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Looking at connections between brain regions

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1 Looking at connections between brain regions

2 Some clarifications on class project
I’m in process of setting up and having meetings with people who’ve requested them Clarifications: Any topic is fine if it is somewhat brain-related in a broad sense Doesn’t need to be about fMRI, pattern- classification, neural representational structure, etc. No specific template is required (e.g. NSF, NIH) “Template”: express key ideas clearly enough to get into someone’s head and stick there

3 Example time-courses TIME Time-course of task versus rest periods Task
MRI signal from voxel that correlates well with task: Active Signal from voxel that does NOT correlate with task: Inactive TIME

4 “Functional connectivity”
Instead of asking: How well does this voxel’s time-course correlate with the task? Ask: How well do these voxel time-courses correlate with each other?

5 Types of connectivity From: Park & Friston, Science, 2013

6 More ways of looking at connectivity
Turk-Browne, N. B. (2013). Functional Interactions as Big Data in the Human Brain. science, 342(6158),

7 The brain is very richly inter-connected
From: Felleman & Van Essen, 1991

8 Looking at time-course correlations
Buckner, R. L., Krienen, F. M., & Yeo, B. T. (2013). Opportunities and limitations of intrinsic functional connectivity MRI. Nature neuroscience, 16(7),

9 Connectivity changes as a function of task
Turk-Browne, N. B. (2013). Functional Interactions as Big Data in the Human Brain. science, 342(6158),

10 The “default mode network” (DMN)
Buckner, R. L., Krienen, F. M., & Yeo, B. T. (2013). Opportunities and limitations of intrinsic functional connectivity MRI. Nature neuroscience, 16(7),

11 Multiple “intrinsic networks”
Buckner, R. L. et al, Nature Neurosci, 2013.

12 How informative is the resting state?
Example: how healthy is someone? Resting state heart-rate of athletes is lower than resting heart-rate of non-athletes But: A more direct test would be to put someone on a treadmill and measure how their heart- rate and jogging speed correlate

13 Anatomical connectivity: Diffusion tensor imaging

14 Anatomical connectivity: Diffusion directions in white matter

15 Anatomical connectivity: Diffusion tensor tractography

16 Beware of –omics? Science involves a lot of things, one of which is measuring stuff Therefore, if you measure a lot of stuff, then you must be doing science (?) There do exist interesting –omics questions, but beware of the danger of atheoretical “measuring stuff”

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