available at which university. Column B Grade Range: Relates to the program selected. Refer to Column D of attached xls Candidacy: By default, does not display and has a ? . When they put the mouse over, it says “Fill out MyGrades and MyExperience to calculate candidacy”. Once those have been filled in, candidacy will be calculated based on this slide. Progress: Same as now on student-dashboard MatchU: The user’s matchU score (the %) for that university Deadline: Deadline for that program based on Column E of xls. Action: Same as now on student-dashboard except change in design
Candidacy Candidacy is calculated as such (please refer to “rank” page as reference” IF RANK=Drifter OR Dark Horse OR Prospect, CANDIDACY=Poor IF RANK=Contender OR Ace OR Hero, CANDIDACY=Okay IF RANK=Hotshot or Superstar, CANDIDACY=Good
MyGrades COURSE LOCATION / TYPE COURSE NAME GRADE MARK COURSE CREDITS CREDITS STATUS International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge (TOK) 74% 75% 74% 1 Confirmed Ontario Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated Ontario Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated Ontario Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated Ontario Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated 6 Ontario Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) 74% 99% 74% 1 Anticipated + Add Course OVERALL AVERAGE: 97% PEER RANK: 2/31 Course Location / Type: Options are: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon, International Baccalaureate, Other. Column B attached. Course Name: A specific list of courses appear based on the course location/type selected. If “Other” is selected in Course location, it’s a freeform text box that appears in course name. If not other, the course name is in column E. Grade: This is free form text where they can only enter a number if anything except International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanc Placement (AP) is selected. If either of these areselected, they can select from a drop down box. The values are then converted into % in the backend as per this slide. Course Credits: By default it is set to 1.0, but it is editable and users can change it Status: Options are: Anticipated or Confirmed Action: Just deletes that row Course information is in the attached file below.
IB Conversion (international baccalaureate)
SOURCE: AP Conversion (advanced placement)
Experience + Add Experience Activity Type: Options are: Employment, Extra Curricular, Award, Certification Activity: Free form text Your role: Free form text Description: Free form text From: A calendar option where they can choose a date To: A calendar option where they can choose a date or choose “Present” Action: Same as now on student-dashboard except change in design
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