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Driver's Education Chapters 1, 2 & 9.

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1 Driver's Education Chapters 1, 2 & 9

2 The New Jersey Driver License System
Chapter One The New Jersey Driver License System

3 Laws Governing Driver Licenses
A motorist who operates a motor vehicle in the State of New Jersey must carry a valid probationary license or a validated New Jersey permit. The motorist must also carry valid insurance and vehicle registration cards.

4 There are RED decals One on the front license plate
One on the rear/back license plate

5 Observed Decal Use The graph on the right shows observed decal use by probationary license holders at high schools in spring 2011. More about this graph can be found on  rt/article/46/11/2

6 GDL restrictions placed upon first time drivers must be strictly adhered to.

7 Violation of Graduated License Restrictions
The graph on the right shows the percent of teenagers who said they violated specific graduated license restrictions. To find more information, go to rt/artice/46/11/2

8 To Get A Special Learners Permit:
You must be at least 16 years old. You must have a signed parent or guardian consent. You must enrolled in approved behind-the-wheel driver training course through the NJ Department of Education or commercial driving school. An approved instructor must purchase the permit. You must pass MVC's knowledge and vision test. You must pay required fee.

9 Practice With An Adult Supervising Driver
You must observe special learners permit driving restrictions. You must practice at least six months ( 1 year )

10 Probationary License Getting a Probationary License
   - Must pass MVC's road test.    - Must be at least 17 years old ( 1 year unsupervised ) With Probationary License    - Must practice unsupervised driving for at least one year.

11 Getting An Examination Permit
Must be at least 21 years old.  Must pass MVC's knowledge and vision test. Must pay required fee.

12 Practice Supervised Driving
Must practice with an adult supervising driver. Must practice at least three months. Must observe examination permit driving restrictions.

13 Special Learner Permit Restrictions
No driving between 11:01 PM and 5:00 AM. No using hand-held or hands-free cell phones or any other electronic devices. Permit holder must be accompanied in the front seat by an adult supervising driver who possesses a valid NJ driver license and has at least 3 years of driving experience. Passengers are limited to any parent, guardian or dependent of the special permit holder and one additional passenger. Permit holder and all passengers must wear seatbelts.  Must display RED decals on license plates. ( 1 on the front and 1 on the back )

14 GDL Decal All drivers under age 21.
Display two red reflective decals, one decal is displayed on the top left hand corner of the rear license plate and the other on the top left corner of the front license plate. If student driver commits a traffic offense, responsibility will be on both the student and instructor or supervising adult driver. Signed consent of his/her parent or guardian, must be enrolled in behind-the- wheel driver training course approved by the NJ Department of Education. Must pass the MVC's knowledge test and vision screening.

15 Driver Crash & Fatal Crash
The graphs show driver crash and fatal crash rates during the day ( 6AM to 10PM ) and night ( 10PM to 6AM )  More can be found at  issues/hot-issues-night-time- restrictions

16 Decal Opinions Opinions about decal  requirements for probationary drivers among parents of teens with probationary licenses in 2011.  More information about this can be found at icle/46/11/2

17 Organ Donation You can donate heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, intestines, pancreas, cor neas, veins, valves, bones, tendons and skin. One organ donor can save 8 lives and one tissue donor can restore health to over 75 people. To find more information on organ donation, go to

18 New Jersey Driver Testing
Chapter Two New Jersey Driver Testing

19 6 Point ID Verification All applicants for a New Jersey driver license must have all required documents to satisfy the 6 Point Verification. To find more on 6 Point ID Verification, go to  license/proven-identity-age- permitlicense

20 Knowledge Test The knowledge test consists of 50 questions plus a survey about organ donation. 40 out of the 50 questions are allowed to be wrong.

21 Road Test Checklist 6 Points of ID.
Validated Permit ( Permit must be legible and cannot be laminated ) 2 RED GDL decals properly mounted ( If GDL requirements are applicable ) Vehicle for test must not have any obstructions or consoles that prevent the examiner from reaching the foot in or parking brakes.

22 Accompanying Driver Requirements
An applicant may drive a properly registered vehicle to the road test area. A vehicle may not be moved, even in the road test line, without a licensed driver in the vehicle,

23 Test Items Applicant May Be Tested On
Driving in reverse. Following other vehicles. Nearing corners, intersections. Parking ( parallel ) Sitting properly ( seat belt use ) Starting a vehicle. Yielding right-of-way. Steering properly. Stopping at signs. Stopping smoothly. Turning. Turning around. Using the horn.

24 NJ Driving Test Tuesday, September 6th, 2016, Governor Chris Christie signed a bill that allows New Jersey drivers that are taking their driving test to use backup cameras and parking sensors. "In a few years, every new car will be required to have a rear-view camera, if every car is going to have them, new drivers should know how to use them." Senator Christopher Bateman said. To find more about the new bill signed by Governor  Christie, go to  uring_drivers_tests.html

25 Reasons For Rejection Improper, expired or inspection sticker.
Lack of examiner examiner access to foot brake or parking brake. Any defect or condition that affects the safe operation of the test vehicle such as but not limited to: Poor brakes ( pedal must not fade or go to the floorboard ) Dashboard brake warning light on. Parking brake, brake lights, or signal lights not working. Unsafe tires ( smooth, cut, badly worn ) Vehicle interior is not in reasonably clean condition.

26 Reasons For Rejection Cont.
Vehicle failed inspection, and motorist does not bring the Vehicle Inspection Report issued by the inspection station to road test area. Fast engine idle ( cannot judge speed control ) Missing seat belts (seat belts are required on all vehicles manufactured after July 1, 1966 ) Tinting on driver and/or front door windows. Missing rear-view mirrors - interior and/or driver door. Any broken or cracked window glass.

27 Chapter Nine Vehicle Information

28 License Plates Report lost or stolen plates to local police. Retain a copy of the complaint. If a motorist sells his/her vehicle and does not transfer the plates to another vehicle, he/she should turn in the old plates at any MVC agency or mail them to the MVC P.O. Box 403, Trenton, NJ  A receipt will be provided and it should be kept in a safe place.

29 Vehicle Inspection All gasoline-fueled vehicles, more than 5 model years old, registered in New Jersey must pass state emissions inspections every two years. When moving to New Jersey from another state, a motorist must have his/her vehicle inspected within 14 days after registering it.

30 3 Changes Coming to Motor Vehicle Inspections
Only passenger vehicles can get their initial inspection at a state-run facility. All re-inspections will be performed at private inspection facilities. Older vehicles don’t need to be inspected. ( Any gasoline powered passenger vehicles with model year from 1995 or older do not need to be inspected. More can be found at  vehicle-commission-inspection-new-jersey/

31 Liabilty Motor vehicle liability insurance is mandatory in the state of New Jersey. Every vehicle registered in New Jersey must have liability insurance. To find more about liability, go to  resources/car-insurance/liability-car- insurance-cover.aspx

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Now for the questions! 12e37201a3f7

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