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“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

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2 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
– Matthew 4:19 When Jesus came to Peter on the shore of the sea after the resurrection, the story paralleled their first meeting there. But there was a difference, too. The eager, impulsive Peter of the first encounter was now the humbled, dejected Peter who had done the unthinkable and denied his master. In the most amazing picture of grace and forgiveness, Jesus invited Peter to come back. He restored Peter. And then he told him to feed sheep, and he entrusted his flock to the care of Peter and all disciples to come, throughout history and until he returns. Jesus’ words echo through the centuries and through the halls of our Christian schools. Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people. There is no greater desire for us in Christian schools than to see our children grow in faith, be equipped for service, and become builders in God’s kingdom. We give thanks to God for Christian schools, where fish are caught and where fishers of people are trained. Each school year Christian Schools International designates a week to be Christian Education Week. Member schools are invited to join in a celebration God’s gift of Christian schools. Our schools are established to glorify God, to recognize the lordship of Christ over every square in of creation, and to nurture and equip students to become the next generation of those who answer the call to advance the kingdom of God across the globe. We have reason to remember and to celebrate God’s blessings.

3 Leader:. When the disciples first met Jesus, they were going
Leader: When the disciples first met Jesus, they were going about their normal family business near a lake. People: Jesus chooses ordinary people to do his extraordinary work. Leader: Jesus called to Peter and Andrew, “Come and follow me. I will send you out to fish for people.” People: At once they left their nets and followed Jesus. Leader: James and John were in a boat fishing with their father, Zebedee, when Jesus called out to them. People: Right away they left their boat and their father and followed Jesus. Leader: Jesus called ordinary people: fishermen, tax collectors, farmers, and even a zealot. People: He calls us to be his disciples, too.

4 Leader:. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, he met them
Leader: After Jesus’ death and resurrection, he met them at the same place where they were first called. The disciples’ nets were empty after a night of fishing, but with Jesus’ encouragement, they tried once more and their nets were filled. People: Their nets were filled with a variety of fish. Leader: Christian education calls us to know our Lord and to do his work. Like the disciples, we are called to obey his call and to cast our nets. People: In our school community, we learn to trust the call of the gospel. Leader: Jesus told them, “Follow me. I am sending you out to fish the whole world for people.” People: Like the disciples, Jesus calls us to go into all the world and make disciples. Leader: Disciples of Jesus, “GO FISH,” and trust that the Lord who calls you will also equip you.

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