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Partners 4 Change Next Steps

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1 Partners 4 Change Next Steps
Fiscal Administrators Meeting March 15, 2017 Partners 4 Change Next Steps

2 Implemented a new system 18 comments
Write down a time when there was a change in the way you performed your job that resulted in an improvement: Implemented a new system comments New Leader resulted in dept. changes comments Implemented new tips & tricks comments What is something that helped you make this change and improved the way you work? Instructor-led Training comments On-line Training comments Seize Opportunities / Be Open minded 9 comments Support from Help desk person / LSP 8 comments Management Support comments 2/8/2017

3 Start using the new functionality right away
Write down what YOU can do right now, to prepare yourself or your group for the changes you identified: Take additional training – work with manager to allow extra time for training Prepare dept to understand the impact – work with manager to develop a plan for your dept. or unit to handle the job changes coming Start using the new functionality right away Model positive behavior and mentor with others Work on being a subject matter expert (SME) in the new system 2/8/2017

4 I would like to have access to:
What do you need from us? What topics or platforms would be helpful in preparing you for new ways of working at the University? I would like to have future discussions on the following topics: Crucial Conversations – 21 Managing Transitions – 26 Taking Control of Change – 23 I would like to have access to: Webinars – 40 Videos – 32 Books – 15

5 60 Evaluations Completed I would prefer to get information using the following platforms:
1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice Checked but not ranked Instructor-led/classroom 37 10 3 2 4 Discussions prior to FA Meeting 8 18 6 Discussions with manager and team in a group setting 7 13 19 Online 14 12

6 60 Evaluations Completed
Please rate the discussion to help us plan for future sessions Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree The discussion provided ideas/actions that will help me with upcoming changes 21 16 17 2 3 High - 5 4 Low - 1 Overall Value of Event 26 14

7 Questions What can YOU do right now to prepare yourself or your group for the changes you identified? What activities did you do as a follow-up to the last meeting that worked well for you? Online Learning Communication – feel that we are in this together, keep it positive Make SOPs and Cheat Sheets in departments

8 Questions How can you support others on your team during this time of change? How can you support your manager? Patience Mentoring Communicate early and often Be mentally prepared What do you need from your manager in order to make the change successful? What do you need from others? Sharing resources Give yourself the time Celebrate change Instructor-led training Start doing it – do one thing differently to support change

9 Next Steps

10 Center for Leadership Excellence
Courses Free for Faculty and Staff REGISTER ONLINE: Crucial Conversations for Managers Date: Thursday, March 23, :30am to 5:00pm Facilitators: Tonia Duncan-Rivers Emotional Intelligence Date: Friday, April 21, :00am to 12:00pm Facilitators: Tonia Duncan-Rivers Leading Change from the Middle Date: Friday, April 28, :00am to 12:00pm Facilitators: Jess Hench Crucial Conversations Date: Tuesday, May 2, :00am to 5:00pm Facilitators: Tonia Duncan-Rivers Leading Others through Change Date: Wednesday, June 7, :00 am to 12:00 pm Facilitators: Lindsey Reese

11 We encourage teams to sign up together!
Steps of Change – Finance Brown Bag Date: Wednesday May 10, 2017 – Noon to 2:00pm Location: Bavaro Hall – 116. We encourage teams to sign up together! Despite the fact that we're constantly faced with change, most of us spend our time fighting or ignoring it. In this workshop, we'll learn about the stages everyone goes through when experiencing change and what is needed to successfully navigate these changes. Sign up through the integrated system.

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