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ILL2 with partner type Aleph
Yoel Kortick
Objective This presentation will show a full workflow of ILL2 between two Aleph Installations, each having a partner with type “ALEPH” In this example we will make borrowing request from a version 18 installation to version 19 installation . We will show the entire process, including the part where the lending request is automatically located in the version 19 installation.
Introductory points When we have locate type ALEPH in partner and manually choose locate from the list of borrowing requests then the locate option gives an empty string instead of CCL query. This is how it is supposed to work. When we have locate type EXTERNAL the locate option gives the CCL query. This is how it is supposed to work. Our example uses protocol type ISO TCP and therefore the locate is done automatically (no need to click the “locate” button from list of borrowing requests)
Introductory points ILL library $data_tab/tab_locate must be defined on the server to which the borrowing request is being sent. It must be defined for the “locate base” of the partner which is making the borrowing request. For the locate to work the web server (util W 3 1) must be running on the server to which the borrowing request is being sent. On both servers there must be a user WWW-X with GLOBAL permissions for X-SERVER Interface
Introductory points In the rest of the presentation we will
Show our setup in the version 18 installation Show our setup in the version 19 installation Make the borrowing request from version 18 to version 19 Follow the entire process including “behind the scenes” log files.
External Partner creation on version 18
Log in to version 18 ILL2 GUI with user and password master-ill/master-ill Create external (shared or non shared) partner with code NINETEEN
External Partner creation on version 18
partner with name code NINETEEN Locate type: ALEPH
External Partner creation on version 18
Significant fields of external partner on version 18 Partner Code: NINETEEN Partner Name: nineteen Protocol Type: ISO TCP Server Address: (this is the version 19 server) Locate Server: (this is the version 19 server) Institution Symbol: nin:ete (not standard syntax because we are just testing here) Locate Type: ALEPH Locate Base: USM01 Locate Library: USM50
Internal Partner creation on version 18
Now we will make an internal partner on version 18 with code MAHKOREH We will then make partner with name code NINETEEN be first on the potential supplier list of this internal partner
Internal Partner creation on version 18
Internal Partner creation on version 18
Internal Partner creation on version 18
Significant fields of internal partner on version 18 Partner Code: MAHKOREH Partner Name: mahkoreh Protocol Type: ISO TCP Server Address: (this is the version 18 server) Locate Server: (this is the version 18 server) Institution Symbol: mah:kor Locate Type: ALEPH Locate Base: USM01 Locate Library: USM50 Allowed Borrowing Borrowing Unmediated Locate Pickup Sublibrary Entricot Steak
Partner creation on version 18
Staff user has been created with user and password LILACH/LILACH and he has ILL Unit MAHKOREH. His first potential supplier is NINETEEN
Patrons on version 18 On version 18 patron exists (with patron ID 0) and has ILL library MAHKOREH MAHKOREH also exists as a patron with ID MAHKOREH and Patron name “MAHKOREH ILL Unit”
Brief Summary on version 18
Version 18 has internal partner MAHKOREH with allowed borrowing and borrowing unmediated locate User LILACH with ILL Unit MAHKOREH External partner NINETEEN with base USM01 and locate server (which is the version 19 server) NINETEEN is first potential supplier for ILL Unit MAHKOREH
External Partner creation on version 19
Log in to version 19 ILL2 GUI with user and password ill-master/ill-master Create external partner with code MAHKOREH MAHKOREH is an internal partner in version 18 and an external partner in version 19
External Partner creation on version 19
partner with name code MAHKOREH
External Partner creation on version 19
Significant fields of external partner on version 19 Partner Code: MAHKOREH Partner Name: mahkoreh Protocol Type: ISO TCP Server Address: (this is the version 18 server) Locate Server: (this is the version 18 server) Institution Symbol: mah:kor (must be same as defined on version 18) Locate Type: ALEPH Locate Base: USM01 Locate Library: USM50
Internal Partner creation on version 19
Now we will make an internal partner on version 18 with code NINETEEN
Internal Partner creation on version 19
Internal Partner creation on version 19
Internal Partner creation on version 19
Significant fields of internal partner on version 19 Partner Code: NINETEEN Partner Name: nineteen Protocol Type: ISO TCP Server Address: (this is the version 19 server) Locate Server: (this is the version 19 server) Institution Symbol: nin:ete (just like it is on 18 server) Locate Type: ALEPH Locate Base: USM01 Locate Library: USM50 Allowed Lending Lending Unmediated Locate Circulation Sublibrary Medicine Library
Partner creation on version 19
Staff user has been created with user and password BENTZI/BENTZI and he has ILL Unit NINETEEN.
Brief Summary on version 19
Version 19 has Internal partner NINETEEN with allowed lending and lending unmediated locate User BENTZI with ILL Unit MAHKOREH External partner MAHKOREH with base USM01 and locate server (which is the version 18 server)
The partners Version 18 Version 19 External partner code NINETEEN
Internal partner code NINETEEN Internal partner code MAHKOREH External partner code MAHKOREH
Tab_locate on version 19 A borrowing request will be made from version 18 internal partner MAHKOREH to version 19. Internal partner MAHKOREH has locate base USM01 Therefore this line will be used for the locate from tab_locate of the version 19 server ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!! USM ## a isbn= locate_str_0 Thus the locate will be done according to ISBN
The record on version 19 A borrowing request will be made from version 18 to version 19 for a record with ISBN This record exists in version 19 and has an available item in sub library Medicine Library (which is the circulation sub library of internal partner NINETEEN on version 19)
Prerequisties On both servers
the web server is running The ILL server is running Util e 1 and util e 19 is running in usm40 Util e 17 is running in illsv On version 18 we log in as LILACH (ILL Unit MAHKOREH) and make borrowing request
The Borrowing Request in version 18
On purpose we made the author and title “Does not matter” because the only field which does matter is ISBN (according to tab_locate on version 19 server)
The Borrowing Request in version 18
Borrowing request 4296 gets created and automatically “sent to supplier” from the ue_19 daemon.
The Borrowing Request in version 18
Borrowing request 4296 in ue_19 log of version 18 il-aleph02-18(1) USM40-YOELK>>grep 4296 run_e_ :19:18 HANDLING BORROWING REQUEST FROM USM GET /X?op=ill-in-loc&user_name=&user_password=&library=USM50&doc-library=USM40&doc-number= &locate-base=USM01&locate-type=ALEPH&sub-libs=&bor-id=MAHKOREH&media=L-PRINTED& &avg-supply= &issue-year=&issue-volume=&translate=N HTTP/1.1 <IllRequest><ProtocolVersionNumber>2</ProtocolVersionNumber><TransactionId><InitialRequesterId><PersonOrInstitutionSymbol><Institution>mah:kor</Institution></PersonOrInstitutionSymbol><NameOfPersonOrInstitution><Institution>MAHKOREH</Institution></NameOfPersonOrInstitution></InitialRequesterId><TransactionGroupQualifier> </TransactionGroupQualifier><TransactionQualifier> </TransactionQualifier></TransactionId><ServiceDateTime><ThisService><Date> </Date><Time>101919</Time></ThisService></ServiceDateTime><RequesterId><PersonOrInstitutionSymbol><Institution>mah:kor</Institution></PersonOrInstitutionSymbol><NameOfPersonOrInstitution><Institution>MAHKOREH</Institution></NameOfPersonOrInstitution></RequesterId><ResponderId><PersonOrInstitutionSymbol><Institution>nin:ete</Institution></PersonOrInstitutionSymbol></ResponderId><TransactionType>1</TransactionType><DeliveryAddress><PostalAddress><Name><Institution>MAHKOREH</Institution></Name></PostalAddress></DeliveryAddress><DeliveryService><PhysicalDelivery>A</PhysicalDelivery></DeliveryService><BillingAddress><PostalAddress><Name><Institution>MAHKOREH</Institution></Name></PostalAddress></BillingAddress><IllServiceTypeSeq><IllServiceType>1</IllServiceType></IllServiceTypeSeq><RequesterOptionalMessages><IsRequester/><ReceivedOrShipped>True</ReceivedOrShipped><ReturnedCheckedIn>True</ReturnedCheckedIn><RequesterShipped>Desires</RequesterShipped><RequesterCheckedIn>Desires</RequesterCheckedIn></RequesterOptionalMessages><SearchType><LevelOfService><</LevelOfService><NeedBeforeDate> </NeedBeforeDate><ExpiryFlag>1</ExpiryFlag></SearchType><SupplyMediumInfoTypeSeq><SupplyMediumInfoType><SupplyMediumType>1</SupplyMediumType></SupplyMediumInfoType></SupplyMediumInfoTypeSeq><PlaceOnHold>3</PlaceOnHold><ClientId><ClientName>Clinton, Hillary Rodham</ClientName><ClientIdentifier>0</ClientIdentifier></ClientId><ItemId><ItemType>1</ItemType><HeldMediumType>7</HeldMediumType><Author>does not matter</Author><Title>does not matter</Title><ISBN> </ISBN></ItemId><RetryFlag>False</RetryFlag><ForwardFlag>False</ForwardFlag><IllRequestExtensions><Extension><Identifier>1</Identifier><Critical>False</Critical><APDUDeliveryInfo><SenderInfo><APDUDeliveryParameters><EncodingSeq><Encoding>3</Encoding></EncodingSeq><Transport><TelecomServiceIdentifier>TCP</TelecomServiceIdentifier><TelecomServiceAddress></TelecomServiceAddress></Transport><AliasesSeq><SystemId><PersonOrInstitutionSymbol><Institution>mah:kor</Institution></PersonOrInstitutionSymbol></SystemId></AliasesSeq></APDUDeliveryParameters></SenderInfo><RecipientInfo><APDUDeliveryParameters><EncodingSeq><Encoding>3</Encoding></EncodingSeq><Transport><TelecomServiceIdentifier>TCP</TelecomServiceIdentifier><TelecomServiceAddress></TelecomServiceAddress></Transport><AliasesSeq><SystemId><PersonOrInstitutionSymbol><Institution>nin:ete</Institution></PersonOrInstitutionSymbol></SystemId></AliasesSeq></APDUDeliveryParameters></RecipientInfo></APDUDeliveryInfo></Extension></IllRequestExtensions></IllRequest> <ISBN> </ISBN>
The Borrowing Request in version 18
It is possible to see how the locate is done by the x server for borrowing request 4296 in ue_19 log of version 18 by looking at this section and making a URL il-aleph02-18(1) USM40-YOELK>>grep 4296 run_e_ :19:18 HANDLING BORROWING REQUEST FROM USM GET /X?op=ill-in-loc&user_name=&user_password=&library=USM50&doc-library=USM40&doc-number= &locate-base=USM01&locate-type=ALEPH&sub-libs=&bor-id=MAHKOREH&media=L-PRINTED& &avg-supply= &issue-year=&issue-volume=&translate=N HTTP/1.1
The Borrowing Request in version 18
Locate server from partner HTTP/1.1 X server string from ue_19 log file
The Borrowing Request in version 18
The Lending Request in version 19
To see the lending request we log into version 19 as BENTZI (ILL Unit NINETEEN) and see it Lending request was automatically located
The Lending Request in version 19
On version 19 we can see that lending request 1179 was “picked up” by ue_19 daemon. il-aleph02-19(4) USM40-YOELK>>grep 1179 run_e_ :19:52 HANDLING LENDING REQUEST FROM USM
The Lending Request On version 19 we see the related item in the lower pane of the lending request list
The Lending Request On version 19 from the list of lending requests we click “ship” to send the item to the version 18 library (of course we also put the physical item in an envelope and and mail it to the library)
The Lending Request On version 19 the lending request is now “sent on loan”
The Lending Request – ue_17
On version 19 the lending request APDU messages will appear in the ue_17 log file in $data_scratch of the ILLSV library. The will appear with “Group Qualifier” and then the number of the borrowing request from library from which it came: il-aleph02-19(4) ILLSV-YOELK>>grep "Group Qualifier : " run_e_ Group Qualifier :
The Borrowing Request On version 18 the borrowing request is now “shipped” and we will click “receive”.
The Borrowing Request On version 18 we “receive” the item (and of course open the envelope to get the physical item).
The Borrowing Request On version 18 temporary item with barcode ILL-4296 is created
The Borrowing Request On version 18 the item is loaned to the patron for whom the borrowing request was made
The Borrowing Request On version 18 the item is returned from the patron for whom the borrowing request was made It then appears with status “returned by patron” We will now click “return” (and of course actually mail the item to the library)
The Borrowing Request On version 18 after clicking “Return” the borrowing request gets status “Returned by library”
The Borrowing Request On version 19 the loan request gets status “Return” We will now click “Check-in” (and of course actually receive envelope with item)
The Borrowing Request After clicking “Check In” on version 19 the lending request status is “closed” in version 19 After clicking “Check In” on version 19 the borrowing request status is “closed” in version 18
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