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Focus 9/3 Global is a two year course that ends with the Regents Exam in June of your Sophomore year. You are responsible for knowing and understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus 9/3 Global is a two year course that ends with the Regents Exam in June of your Sophomore year. You are responsible for knowing and understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus 9/3 Global is a two year course that ends with the Regents Exam in June of your Sophomore year. You are responsible for knowing and understanding Global I for the Regents Exam. You must pass the Global Regents Exam in order to graduate. Points for Discussion: What is Global History? Critical Lens: Global History has an impact on the modern world. Term to Know: interaction

2 Mr. Score
Global History I and II Mr. Score

3 Global History I and II Materials - Three Ring Binder Pen/Pencil

4 Global History I and II Post Session – Tuesday – Friday for make-up work Tuesday – Review for Global Regents Exam Thursday – Global I Review Available before school from 7am until first bell for make up work everyday.

5 Global History I and II Communication:
address - If you have a question on the material or an assignment you can me any weeknight until 8 pm. All s will be answered within 24 hours, but in most cases much sooner.

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