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Center on School Turnaround at WestEd

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Presentation on theme: "Center on School Turnaround at WestEd"— Presentation transcript:

1 Center on School Turnaround at WestEd

2 Theory of Action for Improving Schools and Districts
CST Workshop Agenda Assess Create and Implement Monitor and Adjust Theory of Action for Improving Schools and Districts

3 Creating a System If not, what are we going to do about it?
What are we trying to do? Theory of Action How are we planning to do it (Including Who)? Assess Create and Implement At any given point, how do we know whether we are on track? Monitor and Adjust If not, what are we going to do about it?

4 Team Time Planning Coordinating

5 Four Domains For Rapid School Improvement: A Systems Framework

6 What have we learned?

7 Change Efforts Fail When….
Not focused on a few high-leverage priorities Insufficiently rigorous in its expectations Inadequately rooted in research-based practice Not focused on implementation fidelity as well as program/intervention fidelity Not monitored by a core team committed to its success Too rigid, inflexible, and absent performance management procedures for making necessary changes in course

8 Efforts also fail when... They are primarily top down
They do not provide opportunities to learn from and with each other They do not acknowledge and reach out to apathetic and resistant stakeholders. In complex change, everybody is a leader and a learner.

9 CST Framework Synthesized Research Practical Experience
Input from the field

10 Domains Set of related practices Address a facet of the broader domain
Used in tandem Address a facet of the broader domain

11 Practices Apply across the system of state education agency, the local education agency, and the school. Differentiates the roles of the state, district, and school and calls out the role of each entity in turnaround. Not meant to be an exhaustive list of activities. Not a recipe, or magic bullet!

12 The 4 Domains of Rapid School Improvement


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