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Nucleus – complete Campus Management solution

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Presentation on theme: "Nucleus – complete Campus Management solution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nucleus – complete Campus Management solution
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

2 Frequently asked Questions
Not able to login in ERP from Moodle Access Denied Message Wrong Students/ No students/ Courses not being displayed Saved Records not displaying! Session Expired! Timetable for this course not prepared Save button is Missing Grid functionality not working My Course is not displaying in Course Selection No action occurs, when I click a record in the grid. Need help?

3 Not able to login in ERP from Moodle
Problem: When user clicks on the NUcleus ERP, the user is either redirected to the login page of ERP or it displays “Page cannot be displayed”. How to proceed? Solution: In case login page of ERP is displayed, please let us know it might occur due to some data issues. We shall get this rectified. For page cannot be displayed, please check the browser your using. ERP currently supports up to Internet Explorer 8.0/ Mozilla Firefox 7.0. User can even run the application in IE compatibility mode. In case the browser is correct then this is a proxy issue of the network. Please try to change your browser’s proxy settings or contact TCO for support.

4 Access Denied Message Problem:
When I click on any left menu, it displays “Access Denied” for all the menus. How to proceed? Solution: When a user logs in the system, the first step is to select the academic session, sub-session & course for which the user intends to perform the defined actions. From the top menu, please select the academic session, sub-session & course. Then double click on switch. An alert shall be displayed “Are you sure you want to Switch”. Click on yes & then continue. Also, in ERP the student profile, marks entry & attendance can be accessed by the faculty while rest all transactions can only be performed by Course In- charge. If faculty tries to access any other transactions forms, then also the same message is displayed. In case, rights provided to you are wrong, please contact Academics office. Please refer to next slide for a screenshot of the “Access Denied”.

5 Snapshot of Access Denied Message

6 Wrong Students/ No students/ Courses not being displayed
Problem: Wrong list of students or no students are being displayed when I select any menu item after switching to my course. Is the data entered wrong? Solution: Please check the sub-session that you have selected. Sub-session is the university’s ongoing sub-session independent of the program. Academic session of University begins from July-June. So sub-session would be as follows:- Semester 1 - (July to December) Semester 2 - (January to June) Term 1 – (July to September) Term 2 – (October to December) Term 3 – (January to March) Term4 – (April to June) Please refer to next slide for a screenshot of the “course selection”.

7 Snapshot of Course Selection

8 Saved Records not displaying!
Problem: I have saved some records in the ERP but when I am not able to view the records I have saved. It does not display in the list. This occurs for marks entry, course evaluation scheme etc. How to view the saved records? Solution: By default when we click on Marks entry or evaluation scheme, only 10 records are displayed. There is a page size option in the bottom right. You can change the page size to view the rest of records or click on next icon to view rest all records. In marks entry the exam type for which marks have been saved move at the bottom of list automatically. Please refer to next slide for a screenshot of the “changing page size”.

9 Snapshot of changing Page size

10 Session Expired! Problem:
I was trying to add some records in the system. After adding the records when I click on save. Browser displays “session expired. Please login again.” When I login again into the ERP, the saved records are not visible. Solution: ERP has the functionality of session expire. When you login into the system after 20 minutes of inactivity, the session automatically times out. This is necessary to maintain security of the data. When the session expires, the records we try to save are not saved in the database. Thus records are not displaying. Please take care before entering any data that you have not left your browser window inactive for more than 20 minutes otherwise the data would not get saved & clicking on save will display Session Expired.

11 Timetable for this course not prepared
Problem: I tried marking the attendance for the courses I am teaching but when I click on Student attendance, it displays “Timetable for this course is not prepared.” What shall I do? Solution: This message means that configuration of Timetable module has not been done so far for the batch your teaching. Once the timetable has been configured, you shall be able to mark attendance for the same. In case, this message displays please contacts Academics office for timetable entry.

12 Save button is Missing Problem:
I have entered the marks/attendance for a particular course but I am not able to Save them as the Save button is missing. How to save the data I have entered? Solution: Save button is available on all the transaction pages of ERP. User can scroll down from the browser scroll to view the save page as it appears on the bottom of the page. Please refer to next slide for a screenshot of the Save button.

13 Snapshot of Save button

14 Grid functionality not working
Problem: When I try to access anything from the left menu, the page loads but the values in the grid are not being displayed. What shall I do? Solution: Please check the browser that your using as the grid functionality does not work properly in IE 9.0. You can run your internet explorer 9.0 in compatibility mode so that the functionality works fine. Please refer to next slide for a screenshot of running compatibility mode in IE 9.0.

15 Snapshot of setting IE 9.0 in Compatibility mode

16 No action occurs, when I click a record in the grid.
Problem: I try to click any record being displayed in the grid but nothing happens. How shall I continue? Solution: Please make sure that you double click in the grid records to proceed. If you still face the issue, please check your browser whether the browser is compatible with ERP application or not. ERP application currently supports IE 8.0 or Mozilla Firefox 7.0. Please refer to screenshot in the next slide.

17 Snapshot of Grid

18 My Course is not displaying in Course Selection
Problem: I am not able to view my course in the course selection even after I have selected the correct academic session & sub-session. How shall I proceed? Solution: There might be some data issues that persist in the system . If your sure that you have selected the correct academic session & sub-session, still your courses are not visible then please write a mail to our ERP team or academics department for the same. We shall get the data issue rectified.

19 Need help? In case you have any other queries, please write a mail to :- You may also reach me at my cell number: (Amit Arora)

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