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Cindy Gross @SQLCindy Big Data for the SQL Eye Cindy Gross @SQLCindy @SQLCindy.

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Presentation on theme: "Cindy Gross @SQLCindy Big Data for the SQL Eye Cindy Gross @SQLCindy @SQLCindy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cindy Gross @SQLCindy
Big Data for the SQL Eye Cindy Gross @SQLCindy @SQLCindy

2 What’s the Buzz?

3 Look, it’s SQL! SELECT score, fun FROM toDo WHERE type = 'they pay me for this?'; Nothing new here…. @SQLCindy

4 @SQLCindy

5 And yet it’s more! CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS toDo (fun STRING, rank INT COMMENT 'rank the greatness', type STRING) COMMENT 'two tables walk into a bar....' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/data/demo/'; This syntax reinforces that this is schema on read and that it’s separation of data from schema. @SQLCindy

6 @SQLCindy

7 A mix of old and new -- read some data SELECT 'you cannot make me ', score, fun, type FROM toDo WHERE score <= 0 ORDER BY score; SELECT 'when can we ', score, fun, type WHERE score > 0 DISTRIBUTE BY score SORT BY score; @SQLCindy

8 @SQLCindy

9 Visual job graph @SQLCindy

10 Show it off

11 ODBC Oh My Tableau Any ODBC compliant BI tool can use the Hive ODBC connector, this makes Hadoop/Hive “just another data source”. … And you now have new expectations around latency (fast query vs fast insight). You have easier experimentation, easier “fail fast” iteration. And/polyglot rather than “or” Enables the business user.

12 ODBC Oh My

13 Yes, Hive is just another data source

14 That’s Hive folks! Hive on Hadoop on HDInsight on Azure Big Data in the cloud! @SQLCindy

15 And the New OSS Kid on the Block
Spark! %sql SELECT avg(score) AS avgScore, funtype FROM toDo WHERE score > GROUP BY funtype ORDER BY funtype @SQLCindy

16 Lighting a Spark

17 Spark SQL: Interactive

18 Lots of Analytics Options!

19 It adds up to more options
Your choice in analytics Real-time, more history, fast ingestion ODBC makes Hive and Spark “just another data source” Experimentation via “fail fast” iteration Enables the business user … And new expectations around latency

20 Back to You Have you used Big Data? Azure? What questions do you have? What do you want to know by the end of this talk? What makes your projects go right or wrong? Will you use Big Data? @SQLCindy

21 Big Data Uses @SQLCindy

22 5/7/2018 A leading game development studio that creates, develops, produces, and publishes a number of popular video games needed to analyze large amounts of in-game data that were unstructured. They chose Azure HDInsight, Data Factory, SQL Server on-premises, Power View, Power Query to do in- game analytics and understanding what gamers do during game-play and what campaigns they can run to influence in-game purchases. Finally, twitter sentiment is collected to correlate with sales. © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

23 Game Development Company
In-game Analytics Game Development Company Part 1: What They Did | In-game Analytics Gaming A predominantly mobile-based game development company. While they are a mid-sized organization, they have partnered with media giants on various gaming projects Challenge As a game development studio, they wanted to do in-game analytics to understand their players more and what they do in the games Solution Azure HDInsight (MapReduce and Storm), Service Bus, SQL Server for reporting Collects telemetry and logging data to gain in-game analytics: How many players using the game How many players invited their friends How far along did players get into the tutorial How many attempts did they make on one level/stage Media tonic

24 Game Development Company
In-game Analytics Game Development Company Part 2: How They Did It | In-game Analytics How They Did It Collect data from games in Azure Blobs Game sends telemetry/logging data as JSON files Contains every action of user in the game Data is pushed to Azure Service Bus as real-time Tens of Gigabytes of data captured daily HDInsight picks up real-time data and processes From Service Bus, HDInsight processes using Apache Storm and MapReduce Constantly running experiments to determine insight A/B testing In-game metrics and analytics Spin up 32-node cluster nightly for four hours Output sent to SQL Server for BI Transfer data to SQL Server for BI Real-time Event Service Bus Azure HDInsight Azure Blobs BI for insights SQL Server On-premises BK1

25 5/7/2018 A game development studio that wanted to do in-game analytics to understand their players more and what they do in their games. They chose Azure HDInsight including Storm in HDInsight so they can do near real-time in-game analytics of their users. Now, they can understand how many players are playing, how many are referring the game, how difficult a game level is, etc. © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

26 Typical Big Data Use Cases
IT infrastructure optimization Legal discovery Social network analysis Traffic flow optimization Telemetry Churn analysis Natural resource exploration Weather forecasting Healthcare outcomes Fraud detection Life sciences research Advertising analysis Equipment monitoring Smart meter monitoring Businesses using Big Data are “making it big”. They are taking advantage of all this ambient data and they’re moving ahead, gaining a foothold in new markets and gaining marketshare in existing markets. Think about how Netflix makes movie recommendations or how Google can predict a flu outbreak before the CDC does. HDInsight is very focused on the volume and variety problems. We have our RX/Stream Insight and BI stack added in to help address the solution velocity issues. Store now, question later Iterate through questions

27 It depends It’s mostly true

28 Hadoop Shines When…. Data exploration, analytics and reporting, new data-driven actionable insights Rapid iterating Unknown unknowns Flexible scaling Data driven actions for early competitive advantage or first to market Low number of direct, concurrent users Low cost data archival

29 Hadoop Anti-Patterns….
Replace system whose pain points don’t align with Hadoop’s strengths OLTP needs adequately met by an existing system Known data with a static schema Many end users Interactive response time requirements (becoming less true) Your first Hadoop project + mission critical system

30 You tell me… What is Big Data? What is Hadoop? What specific scenario would you use it for? @SQLCindy

31 Hortonworks HDP @SQLCindy

32 Cortana Analytics Suite
Build 2015 5/7/ :24 PM Cortana Analytics Suite Information Management Azure Data Factory Data Catalog Event Hub Big Data Stores Machine Learning and Analytics Dashboards and Visualizations Business apps Custom apps Sensors and devices Power BI Azure Machine Learning Personal Digital Assistant People Azure Data Lake Store Cortana Azure HDInsight (Hadoop) Perceptual Intelligence Azure Data Lake Analytics Azure SQL Data Warehouse Face, vision Speech, text Automated Systems Azure Stream Analytics Business Scenarios Recommendations, customer churn, forecasting, etc. DATA INTELLIGENCE ACTION © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

33 Azure Data Lake - The Pieces

34 Azure Data Lake: store & managed clusters
Machine Learning & Data Science Conference 5/7/ :24 PM Azure Data Lake: store & managed clusters On-Premises Azure Cloud Azure Data Lake managed clusters MAP Reduce Hive, Pig HBase Storm Hadoop Cluster YARN-based Compute HDFS/WebHDFS API Map Reduce Hive, Pig HBase Storm Hadoop File System YARN-based Compute Azure Data Lake store WebHDFS API Hadoop File System © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

35 Analytics: Two Form Factors
HDInsight “managed Hadoop clusters” ADLA “analytics service” n1 n2 n3 n4 Hive/Pig/etc. job HDInsight Cluster lots of containers YARN Layer ADLA Account U-SQL/Hive/Pig job 45 45 Input File Output File Storage (Blob or ADLS)

36 Playing in the Lake







43 Azure Data Lake - The Action



46 Azure has so much more Go straight to the business code Scale storage and compute separately Open Source Linux Managed and unmanaged services Hybrid On-demand and 24x7 options SQL Server @SQLCindy

47 It’s a Polyglot Stream your data into a lake Pick the best compute for each task @SQLCindy

48 And it’s Fun! @SQLCindy

49 Cindy Gross @SQLCindy
Big Data for the SQL Eye Cindy Gross @SQLCindy @SQLCindy

50 And back to you @SQLCindy

51 What is Big Data? It Is Scale Out Enables elasticity
Encourages exploration Faster data ingestion Lower TCO Empowers self-service BI and analytics Rapid time to insight It Is NOT A well-defined thing About volume, size A replacement for everything The answer to every problem

52 What is Hadoop? Conceptual View
It Is A type of Big Data Just another data source A loose collection of open source code Distributed by many Handles loosely structured data Write once, read many It Is Not Actually a thing! The only way to do Big Data

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