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Background on VAACs’ Best Practices

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1 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
Raul Romero Secretary, IAVWOPSG Greg Brock Secretary, IVATF VAAC Best Practices Seminar, ICAO Headquarters, Montreal 13 and 14 February 2012

2 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
The issues of harmonization and best practices had been always in the ICAO IAVWOPSG agenda In addition to several conclusions to improve issuance of products and transference of responsibilities between VAACs the IAVWOPSG (and later the IVATF) had formulated specific conclusions to that end. VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

3 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
IAVWOPSG Conclusion 1/25 (15 to 19 March 2004) Model inter-comparisons exercises That, a) the VAACs Provider States conduct, in coordination with WMO, regular model inter-comparisons exercises to endeavour to ensure that the model outputs provided by the different models used are meeting operational requirements; and b) the VAAC Provider States, where appropriate, include the results in the management report. VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

4 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
IAVWOPSG Conclusion 2/8 (26 to 30 September 2005) Development of guidance for the improvement of models used by VAACs to predict the movement of volcanic ash That, a) WMO be invited to consider developing guidance that can be used by all VAACs to improve their operational models; and Note. ― Issues to be covered by the guidance should include as a minimum: ― Source term ― Physical processes ― Model output ― Ensemble forecasting. b) the WMO member be invited to report on the progress made to the IAVWOPSG/3 Meeting. VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

5 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
IAVWOPSG Conclusion 3/18 (19 to 23 March 2007) Harmonized display of VA information on VAACs websites That, the Secretariat prepare, in coordination with the VAACs, guidance related to the harmonization of the display of volcanic ash information specified by ICAO on the VAACs websites in order to facilitate the users access to this information, for inclusion in Doc 9766, Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW) — Operational Procedures and Contact List. VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

6 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
IAVWOPSG Conclusion 4/7 (15 to 19 September 2008) Standardization of volcanic ash advisories web pages That, VAACs, in providing a web-based interface via the public Internet, be required to give a direct link to a unique webpage that provides information relevant to ICAO volcanic ash products.   Note 1. – The link needs to reside on the front page of each VAAC website; and Note 2. – The web-based service is in compliance with ICAO Doc 9855, Guidelines on the Use of the Public Internet for Aeronautical Applications. VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

7 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
IAVWOPSG Conclusion 5/10 (15 to 19 March 2010) Standardization of international volcano database That, the IAVWOPSG Members from Canada, IUGG, in coordination with all the VAACs: a) develop a volcano database adapted to the need of VAACs; and b) prepare a progress report for consideration by the IAVWOPSG/6 Meeting VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

8 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
IVATF Recommendation 2/6 (11 to 15 July 2011) That the International Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG) be urged to more clearly specify common best practices procedures for preparing advisory products, with the goal to harmonize standard operating procedures among the VAACs to mitigate inconsistency for operators and regulators. VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

9 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
IAVWOPSG Conclusion 6/8 (19 to 23 September 2011) Workshop to develop VAAC best practices That Australia, in conjunction with WMO, be invited to facilitate a workshop for all VAACs in 2012 or 2013 to share, develop and document VAAC best practices, in order to support harmonization of the VAACs’ operating procedures and to mitigate inconsistency for operators. Note.— The workshop should consider all aspects of VAAC operations, including but not limited to, lead VAAC and coordination, emission source parameters, satellite analysis, trajectory and dispersion modelling and output. The outcome of the workshop should be presented as soon as possible and reported to IAVWOPSG/7. VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

10 Background on VAACs’ Best Practices
IAVWOPSG Conclusion 6/9 (19 to 23 September 2011) Report on processes and methodologies employed by each VAAC That the VAACs be invited to provide a report detailing the current processes and methodologies employed by each VAAC to generate its output products, covering but not limited to the template provided at Appendix E to the IAVWOPSG/6 report no later than 31 December 2011. VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

11 Timeline of activities
2004 IAVWOPSG Conclusion 1/25 2005 IAVWOPSG Conclusion 2/8 2007 IAVWOPSG Conclusion 3/18 2008 IAVWOPSG Conclusion 4/7 2010 IAVWOPSG Conclusion 5/10 2011 IVATF Recommendation 2/6 IAVWOPSG Conclusions 6/8 and 6/9 2012 VAAC best practices report VAAC Best Practices Seminar 2013 IAVWOPSG/7, Lima, March 2013 VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

12 VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – 13-14 February 2012
Thank you VAAC Best Practices Seminar – Montreal – February 2012

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