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Presentation on theme: "BELIEVERS’ RESPONSIBILITIES AT HOME AND SCHOOL"— Presentation transcript:

Ephesians 6:1-9

2 MEMORY VERSE “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise” (Ephesians 6:1-2).

3 INTRODUCTION A believer is a person who has repented, turned away from sin and become a friend of Jesus. Responsibility is a duty, obligation or liability for which someone is held accountable. Every member of a family has some responsibilities to carry out in their homes just as every member of a school community has some responsibilities to perform in the school. As true friends of Jesus we must carry out our responsibilities in obedience to God’s words.

A home consists of the father, mother and child or children. Each of them has duties or responsibilities to perform.

5 Responsibilities of the Father
The father is the head of the home and is responsible for providing the needs of the family. He also teaches the children the word of God (Deuteronomy 6:6,7).

6 Responsibilities of Mothers
The mother takes care of the home. She prepares the meals and keep the home tidy. Mother assists the father to train the children in the way of the Lord.

7 Children Responsibilities at Home
As children of God, our responsibilities at home includes: Honouring our parents. To honour our parents means to respect them, love, greet, and speak politely to them. Doing domestic work – All the children (both boys and girls)must do household chores. Clean the house, wash plates, tidy your room, run errands and do other household chores as would be assigned by your parents.

8 Children Responsibilities at Home Cont.
(iv) Living a God honouring exemplary life at home and everywhere because, it will attract others to also love God. (v) Obedience to parental authority and instructions. Obedience to parents attracts long life and prosperity. The first commandment with a promise is “honour thy father and mother”. You will not die young. When you grow old and have children, they will also obey and honour you too. Let your life bring joy and gladness to your parents.

The school is a place where children come together to learn useful things that will help them become responsible adults. The life we live in the school is very significant. To keep yourself and other children safe, you have some responsible to carry out at school. Children listening to their teachers and responding to questions in a good manner.

10 Some responsibilities of children at school include the followings:
Be quiet and do your class work and assignments diligently. Attend all your class periods and be punctual. Do not follow bad gangs to riot or disobey school authority. Obey your teacher and all school rules and regulations. Wear the right kind of uniform, be neat, and be example of a Christian for others to emulate. Shine the light of God by living godly lifestyle in obedience to the word of God. Share the gospel with others

All true friends of Jesus who faithfully carry out their responsibilities whether at home, in school or at work, will receive blessings from God. For examples: God made the four Hebrew children ten times better than all their classmate in the school at Babylon, because they faithfully carried out their responsibilities. God blessed Samuel for remaining faithful in spite of the bad examples of Eli’s sons. God made Samuel a prophet and priest in Israel. God made young Timothy a leader in the church because he knew the Holy Scriptures from an early age and always obeyed God’s word.

12 Some of the blessings that await children who carry out their responsibilities are:
Good health and Long life Promotion and prosperity Answers to prayer. Good success. Divine favour and many more.

13 Boys and girls who are not friends of Jesus can not enjoy the blessings mentioned above, except they become believers. Therefore, if you are not a believer, you must repent and accept Christ as your Saviour and Friend today.

14 1. Responsibility is _____________________________
2. Mention two responsibilities of the father and mother in the home 3. State the responsibilities of the children at home 4. What are the duties of children at school? 5. Mention five blessings for faithful believers 6. What should a sinner do in order to receive grace to carry out his responsibilities?

15 LESSON: Diligence in carrying out our responsibilities will attract God’s blessings to our lives.
THOUGHT: I will do all I am expected to do and enjoy God’s abundant blessings.

16 ACTIVITY: Group discussion
ACTIVITY: Group discussion. The children should be shared into different groups. They are to discuss the duties they will be involved in, both in school and at home. Someone should write down their various contributions.


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