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No-reference Image Quality Assessment for High Dynamic Range Images

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1 No-reference Image Quality Assessment for High Dynamic Range Images
November 9, 2016 No-reference Image Quality Assessment for High Dynamic Range Images Debarati Kundu, Deepti Ghadiyaram, Alan C. Bovik and Brian L. Evans The University of Texas at Austin

2 Introduction Scene luminance 10-4 to 106 cd/m2 [Narwaria2013]
Standard dynamic range (SDR) High dynamic range (HDR) HDR picture capture (e.g. smart phones and DSLR cameras) HDR video displays for home (e.g. Samsung) HDR streaming content (e.g. Amazon Video and Netflix) HDR graphics rendering (e.g. Unreal and CryEngine) DSLR

3 Tonemapping HDR to SDR format
Uniformly spaced quantization of luminance overexposes view through window World luminance floating-point values for window office in cd/m2 [Larson1997] Global nonuniform quantization of luminance preserves visibility of indoor & outdoor features

4 Tonemapping operators
Estimate radiance map by merging pixels from different exposures Tonemap floating point irradiance map to SDR HDR but in SDR format Registered exposure stack of SDR images Requires camera calibration and motion comp. Distort gradients Spatially-varying transfer function [Szeliski2010] [Larson1997] Shrink gradients to fit within available dynamic range [Szeliski2010]

5 Multi-exposure fusion
Merge exposure stack directly to get fused image ith pixel index kth exposure image Xk(i) luminance Wk(i) weight for perceptual importance of exposure level k HDR but in SDR format Registered SDR stack Distorts gradients Reversals in image gradients [Ma2015] and ghosting artifacts [Tursun2016] Deghosting methods: banding, blending, structural distortion [Tursun2016]

6 Image Quality Assessment (IQA)
Full reference IQA approaches Tonemapping synthesizes an irradiance map [Yeganeh2013] Multi-exposure fusion does not have single reference image No-reference IQA using scene statistics Statistics of pristine pictures occur irrespective of content Statistics of distorted pictures deviate from these Previously used in predicting quality in SDR pictures Contributions Propose two new no-reference HDR IQA algorithms Evaluate new algorithms based on crowdsourced HDR scores Evaluate new algorithms on well-established SDR databases

7 ESPL-LIVE HDR database [Debarati2016]
ESPL-LIVE HDR database [Debarati2016] 1,811 HDR images from 605 source scenes 960x540 landscape & 540x304 portrait orientation Single stimulus continuous quality scale (0-100) 327,720 raw quality scores from 5,462 subjects Images annotated with mean opinion scores (MOS) “Surreal” Effect Distribution of HDR processing methods Grunge and Surreal effects applied to an HDR image in SDR format using Photomatix software. ESPL-LIVE Database Web page Sample images Number of images in database

8 Mean subtracted contrast normalization
MSCN pixels for image Weighted local mean Weighted local standard deviation Models divisive normalization in retina [Ruderman1993] Original image Use 11 x 11 windows with uninform Gaussian blur (sigma = 1.17) MSCN image

9 MSCN and local σ-map distributions
(a) MOS = 40.47 (b) MOS = 49.23 (c) MOS = 52.80 Explain intuition behind gradient

10 Distribution of gradient domain features

11 Rank correlation between each feature
Contribution #1 Rank correlation between each feature Domain Feature Description Corr. Spatial [f1 − f2] Shape and Scale parameters of a generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) to MSCN coefficients 0.238 [f3 − f16] Shape and Scale parameters of a GGD fitted to log- derivative of the seven types of neighbors 0.439 [f17 − f18] Mean and standard deviation based features extracted from the σ-field 0.369 Gradient [f19 − f20] Shape and Scale parameters of a GGD fitted to the MSCN coefficients of gradient magnitude field 0.250 [f21 − f34] derivative of seven types of neighbors of gradient magnitude field 0.386 [f35 − f36] Mean and standard deviation based features extracted from the σ-field of gradient magnitude field 0.388 Correlation is Spearman’s Rank Ordered Correlation Coefficient (SROCC) . G-IQA: [f1 − f36] Features computed across 2 levels in LAB color space

12 Evaluate NR-IQA algorithms
Contribution #2 Evaluate NR-IQA algorithms Correlate predicted ratings with crowdsourced ratings from 5,462 subjects for ESPL-LIVE HDR image quality database G-IQA: 80% training, 20% testing, 100 random train-test splits No content overlap to prevent artificial inflation of correlations Algorithms Tone Mapping Operators Multi Exposure Fusion Effects Overall G-IQA 0.692 0.691 0.582 0.716 G-IQA (L) 0.651 0.623 0.489 0.662 DESIQUE 0.503 0.550 0.476 0.565 GM-LOG 0.521 0.527 0.562 CurveletIQA 0.542 0.512 0.435 0.546 DIIVINE 0.485 0.456 0.335 0.480 BLIINDS-II 0.385 0.421 0.448 BRISQUE 0.267 0.431 0.402 Correlation is Spearman’s Rank Ordered Correlation Coefficient (SROCC) .

13 Box plots for the 100 trials
Contribution #2 Box plots for the 100 trials Box: Line is median and edges 25th & 75th percentiles Whiskers span extreme non-outlier points & outliers are +

14 No-reference IQAs on LIVE Database
Contribution #3 No-reference IQAs on LIVE Database Algorithms JP2K JPEG GN Blur FF Overall GM-LOG 0.882 0.878 0.978 0.915 0.899 0.914 G-IQA 0.905 0.883 0.983 0.917 0.836 0.906 BRISQUE 0.852 0.962 0.941 0.863 0.902 BLIINDS-II 0.907 0.846 0.939 0.884 0.897 DESIQUE 0.875 0.824 0.975 0.908 0.829 CurveletQA 0.816 0.827 0.969 0.896 0.826 DIIVINE 0.759 0.937 0.854 MS-SSIM 0.963 0.979 0.977 0.954 SSIM 0.947 0.964 0.913 PSNR 0.865 0.752 0.874 0.864 LIVE IQA Database H. R. Sheikh, M. F. Sabir, and A. C. Bovik, “A statistical evaluation of recent full reference image quality assessment algorithms,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 3440–3451, Nov 2006. Correlation results with subjective scores given above Italics indicate full-reference algorithms

15 Conclusion Future work Proposed two no-reference IQA methods
HDR image formation causes gradient distortion Use statistics in pixel and gradient domains Proposed IQA methods correlate well with human scores ESPL-LIVE HDR subjective image quality database (2016) LIVE image quality assessment database (2006) Improve performance of NR-IQA HDR algorithms Use the methods to improve HDR processing algorithms such as tone-mapping or multi-exposure fusion Future work

16 References [Debarati2016] [Larson1997] G. W. Larson, H. Rushmeier, C. Piatko. “A Visibility Matching Tone Reproduction Operator for High Dynamic Range Scenes”, IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics 3, 4, Oct. 1997, pp [Ma2015] K. Ma, K. Zeng, Z. Wang, “Perceptual quality assessment for multi-exposure image fusion,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 3345–3356, Nov [Nafchi2014] H. Ziaei Nafchi, A. Shahkolaei, R. Farrahi Moghaddam, M. Cheriet, “Fsitm: A feature similarity index for tone-mapped images,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, [Narwaria2013] M. Narwaria, M. Perreira Da Silva, P. Le Callet, and R. Pepion, “Tone mapping-based high-dynamic-range image compression: study of optimization criterion and perceptual quality,” Optical Engineering, vol. 52, no. 10, Oct [Nasrinpour2015] 1 H. R. Nasrinpour and N. D. Bruce, “Saliency weighted quality assessment of tone-mapped images,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., Sep [Ruderman1993] D. L. Ruderman and W. Bialek, “Statistics of natural images: Scaling in the woods,” Proc. Neural Info. Processing Sys. Conf. and Workshops, [Szeliski2010] R. Szeliski, Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, 1st ed., [Tursun2016] O. T. Tursun, A. O. Akyuz, A. Erdem, E. Erdem, “An Objective Deghosting Quality Metric for HDR Images”, Eurographics, vol. 35, [Yeganeh2013] H. Yeganeh and Z. Wang, “Objective quality assessment of tone-mapped images,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing , vol. 22, no. 2, pp , Feb 2013.

17 Questions?

18 Multi-exposure fusion distortion [Tursun 2016]
Exposure stack for scene with person walking MEF HDR Image + Deghosting Gradient mag & visual difference artifacts

19 HDR-IQA: Subjective Testing Methodology
Contribution #4 HDR-IQA: Subjective Testing Methodology 12 subjects evaluated 27 images in laboratory setting 5 ‘Gold Standard’ images Amazon Mechanical Turk used for crowdsourcing Training images: 11 Test images: 49 ‘Gold Standard’ images: 5 (Viewed by every subject) Randomly repeated images : 5 At the end subjects answered questions on demographics, display parameters, and familiarity with HDR imaging Source: Introduction | Synthetic Image Quality| HDR Image Quality| Conclusions

20 HDR-IQA: Processing of the raw scores
Contribution #4 HDR-IQA: Processing of the raw scores Subject rejection strategies: Only subjects with AMT confidence values greater than 0.75 participated If scores assigned to multiple copies of the same image differed by more than 25.5 for three images, scores from that user was rejected 388 subjects among 5,462 removed as outliers Processing of remaining scores: On an average, every image evaluated by 110 subjects Mean Opinion Scores: Mean of Z-score for every image Spans Raw MOS scores span – Consistency with laboratory setting: Median PLCC between individual scores and MOS values for ‘Gold Standard’ images in laboratory setting was Details Introduction | Synthetic Image Quality| HDR Image Quality| Conclusions

21 Distorted Image Statistics
Different distortions affect scene statistics characteristically Used for distortion classification and blind quality prediction Replot MSCN Coefficients Steerable Pyramid Wavelet Coefficients Curvelet Coefficients Back

22 Tone Mapped Quality Index [Yeganeh2013]
Tonemapping meant to change local intensity & contrast Structural fidelity modifies Structural Similarity (SSIM) Penalizes large change in strength in HDR vs. SDR image patch Local standard deviations nonlinearly mapped via Gaussian CDF Significant signal strength mapped to 1 Insignificant signal strength mapped to 0 Structural fidelity computation over five scales Naturalness measure of tonemapped SDR image Distribution of global means in 3000 natural images Distribution of global standard deviations in 3000 natural images Back

23 Itti and Koch’s Saliency
Back Different scales Implemented as Gaussian Pyramid Center Surround mechanism Implemented with DoG LPF repeated over multiple scales 3 scales, 4 orientations used

24 Generalized Gaussian Density
PDF for shape parameter a and scale parameter g Includes Laplacian (a=1), Gaussian (a=2) and uniform (a=oo) GGD behavior of bandpass image signals Wavelet coefficients DCT coefficients Usually reported that a » 1 but varies (0.8 < a < 1.4) [A. C. Bovik, EE381V Digital Video, UT Austin, Spring 2015]

25 Calculating Correlations
Spearman’s Rank-Order Correlation Coefficient (SRCC) di is difference between ith image’s ranks is subjective and objective evaluations N is number of rankings Kendall’s correlation coefficient (KCC) Nc and Nd are the number of concordant (of consistent rank order) and discordant (of inconsistent rank order) pairs in the data set respectively Pearson’s Linear Correlation Coefficient (PLCC) Back

26 Scatter plot of MOS vs IQA scores

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