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Welcome to Year 6 Parents Information Evening
Mr Denton Miss Harris Kingsnorth… The best days of our lives!
Aims To tell you about what happens in Year 6
To help you understand our expectations and standards To show you how you can keep informed To answer any queries you may have
School Organisation Team – Upper School Corridor (5,6)
The Teaching Assistants who work with Year 6 mainly are Miss Slade, Mrs Dengate, and Mrs Wright. Teachers covering PPA on a Tuesday morning are: Mrs Routley and Mrs Brittain.
Daily routines in Year 6 8:45 Early morning work 8:55 Registration
9:00 Maths 10:00 Assembly 10:15 Morning Break – whole school 10:30 AR/Guided reading/ Task 10:55 English 11.55 Spelling / Handwriting 12:15 Lunch 1:15 Session 3 2:15 Session 4 3:15 Hometime
Parental Information Parents handbook- check with office.
Behaviour – Choices and consequences Attendance / illness / punctuality Texts and Outdoor Notice Board. Informal Parents Evening WB: 20th November
Reading All pupils will read to an adult at least once every fortnight. In addition, reading and comprehension is taught as part of daily English sessions. If your child's reading level is below the age expected, then they will read daily to an adult. READ and DISCUSS - Expectation that children read to an adult at home 30 mins everyday to an adult. Please sign their log everyday.
Reading Continued..... Accelerated Reader Programme –
Each child has a reading range given to them by the Star Reading comprehension test. They can select a book of their choice within their range. Please encourage your child to make good book choices and finish each book. Independent reading – after they have completed an AR Quiz responsibility to change books, return, and record in their reading log. Reading incentives – AR certificates, whole school and class rewards. We will also be focusing on reading comprehension in class to help support children with deepening their understanding of a text. “The best readers make the best learners”
Writing Spelling, grammar and punctuation is a high priority, SPAG test in Yr 6. Accurate spelling is a requirement for meeting year 6 expectations. Individual termly assessments for rapid progress. Spellings will be added weekly to school website for children to practice.
Writing Hot write – To see pupil progress within teaching of unit
Fiction and Non-fiction ‘Marking for improvement’ on a rotation. Each pupils work will be levelled formally once every term and group writing targets will be on-going. Moderation between year groups and across other schools. Handwriting – High standard of handwriting expected in all subjects as this is a legible neat handwriting is a minimum expectation for achieving ARE. For greater depth, it must also be joined.
Maths Learning a range of mental/ written methods of addition, multiplication, subtraction and division Problem solving and challenges Group activities and ICT Number facts and times tables Questions involving reasoning and problem solving will be given on a daily basis. We are continuing to follow the White Rose Mastery approach for maths.
Computing Using ICT skills on a daily basis.
Developing knowledge of coding. Interactive teaching programs in class. Across the curriculum Safety online Mathletics:
Curriculum Skills and enquiry based Pre-learning Wow starters
Real life learning/needs of the child (locality) Reflection & celebration
Homework Maths activity – 20/30 mins per week.
Via or homework sheet Set every Thursday – Due Tuesday Times table tests throughout the year. Literacy/ Topic task – 20/30 mins. Usually related to the learning challenge. Reading 20 to 30 mins to an adult everyday.
Attainment and Progress
Termly assessments Non-verbal and verbal reasoning tests End of year assessments SATS Expected end of year attainment: Beginning, Developing, Secure
Independence Attitudes to learning Developing Independence
As the year progresses, the children are expected to become increasingly independent and more organised. This applies to both their work and social skills. Please encourage your child to be organised and prepared each day, remembering homework, PE kit, change reading books, letters etc...
PE PE sessions on a Wednesday for both classes. Please ensure pupils can remove earrings on their own. Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times, as it may be needed for other activities throughout the week. When parts of PE kits / whole kits are missing it wastes allocated PE time. (House T-shirt /, shorts, joggers, plimsolls and trainers, socks!)
Enrichment Activities and the Wider School.
Clubs – opportunities for all children to get involved. Seasonal. Please encourage consistent attendance. Parental / involvement of family members – Reading helpers, visitors, group helpers on trips Trips (not as treat, as learning opportunities) These may be at different points in the year rather than ‘end of school year’. We hope to run another theatre trip this year – it has generally come to around £25 - £30 dependent on show and venue chosen. However, normally in term 6
House Responsibilities/ School Council
One House and Sports Captain for each house One School council member from each class We will be watching presentations of applicants on Monday. Children should have bought have a slip to give them a starting point.
Strong Links with Year R
Buddy system which worked amazingly last year Planned lessons at least once a term. Support and play with buddies at playtimes These include reading, some P.E. based activities, cooking, games…this works really well! Rotation of children on daily basis to play games with children during lunch to model good behaviour to their buddies.
PESE Tests- ‘Only the Start’
11+ Tests running on Thursday 8Th September Children in for snacks and drink at for breakfast and time to relax before the test Test all on one day this year. Any support you need, just ask us! Results – 12th October sent out.
SATS Testing SATS Week: May 14th In school Writing moderations
Keep week free- no leave of absence will be granted for Year 6 at this time. Revision will be key- SATS results asked for in transition, sent onto next school and reported. Interventions in place to help children in certain areas. Practice Tests and booster classes throughout the year. Any questions about the SATS process- just ask!
Year 6 Residential Tuesday 7th November- Friday 10th November
Remembrance Assembly led by Year 6- (TBC) Attending staff still to be finalised please attend meeting on : TBD Most likely WB 2nd October Various visits planned Children to be handed additional information to take home on this.
Secondary school meeting on WB 18/09/17
More information available at meeting: applications viewing schools Have contacted variety of Secondaries to see if available to attend Closing date for Applications 31/10/17 If you are viewing a school before the meeting. Please ensure you have written a note to the office/ CT to let the school know why your child is not in school.
How you can help Read as much as you can with your child & discuss the text. Practise spelling Key Words and handwriting. Help them to recall basic number facts with increasing speed. Ask them to explain what they have been learning. Keep us informed. Please let us know if your child is getting picked up by someone else, or going home with a friend. We will not let them home with anyone unless we have you verbal/ written permission. Please make sure your children are clear who is collecting them.
And finally... Contact us via the school office
Please talk to us about any concerns if they arise us at: Keep up to date via the school website, texts and newsletters. Any questions?
Thank you for listening. Kingsnorth… The best days of our lives.
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