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Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting

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1 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting
Software Update Takashi HACHIYA RIKEN 2011/5/5 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting

2 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting
Status Update svxAddress gets packetID’s from Database. Code is updated. 2 data set are committed into database(pSQL) Event Display Add standalone tracks (segments) in the display in real data. Add Zvertex of BBC. Event selector is added (Nsegments>N) Rotate Rho-Z display so that the view fits with PHENIX Speed up (ACLiC compilation) DST Production with p+p and AuAu data Procedure is written by Chris It is easy to submit jobs Reproduction is slightly difficult Need to update production database. Production jobs are basically run by T.Hachiya /common/s8/phnxreco/run11_vtx_online/ Data produced after May 1st is Good. Before May 1st, DST has bugs. Hot &Dead channel issue Just started 2011/5/5 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting

3 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting
svxAddress Procedure to get PacketID from Database Procedure to commit PacketID to Database Sample macro Svx/wrk/test_svxaddrDB.C Memo The flag “use_oldmap” is slightly changed. In DB mode, use_oldmap does not work. No file interface is available for packetID data. There is no way to use new module-packetID relations. : use default setting addr.set_usedatabase(0); addr.set_useoldmap(true); addr.Initialize(); : Use Database addr.set_usedatabase(1); addr.setFetchTime(beginTime); void setFetchTime(PHTimeStamp *time) PHBoolean commitPixelMap(const char* description, PHTimeStamp* timeBegin, PHTimeStamp* timeEnd); 2011/5/5 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting

4 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting
Event Display Run p+p 500GeV (15/4/2011) Reconstructed segments are showns as magenta line. Light blue points are the clusters. BbcVertex : red cross Track starts from 1st layer Event Selector is added (Red box) 2011/5/5 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting

5 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting
Event Display 2 Run Au+Au 19.6GeV (28/4/2011) 2011/5/5 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting

6 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting
Event Display 3 Old Rho-Z New Rho-Z New Border New RhoZ shows RhoZ projection with PHENIX west/east arm Old is Y>0 and Y<0 R-Z -> Z-R is easy to see 3 displays view. Add 3 classes TEveProjectionManager2 Derived from TEveProjectionManager TEveRhoZProjection2 Derived from TEveProjection MultiViewNew New version of MultiView (default ) Old Border 2011/5/5 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting

7 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting
Next To be done Hot & Dead channel of pixel search Search Algorithm Define Hot & Dead channel mask Read/Write hot/dead channels from/To Database 2011/5/5 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting

8 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting
addr.set_useoldmap(false); int runnumber = ; PHTimeStamp *beginTime = RunToTime::instance()->getBeginTime(runnumber); PHTimeStamp endTime; endTime.setToFarFuture(); char *desc = "connection was changed from run (run11)"; addr.Initialize(); addr.commitPixelMap(desc, beginTime, &endTime); 2011/5/5 Takashi HACHIYA, RIKEN software meeting

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