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Time Blocking Revisited.

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1 Time Blocking Revisited

2 “It's not the will to win that matters. everyone has that
“It's not the will to win that matters... everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters.”

3 Gary Kellers The 1 Thing talks about The Six Lies

4 #1 – Everything matters Equally – Agent List Call Agent List Check Hourly for Updates Record weekly video Could Do Should Do

5 #2 – Multitasking -

6 Multitasking Exercise
Write 1–10 as quickly as possible from left to right Write A–J as quickly as possible from left to right A B C D E F G H I J

7 Now write 1through 10 and A through J alternating numbers and letters A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 F 7 G 8 H 9 I 10 J

8 #3 – A Disciplined Life – Selective Discipline creates Habits – Good Habits are what successful people have, not good discipline

9 #4 - Willpower is Always on Will-Call You do NOT have an endless supply of willpower You must manage when to use it to the maximum 2 things reload – Non-use and Fuel (food)

10 #5 - A Balanced Life

11 #6 – Big is Bad – Thinking small will never allow you to achieve you full potential

12 Time Blocking Game Planning Purposeful Planned Implementation What ever you choose to call it, it is the single thing that is the difference in “doing ok” or “doing great” It is the single hardest thing to master


14 Look at the most successful person you know
Their day is scheduled. They have specific times and days that things happen. No matter what. It is essential to ensure they do not miss something very important It provides a level of consistency they could not achieve without it It allows them to focus on the things they know make them money It is a practiced and learned discipline, not an inherent trait

15 To begin you must have a full view of your typical day
Make a list of everything you do in your day. Jot down how much time each of those things take Put a value on each item (include the amount of time in your evaluation) Focus on those things that help you make the most money

16 Everything you do makes it to the list
Be honest with yourself The only way to know is to document it

17 Everything Makes the List
Made Coffee Checked Facebook again Watched News Bathroom Took Dog Out File status check Read s Called Wife Checked Facebook Played Candy Crush Shower Called Realtor Partner Dressed Called Title Rep Drive Kids to School Set up Tee time for Saturday Drive self to work Checked Facebook again Greet Co-Workers Got water Read Called another Realtor Partner Got Coffee Called Lead Everything Makes the List

18 For each activity you write down, jot down how much time you spent doing it.
Be honest with yourself! To have an effective time block, you have to know how much time each and every activity takes.

19 Made Coffee – 12 min Checked Facebook again – 15 min Watched News – 30 min Bathroom – 6 min Took Dog Out – 15 min File status check – 47 min Read s – 10 min Called Wife – 3 min =) Checked Facebook – 15 min Played Candy Crush – 32 min Shower – 20 min Called Realtor Partner – 6 min Dressed – 10 min Called Title Rep – 18 min Drive Kids to School – 30 min Set up Tee time for Saturday – 7 min Drive self to work – 15 min Checked Facebook again – 27 min Greet Co-Workers – 8 min Got water – 3 min Read – 10 min Called another Realtor Partner – 17 min Got Coffee – 3 min Called Lead – 37 min

20 Assign value to each of the items on your list
Be honest with yourself Assigning value to your activities gives a clear picture of what you should be focusing on, and what to cut out of your day Use a number system to make it easy 1=no value 10=high value

21 Made Coffee – 12 min= Checked Facebook again – 15 min= Watched News – 30 min= Bathroom – 6 min= Took Dog Out – 15 min= File status check – 47 min= Read s – 10 min= Called Wife – 3 min =)= Checked Facebook – 15 min= Played Candy Crush – 32 min= Shower – 20 min= Called Realtor Partner – 6 min= Dressed – 10 min= Called Title Rep – 18 min= Drive Kids to School – 30 min= Set up Tee time for Saturday – 7 min= Drive self to work – 15 min= Checked Facebook again – 27 min= Greet Co-Workers – 8 min= Got water – 3 min= Read – 10 min= Called another Realtor Partner – 17 min= Got Coffee – 3 min= Called Lead – 37 min=10

22 You will notice (if you were honest with yourself) that the high value items are typically the Big Money activities that you do. Be honest with yourself You can turn a low value item like checking your into a high value item……..instead of checking it 6 times a day for 2 or 3 points. check it twice for 5 points. Twice gives you the same value points and frees up those precious chunks of time.

23 If you choose to do that exercise you are left with the building blocks for working off of a true time blocked schedule Choosing to time block your day can actually give you more of the time you cherish most Time Blocking is a Choice!

24 DO NOT let anything interfere with staying on schedule
If something is important enough to make your schedule it must get done….period….you can not waiver on this point Include time in your schedule to read and react to things that come up during a time block (schedule flexibility) Make your first time block


26 The number 1 mistake people make……Trying to jump into time blocking cold turkey.
Start with scheduling 2 days a week Become proficient on sticking to the schedule on those 2 days Once you have accomplished that, then add a 3rd day

27 Start your time block by focusing on the Big Money activities
Give yourself more Read and React time than you need at first. Never end your day before you have set up your schedule for the next day Do not allow distractions when in a block of time. Once your focus is distracted, it takes 20 to 30 minutes to get back into focus

28 The key to this working for you is how honest you are in the first step
Taking short cuts here can lead to the inability to stay on schedule Choose to be pro-actively working on your business and stop reacting to things in your business It is a choice!!!!

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