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Building a Bigger Wave Ontario Network

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1 Building a Bigger Wave Ontario Network
Post Forum Snapshot

2 It was a great two days!!!! Thank you to all of our forum participants who made our time together warm, meaningful, productive, strategic and yes FUN!

3 2015 Forum Snapshot Full Forum report will be available by the end of the year Several actions were identified that can be implemented prior to the report-back Snapshot provides an interim overview for VAWCCs with some immediate and agreed upon actions requested

4 Who Attended the Forum? Representatives from 47 committees (out of a possible 48) Mostly from the VAW sector Government reps from MCSS, MAG-VVPD Approximately 120 people in total (very similar to 2011) We used clickers to vote anonymously – see “Reality Check” slides below

5 Areas of Focus Support for Truth and Reconciliation recommendations and Sisters In Spirit Support for the Sexual Violence Action Plan and the VAW Roundtable Support for inviting Francophone leadership to actively help us build the wave We will be sending follow-up actions for VAWCCs – stay tuned!

6 3 Immediate Actions for VAWCCs
There was strong endorsement to: All VAWCCs - make BBWON a standing agenda item on your agendas (if not already!) Use newsletter articles to spark discussions about provincial issues and what they mean in your community. Consider a project with provincial implications i.e. – MANDATORY CHARGING review

7 Potential for Provincial Projects
Potential projects were presented at the forum – more information is available on each Potential to develop common data points that can be repeated across projects We can experiment with our capacity to pool resources to generate provincial data – the MANDATORY CHARGING review is our first try

8 REALITY check Checking for resonance – pick all that pique your interest!
Mandatory Charging Make It Our Business Men’s Action Plan CourtWatch No Wrong Door

9 Potential for Provincial Projects
MANDATORY CHARGING review proposed: The Ottawa Coalition to End VAW is leading this initiative. VAWCCs across Ontario can participate by contributing $157 (minimum) to the research. We are looking for confirmed committees by December 15th. Contact Erin Leigh:

10 REALITY check – asked at the forum MY VAWCC will participate in the mandatory charging project
Yes – been discussed Maybe – need to discuss Want to but no $$$$ – NO - discussed and rejected

11 Potential for Provincial Projects
COURTWATCH: No specific action at this time – however there was a lot of interest in CourtWatch – possibly a project that BBW could seek funding on… VAWCCs that want to undertake CourtWatch projects can contact: Nneka McGregor: Vivien Green:

12 Potential for Provincial Projects
MEN’S ACTION PLAN (MAP): A broad group of service providers, researchers and advocates have drawn a line in the sand with government to say – we must engage men in ending violence against women AND deal more effectively with men who are violent. The group is developing an Action Plan and is open to anyone who wants to participate. The BBW Network is supporting the organizing efforts. Contact: for more information

13 REALITY check – asked at the forum : I support making the link between ending VAW and working with men 89% 5.5% Yes Maybe No

14 Potential for Provincial Projects
MAKE IT OUR BUSINESS (MIOB): Workplace Domestic Violence BBWON will start a Community of Practice for VAWCCs / VAW organizations that want to develop expertise on supporting private-public sector employers in meeting their health and safety obligations. There is potential for a social enterprise. Stay tuned! Contact: Barb MacQuarrie -

15 Potential for Provincial Projects
NO WRONG DOOR A research/community development project to improve coordination between mental health, addictions and VAW services and to include survivors in system change. Information gathering tools, workshop agendas and reports from Grey Bruce and the Southwest Regional VAWCC available. Contact Colleen,

16 Evaluations Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Disagree   Neutral  Agree Strongly agree Total 1 2 3 4 5 I experienced the Forum as a collaborative working space 24 42 72 As a result of the forum I hae a better sense of connection to other VAWCC's 12 29 73 As a result of the forum I am likely to participate in BBWON activities 7 27 37 I believe the BBWON website will be a tool for learning and collaboration 8 23 40 71 I believe my committee will support the BBWON strategy developed at the forum 9 32 69 The venue was comfortable and hospitable 22 49

17 Next Steps Detailed report back – January 2016
VAWCCs are asked to implement the 3 actions on slide 6 Specifically - VAWCCs are asked to discuss the MANDATORY CHARGING project and decide if you can contribute financially to the project ASAP (deadline Dec 30)

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