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Being a Christian in our working lives

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1 Being a Christian in our working lives
7/7 Discipleship Being a Christian in our working lives Session 1

2 Course Outline Six sessions, focussing on:
What is work? How and why do we use our time? God and work Christianity, workplace and communities. God’s calling to everyone Making connections: using our faith to help us reflect on our daily lives. Church and work: Connecting the Church with our work-lives.


4 What is work? What have you been doing this week? Make a list down the left hand side of your page (not too detailed but including all the main activities). Which of those activities do you think of as ‘work’? Tick these in blue. As you do this, try to notice how you are making these decisions. What makes something ‘work’ or ‘not work’?

5 Add more ticks! Which of these activities do you think of as ‘rest’ or ‘leisure’? Tick these in red. Which of these activities do you think of as ‘Christian’ or ‘God’s work’? Tick these in green. As before, try to notice how you are making these decisions. You may have more than one tick against some activities .. that’s fine!

6 Share in groups What makes an activity ‘work’ rather than ‘rest’ or ‘leisure’? When (if ever) are ‘work’ and ‘recreation’ the same thing? What makes a work or leisure/recreation activity Christian or Godly? Any other comments or thoughts that arise.


8 Some definitions of work
What others have said Some definitions of work

9 Shorter Oxford Dictionary
Work is ‘action involving effort or exertion directed to a definite end, especially as a means of gaining one’s livelihood’

10 Work is: ‘A purposeful social activity through which people, helped by tools, manipulate nature.’ (Volf 2001) ‘The expenditure of energy (manual, mental or both) in the service of others, which brings fulfilment to the worker, benefit to the community and glory to God.’ (Stott, quoted in Stevens 1999)

11 More definitions .. Work is ‘purposeful activity involving mental, emotional or physical energy, or all three, whether remunerated or not.’ (Stevens 1999) For Christians work should be ‘consistent with God’s will, image or design’ (Green 2002)

12 How would you define ‘work’?
Write your own! How would you define ‘work’?

13 A couple of stories to help our thoughts

14 The stonemasons Three workers were breaking rocks into pieces
Asked what they were doing, the first said: “ Making little rocks out of big ones” The second said: “Making a living” The third said: “Building a cathedral” (from Reed 2010)

15 The Sunday school teacher
I spend an hour a week teaching Sunday school and they haul me up to the front of the church to pray for me. The rest of the week I’m a full time teacher and the church has never prayed for me. (from Reed 2010)

16 Work is ……. Saying ‘yes’ to life …..


18 Suggestion for the week
Complete the questionnaire on ‘working discipleship’ We will begin next week with an opportunity to share reflections and observations on your responses. Make sure you keep a copy of your responses to this questionnaire .. It would be good to spend some time reflecting after the course on whether or not your responses to it have changed.

19 More suggestions .. Strictly optional!
Reflect on (some of) the definitions of work or stories on the handout. If you like, write your response to some or all of the definitions (including your own) in a reflective journal. Alternatively you could make a poster to illustrate some of your thoughts on this topic (you will not have to share this with the group unless you wish to).


21 Closing worship ….

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