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Unlocking CII Knowledge

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1 Unlocking CII Knowledge
Introductory comments, and; The Education Committee’s intent is to provide information to assist you in finding and obtaining value in CII knowledge for the benefit of your projects and your organizations.

2 Applying CII Knowledge Improves Project Performance
We are all aware of the relationship between use of CII Best Practices and Improved Project Performance. We know if you use this stuff early, frequently and use increasing numbers of CII practices– projects produce better results – but locating and accessing the stuff that applies is your challenge, where ever you are in the organization. We have a solution, and I would like to tell you about that. Early Frequent Many Practice Use

3 Key to Unlock the Knowledge
Today we want to give you the keys to unlock the values in CII Knowledge CII Knowledge

4 CII Learning Opportunities
Project Teams University Short Courses Education Modules Technology Assisted Learning YOU Read/Evaluate Research Products Implement CII Practices Committee Participation Conferences & Meetings Last year the Education Committee talked with you about the opportunities for learning in CII, and we used this diagram. These are also the sources of CII Knowledge. (on the next slide discuss each, using the boxes revealed in sequence at each click)

5 CII Learning Opportunities
Read/Evaluate Research Products Project Teams Project Teams University Short Courses Education Modules Conferences & Meetings Education Modules Implement CII Practices Read/Evaluate Research Products YOU Technology Assisted Learning University Short Courses Committee Participation Implement CII Practices Project Teams: participation on a project team enables the team member to gain knowledge on the topic being researched and to grow in personal development as well. Read/Evaluate Research Products: These are the direct outputs of the research phase and provide considerable information on the issues and the solutions. Implement CII Practices: This is the process of putting the research phase results into practice…the best way to learn about the recommended practices and the benefits that result. Committee Participation: As in many activities, your benefits are a result of the effort you put in. These standing committees play an important role in the work of CII. Conferences & Meetings: Just as with this Annual Conference, there are a number of opportunities to gain knowledge. CII provides education modules on CII research topics There are presently 20 topics available and 3 more are in development. Three universities present the CII Short Courses several times each year. These are two-one week sessions and include 7 CII education modules in each week. The Technology Assisted Learning is a program to provide CII Education Module content through the Internet, making this material available worldwide, around the clock Conferences & Meetings Committee Participation

6 Sources of Knowledge Individual Project Teams Read/Evaluate Education
University Short Courses Education Modules Technology Assisted Learning Read/Evaluate Research Products Implement CII Practices Committee Participation Conferences & Meetings Individual Each of these groups produces knowledge in various forms. The output would be difficult for anyone to monitor all of this output effectively. How do you stay informed on all these? Either as an organization or as individuals? There is a solution…

7 CII Knowledge Structure
CII Knowledge Area CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation CII Best Practices Information Areas CII has produced the “Knowledge Structure” to assist you with Knowledge Management. The Knowledge Structure takes all of these inputs/outputs and catalogs them by the 13 major areas of interest. Easier now to identify applicable publications, etc. Tools Supporting Products References Tools Supporting Products References Supporting Products References

8 Collection of Knowledge
Project Teams University Short Courses Education Modules Technology Assisted Learning Read/Evaluate Research Products Implement CII Practices Committee Participation Conferences & Meetings CII Best Practices Information Areas CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation Tools Supporting Products References CII Knowledge Area As you can see, the Knowledge Structure is the center of the wheel and provides a way to manage all of CII’s Knowledge. This makes it easy for you to find what you need.

9 CII Knowledge Structure
Overall CII body of knowledge arranged in a topological form. Currently 13 Knowledge Areas comprised of: 11 Best Practices 13 Proposed Best Practices – Pending Validation 26 Information Areas Summarize the slide, referring to: Knowledge Areas are categories of related topics, Best Practices proven practices with positive impact on project performance, Proposed Best Practices, Pending Validation are practices resulting from CII research for which the impacts are not yet proven, and Information Areas provide valuable information but do not contain processes or practices.

10 CII Knowledge Structure
See CII Web site Select “Catalog” Please turn to Page XX in your Proceedings. Is everyone on Page XX? You may access the CII Web site at the Web address shown: , click on “Catalog”, Click on “Knowledge Structure”. (Segue to the screen shot of Knowledge Structure matrix.) I will show you a picture of the Knowledge Structure initial screen, but it is too small for you to read, so please look at page XX of your Proceedings. Please refer to Proceedings Appendix

11 Proceedings Page XX: When viewed on the computer screen this is an interactive matrix. As you can see, the Knowledge Structure is divided into four sections: the Knowledge Areas, Best Practices, Proposed Best Practices and Information topics. Clicking on any topic brings a listing of the related documents additional information. In a few minutes I’ll discuss how you can use this matrix to find the CII Knowledge you seek.

12 CII Best Practices Pre-Project Planning Alignment Constructability
Design Effectiveness Materials Management Team Building Partnering Quality Management Change Management Disputes Resolution Zero Accidents Techniques For instance, you can see the CII Best Practices listed in the second column from the left. From the Knowledge Structure on the web site each of these is a link to the related documents for each Best Practice.

13 Implementation Model +
New Publication Implementation Model + Knowledge Structure Guide Implementation Resource 166-2 Describes organization, content, and use of Knowledge Structure Brief description of Implementation Model To assist you in using this information, CII has released two new documents that assist in understanding and accessing this knowledge. This new CII document explains how to leverage the power of the Knowledge Structure to locate and access the CII knowledge. With this document, anyone in your organization can have the information to find and use applicable CII Knowledge.

14 New Publication CII Best Practices Guide: Improving Project Performance Implementation Resource 166-3 CII Best Practices information in a single document. Self-assessment tools for each Best Practice. This document really gives you, in one place, the information on all of the 11 CII Best Practices. Every Project Manager in your organization should have a copy and be familiar with this document.

15 Guides to the Knowledge
Implementation Resource 166-2 Implementation Model + Knowledge Structure Guide Implementation Resource 166-3 CII Best Practices Guide: Improving Project Performance These two new publications together help you and your team take advantage of the power of the Knowledge Structure and its content. The theme of this year’s conference display room is CII Knowledge. Visit the CII Knowledge Center to learn more about these and other CII products. Stop by, you will be impressed.

16 Key to Access the Knowledge
Well, I have briefly described the Knowledge Structure, its content, and told you how to get additional details; now, you might ask, “How do I really access the knowledge?” CII Knowledge

17 CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation
Sources of Knowledge Project Teams Read/Evaluate Research Products Implement CII Practices Committee Participation Conferences & Meetings CII Best Practices Information Areas CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation Tools Supporting Products References CII Knowledge Area Let’s look at the right hand side of this circle of knowledge I discussed earlier. CII information from these sources comes to members automatically. These products include research reports, research summaries, implementation resources, conference proceedings, etc. Transition to the delivery methods.

18 “Free” Delivery Methods
Mail Books and printed materials CD-ROM Annual snapshot of CII products So, in a sense, these products arrive at your organization without any further effort on your part. In the beginning the only method of delivery was by mail, and that is still used. More recently CII has issued a CD ROM of the knowledge on an annual basis. The means to use these printed materials and CD ROM to spread knowledge present a challenge to ingenuity, and many members have used effective methods. Consider how you make this information available to your employees and how extensively it is used. Earlier I mentioned a new solution to this challenge, and I want to tell you about that, now. In 1995 CII began distribution by CD Rom. Who in your organization has access to that information?

19 “Free” Delivery Methods
Products Online Members Only Continual Updates Available Before Printing… 24/7, Worldwide Free to Members Online Access The newest addition to these delivery means is CII Products On-Line. It became operational in November 2001. (Review the points) Some of you have made use of this system and and others have an unexploited opportunity ahead. Please note: these distributions are at no cost to members. CII plans to develop an e-commerce model for non-members soon.

20 Your Keys to Products Online
User Name Password Each CII member organization was been provided with the user name and password, an Online Administrator has been identified to distribute the “keys” throughout their organization. The name of your On-Line Administrator can be found on page yy of your Proceedings booklet. *(Include OLA List in proceedings) The Online Administrator is empowered to distribute the keys throughout your organization.

21 Please open your Proceedings again to Page XX: I will quickly demonstrate how to use this system. When viewed on the computer screen this is an interactive matrix. Clicking on any topic bring additional information. We’ll select Knowledge Area 1, Front-End Planning… As you can see, the Knowledge Structure is divided into four sections. The Knowledge Areas, Best Practices, Proposed Best Practices and Information topics. Clicking on any entry lists the related documents and additional information.

22 This screen indicates in Knowledge Area 1 there are two Best Practices and one Proposed Best Practice. We want more information about 1.1, Pre-Project Planning, so we’ll click there…

23 This displays the newest CII product in this category and we would find others if we scrolled down the screen. As a member I want to look at a copy of the PDRI for Building Projects. I would click on the Registered User Login and enter my user name and password. Non members may access the more information file for additional details about the content scope, but cannot register or obtain a copy of the document. When I enter my user name and password,…

24 I get this screen and have the option to view the document content online or to save it to a file on my computer. Simply clicking on either option brings the document file to my computer.

25 Products Online Comparative Usage Data
Online Power Normal Number of Admin Users Users Downloads Member Company A Member Company B As I mentioned, some members have used this system extensively. Let me give you a snapshot of the range of use of these keys. These are actual usage data. Company A has one On Line Administrator who can distribute user names and passwords, three Power Users who can download materials and also distribute user names and passwords, and 18 Users who have access to the download system. They have downloaded 248 CII documents at no cost. Company B has a lower usage level What is the Products On Line usage level for your organization? And what do you want it to be? Which organization is yours?

26 Case Study 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 EQUATOR TROPIC OF CANCER TROPIC OF CAPRICORN TROP OF CAPRICORN AUSTRALIA A S I A A F R I C A E U R O P E GREENLAND NORTH AMERICA ANTARCTICA SOUTH P A C I F I C O C E A N I N D I A N PACIFIC OCEAN A T L A N T I C A short story: The operations manager in the US for a member company was just completing the work day. She was putting on her coat preparing for the journey home. A call came in from a project manager on an important project in Malaysia. The PM had an urgent need for a specific CII Implementation Resource. The document was in the library and it would have been easy to walk down the hall to drop it by the PM’s office, but he was half a world away in Asia. How do I get this to him to meet his need? The Operations Manager talked the PM through the steps to access the CII Knowledge Structure, he entered his user name and password, and in less than 5 minutes he had the CII document he needed, halfway around the globe, and was ready to address his problem! Another Success!

27 CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation
Sources of Knowledge Education Modules CII Best Practices Information Areas CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation Tools Supporting Products References CII Knowledge Area University Short Courses We have discussed the CII products that come to you automatically as a result of your membership. Now let’s discuss those products that require some specific action and a small investment on your part. Specifically, the CII education modules, the Short Courses and the Technology Assisted Learning. These are the: Education Modules, Continuing Education University Short Courses, and Technology Assisted Learning or TAL program Technology Assisted Learning

28 Additional Member Benefits (with investments)
Education Modules Print Version Complete Training Solution Short Courses Campus-based Group Training Networking You may be familiar with the Education Modules and Short Courses. The Education Modules are listed on page zz of your proceedings, and are listed in the Knowledge Structure. These modules provide a complete training solution and are designed for use with your in-house training programs. Because of their complexity, the modules are not available for download. Three universities, Arizona State, Clemson and the University of Texas at Austin deliver two one-week session and present 7 of the CII education modules in each campus-based group training session. There is information on these Short Courses in your proceedings and on the CII Web Site. CII has partnered with EduNeering, Inc. to deliver CII education modules as computer interactive training via the Internet. There is an explanation of this newest program in your proceedings on Page XX, and all three of these resources are on display in the Conference Display Center. Be sure to stop in there and gain more information. Technology Assisted Learning 24/7 Worldwide

29 The Key to Education Modules
Catalog listing available online: See CII Web site Select “Catalog” To order, contact CII: Phone The Education Modules are described in the catalog, and the ordering information is provided there as well.

30 The Key to Short Courses
Course information and schedule via CII Web Page programs/cesc.htm The Short Courses, both content and presentation schedules, are also described on the CII Web Site.

31 The Key to Technology Assisted Learning
EduNeering Subscription Contact Joanne Vest at or The Technology Assisted Learning program is available through EduNeering, Inc. You can contact Joanne Vest or access their web site: Well, we covered a lot of information in a few minutes, I’d like to briefly summarize the key points. See Proceedings Appendix

32 Now You Know Where to Find CII Knowledge CII Best Practices Information Areas CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation Tools Supporting Products References CII Knowledge Area I discussed the CII Knowledge Structure, its content and how to make use of the knowledge that is available there. CII Knowledge Structure

33 Now You Know How to Obtain the Knowledge
CII Products Online User Name and Password to access and to download Technology Assisted Learning Contact Joanne Vest at EduNeering Phone I have discussed the Products On Line system and how the user names and passwords can be distributed and products downloaded. And I have discussed the Technology Assisted Learning program available through EduNeering, Inc..

34 Now You Know How to Use the Knowledge
Implementation Resource 166-2 Implementation Model + Knowledge Structure Guide Implementation Resource 166-3 CII Best Practices Guide And I have discussed the recent CII publications that explain the Knowledge Structure, the Implementation Model and the Best Practices. Use these to enhance your project performance.

35 Give your people the “Keys”
The Challenge Give your people the “Keys” The Challenge to you is to give your people the keys to access and use the CII Knowledge!

36 Implementation Session Invitation
Wed., 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Thurs., 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Torrey’s Peak I & II Learn How to Use the Keys!! RSVP We invite you to attend one of our two implementation sessions, to learn more about these resources and how you can benefit from their use. Join us in Torrey’s Peak 1 & 2 at either 4:30 p.m. today or 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.

37 Implementation Session
Presentations: Introduction 3 minutes Demo – Knowledge Structure 10 minutes Demo – Products Online 5 minutes Case Studies – Testimonials 12 minutes Distributing the Keys Making Use of the Keys Discussions 30 minutes We will demonstrate the interactive use of the Knowledge Structure, the Products On Line Systems and will present two summaries from members about their use and the impacts they have observed. And we will have plenty of time to address any questions or concerns that you might have.

38 Implementation Panel Joint: Moderator: Freddie Wong, Aramco Services
Education Committee Knowledge Committee Moderator: Freddie Wong, Aramco Services Panel: Jerry Eyink, Anheuser-Busch Virgil Barton, Bechtel Larry Scott, U.S. Steel This will be a joint session involving the Education Committee and the Knowledge Committee. Freddie Wong will moderate, Larry Scott and Virgil Barton will relate their experiences with the use of these systems.

39 Use the Keys Improve Project Performance
Early Frequent Many Project Performance Give your people the keys! Use these resources to use a number of CII Practices early and frequently. Open the treasure Chest! Thank you for your attention. Practice Use

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