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Types of Ads.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Ads."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Ads

2 Objective - To learn to recognize the different types of political ads and gain and understanding of why candidates may choose to conduct issue-less campaigns.

3 NEGATIVE - One candidate portrays the other in an unfavorable light.
There are 9 types of ads NEGATIVE - One candidate portrays the other in an unfavorable light.

4 Example of a Negative Ad

5 Testimonial Bono from U2 tells about his work in Africa while lobbying the U.S. government to send aid to the continent.

6 Bandwagon Organizations persuade young people to vote by showing celebrities who support their causes.

7 WARM AND FUZZY Candidates make the viewer feel good about the country or his/her campaign.

8 Example of a Warm and Fuzzy Advertisement

9 Another example of a Warm and Fuzzy Advertisement

10 Name Calling Campaigns that criticize opponents.

11 Humorous - Candidates elicit a laugh or smile from the viewer.
HUMOROUS AD Humorous - Candidates elicit a laugh or smile from the viewer.

12 From Washington Post Newspaper

13 Humorous Advertisement

14 SCARY AD Scary - Candidates evoke images of fear (usually combined with a Negative ad).

15 Scary Advertisement

16 Ask students: What does this ad mean
Ask students: What does this ad mean? Another Example of a Scary Advertisement

17 Plain-Folks Appeal Looking like an “Average” American, appealing to help people to influence the vote.

Glittering generalities seek to evoke emotions without making any commitments or putting the speaker in a position where they may be challenged or criticized. If people are taken to a place where they accept vague statements, then suggestion can be used to replace rational argument and clear evidence.

19 “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with the greatest pleasure that I welcome you to this most auspicious of occasions. We are gathered here on the brink of a challenge to which we must all rise in concert, for not to do so would be to accept despair, which I will never do and I know you will never accept”.


21 Please answer both questions 
Writing Prompt Do political advertisements impact a political campaign? If so, how? Do the images you see impact what you think? Please answer both questions 

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