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Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permitting
Project Status Update February 14, 2017
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Who We Are
Ron Schaefer Program Manager Leidos Steven Todd Vice President, Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Project Objective
GAO Report on the Skagit River Bridge accident: To improve stewardship over the nation’s highways and bridges, we recommend that the Secretary of Transportation direct the FHWA Administrator to take the following action: Conduct a study on state oversize- and overweight-permitting practices, including automated vehicle routing and escort driver certification, to identify areas of best practice and share the results with states. Source: GAO Report / “TRANSPORTATION SAFETY: Federal Highway Administration Should Conduct Research to Determine Best Practices in Permitting Oversize Vehicles”, p. 24 February
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Project Kickoff 9/22/16
Task 1 Project Management Task 2 Conduct literature review of available OS/OW permitting Develop criteria for OS/OW permitting best practices Task 3 Create inventory of State OS/OW permitting practices Develop Best Practices Report: Draft and Final Task 4 Share the Results: Two Webinars
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
The environmental scan was completed as follows: Comprehensive web search to identify documents and other relevant information sources Meeting with the FHWA Office of Bridges and Structures to identify National Bridge Inventory data of relevance to the research Interviews with select states currently using automated OS/OW permitting systems Interviews with select vendors who currently offer OS/OW permitting systems
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
Literature Review AASHTO Subcommittee on Highway Transportation’s OS/OW Permit Harmonization Resolutions Transportation Research Board Ongoing NCHRP “Finding and Using Data to Identify and Evaluate Corridors for Transporting Multi-State, Multi-Modal Oversize/Overweight Freight” Pilot Escort Vehicle Training Materials and State Certification Harmonization Project, In Particular the Research Conducted On State Certification And Training Programs GAO Annual State Size and Weight Enforcement Certification Reports
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
State OS/OW Permitting System Information Scan 9 States were interviewed Type of Permitting System Manual or Automated Route Identification Load Height, Width, Length and Weight Thresholds Application Process Library: Inventory of Equipment and Previous Permits/Routes Issuance of Permits When Thresholds Are Exceeded Time & Cost Savings Permit Accuracy System Operation
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
Review of OS/OW Permitting Vendor Systems Bentley Systems SUPERLOAD - OS/OW permitting software package GotPermits – enables carrier to submit permit app for multi-state route ProMiles primary vendor providing states with automated permitting and routing system Oxcart Permits System Web based system links local permitting agencies with carriers
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
Key Criteria for Assessing Best Practices Do permitting processes promote operating efficiencies? Do permitting processes enhance safety? Do permitting processes promote harmonization? Process Analyzed Research Results and Link to Key Criteria Route Identification, Threshold Limits, Auto-issuance of Permits, Time/Cost Savings, Permit Accuracy, System Operations Identify Key Elements That Can Be Used to Identify Best Practices
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
Process Identify Common Characteristics Between States Regional, Geographic, Economic, Load Type Cross-reference Best Practice Criteria with Geographic and Demographic Data Analysis Results Develop Criteria For Assessing Best Practices Linked to Key Criteria – Efficiency and Safety Cross Referenced by Research Topic Cross Referenced by Common Geographic/Demographic Characteristics
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
High Level Criteria – Safety and Efficiency Enhancing the safe movement of OS/OW loads through: Improved data quality and information exchange Enhanced infrastructure protection through automated identification of permanent and temporary route restrictions Enhanced highway safety through notification to open permit holders of changes in permit status
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
High Level Criteria – Safety and Efficiency Reducing permit processing time and improving operational efficiencies: Automating route selection and auto-issuance of permits to reduce permit turnaround time (PTA) Reduced or eliminated backlog One-stop-shopping with either state-issuance of local permits or direct links to local permit agencies
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
Automated Route Identification State system has the authority to issue local permits as well as state permits State system’s map includes state and local road systems State system’s map has embedded links that provide point of contact information for local permit agencies State OS/OW Permitting Webpage has a link that connects to local permitting portals State OS/OW Permitting Webpage has a link that provides point of contact information for local agencies State system enables carriers to generate route maps State system includes and displays permanent and temporary route restrictions State system includes a hyperlink that provides information on the restriction State system will auto-route carriers around restriction
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
Thresholds Height restrictions The state system contains information on all bridge and other height restrictions. The state system automatically routes carriers around bridge and height restrictions. The state uses the “minimum or the maximum” criteria for issuing permits on bridges with variations in lane clearance heights. Weight restrictions The state system automatically routes carriers on routes that are approved for state weight thresholds. Length restrictions The state system automatically routes carriers on routes that are approved for state length thresholds. Width restrictions The state system automatically routes carriers on routes that are approved for state width thresholds.
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
Application Process State system includes edit check functions that link the requested OS/OW load movement route to the correct permit for the particular load. State system includes a library function that enables carriers to store company data, information on power units and trailer configurations and previously issued permits. State system includes pre-approved routes for the movement of particular OS/OW loads.
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
System Operation State system includes electronic payments options Electronic Funds Transfer, credit/debit cards, escrow accounts State system updates route restrictions in a timely manner and tracks all open permits. All open permit holders are notified if a change in a route restriction changes the status of a permit.
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
Other State system has authority to issue permits for a port Vendor system has the functionality to issue permits for multiple states for a single OS/OW load. State permits are only issued along a route where the requested permit and proposed route are in compliance with each state’s threshold requirements Vendor system has ability to issue local permits for carriers whose OS/OW load includes local as well as state roads
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 2: Research Best Practices Criteria for OS/OW Permitting
Pilot Car Training and Certification Best Practices Criteria Program Management Training and Certification Reciprocity with Other States Enforcement
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 3: Inventory and Identify State Best Practices
Use Results of Task 2 to Develop Inventory Database of State OS/OW Permitting Processes Identify Best Practices Using Task 2 Criteria Key Criteria: Efficiency and Safety Cross-reference State Best Practices by Research Product Develop Best Practices Report Annotated Outline Develop Best Practices Report
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Task 4: Share the Results with the States
Develop Presentation Summarizing the Results of Task 3 Conduct Two Webinars (Talking Freight) Work with FHWA and Stakeholder Groups (AAHSTO, SC&RA, CVSA, Pilot Car Industry) to Identify Potential Participants Contact Participants and Schedule/Conduct Two Webinars Target Audience of Up to 100 Participants per Webinar Document Webinar Results
OS/OW Vehicle Permitting Project Schedule
Task 2 Completed Information Scan and Literature Review on January 31, 2107 Developed Draft Criteria for Assessing State Best Practices on January 31, 2017 Develop final Review and Criteria by April 2017 SC&RA Symposium Workshop in February 2017 Task 3 Complete Annotated Outline of Best Practices Report by July 2017 Complete State OS/OW Permitting Process Inventory Data Base by August 2017 Complete Draft State Best Practices Report by September 2017 Complete Final State Best Practices Report by October 2017 Task 4 Conduct Two Webinars in November 2017 PowerPoint and 2-page Summary October 2017
Thank You! Ron Schaefer Steven Todd Program Manager Leidos
Steven Todd Vice President, Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association
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