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Hospital Leakage Presentation to the AHIA National Conference 2007

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Presentation on theme: "Hospital Leakage Presentation to the AHIA National Conference 2007"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hospital Leakage Presentation to the AHIA National Conference 2007
Mr Keith Joyce Benefits Risk Manager Medibank Private

2 What to Look For? Hospital Claims Process Data, Forms, Member info,
Overpayment PHI – staff training, product, Voluntary Recoveries – learnings, behaviour, E - environment

3 Hospitals Data: trends i.e. episodic where cost weight of 1moves dramatically in total, within specialties, between similar profiled Providers, etc Per diems: treatment profiles trendline around price sensitive touch points ICU: when paid separately, charges are in line with fund rules. Admissions: valid or not? ie. 4 hour admits

4 Day Seps

5 The Statistics Benefit Risk Management has an ROI of: 8:1
Where: Area ROI Private Hosp + Prosth $b2.3 Say 1% = $m23 Public Hosp $m120 Say 4% = $m4.8 Doctors $m300 (Public only) Say .3% = $m1 Ancillary $m700 Say 2.5% =$m17.5

6 Public IFC Aust sample suggests approx 6% do not receive appropriate/adequate IFC. Some States / Some Hospitals are into double digits Focus on returns! (Push by Publics to maximise PHI income stream) Pte vs Shared bed days – proportion of that billed vs other sites/averages ** to contract or not to contract???** - The value proposition vs control of outlays/coding/quality/leverage with Private groups?

7 Private patient/Public Hospital

8 Prosthetics Faulty appliances:
How: Data/ DRG’s/appliance/averages/manufacturer Creates additional: procedures/risks billings Warranty breaches/action against manufacturer Advocate for member re rights, comp,

9 Day Hospitals Common Features: i.e. ownership structure similar to ancillary Generally Doctor owned Services defined How: Data sort into high benefit outlay services Compare to peers for service, other demographics i.e. age, services billed

10 Case Study: Ambulance Ambulance; Pilot reflected a potential of full year savings of approx $m1 How? Test theory in a sampled environment Quantify result & extend to support a business case Operationalise process + Comms Results include recoveries, rejections and ability to alter behaviour/partner organisations/contract etc (Pensioner status, travel home, frequent flyers, subs paid elsewhere, medically required that is the question, Rural vic, Hospital to Hosptal.) Other: improved data base, linkeages with patient transport bodies, members

11 Summary Lots to do/little resource/focus on dollars rather
“The Struggle” Lots to do/little resource/focus on dollars rather that the wider good/where is R&D time & $’s/ benchmarking –not relevant/ what is best practice/ hit them hard once/ meeting business demands.

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