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Storage tank scanning with Trimble TX5 Scanner and Storage Tank Application Filip Jinnestrand, 2013.

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1 Storage tank scanning with Trimble TX5 Scanner and Storage Tank Application Filip Jinnestrand, 2013

2 Storage tank scanning Introduction
Industries using vertical and horizontal storage tanks needs to determine and certify accurate tank volume Nominal tank volume can differ from actual volume with one to several per cent. (Example: 1 per cent of total oil import in Sweden equals m3) 3D laser scanning of storage tanks provides the tank owner with important geometrical information about their tanks Most importantly: the tank owner knows the exact amount of liquid that is being transferred to/from their storage tanks

3 Storage tank scanning DEKRA offers a wide variety of services within tank inspection The tank inspection market is increasingly competitive With 3D-scanning, DEKRA has a unique combination of services

4 The equipment Trimble TX5 Scanner
3D laser scanner with integrated 70 megapixels camera Easy to handle: 240x200x100 mm, 5 kg Range: 0,6 to 120 m 122,000 – 976,000 measurements/second Featured with new software (July 2013) specifically developed for storage tank scanning/measurement 3-10 minutes/scan

5 Possibilities With the 3D-scanner, DEKRA can offer:
Volume calculation of vertically and horizontally positioned storage tanks Inspection: indicate deformations in storage tank walls Calculate volume of storage tank containment DEKRA can also perform: Visual inspection with the 70 megapixle camera 3D drawing of storage tank The tank owner gains a full view of pipes and other internal installations Indicate settings/tilted storage tanks By scanning the outside of the storage tank

6 1. Volume calculation in RealWorks software
The millions of measurement points create a point cloud when transferred and opened in RealWorks software.

7 1. Volume calculation In the point cloud, the tanks dipping plate and maximum filling level is determined. Information about temperature, liquid properties, isolation etc. is added to the volume calculation in the software.

8 1. Volume calculation Volume is calculated and exported to excel-file to transfer into test protocol

9 2. Indicate deformations of storage tanks
Pixel cloud of storage tank after scanning.

10 2. Indicate deformations of storage tanks
The software creates a nominal image of the storage tank …it then compares the nominal image of the actual image created from the 3D scanning

11 2. Indicate deformations of storage tanks
This image shows a cross section of the storage tank wall, here we can notice areas that are deformed relative the nominal image of the tank

12 3. Volume calculation of tank storage containment
Scanning from 3 points (stations) outside the storage tank

13 3. Volume calculation of tank storage containment
Calculate how much volume the containment can hold and possible ”spill points”

14 3. Volume calculation of tank storage containment
Reports volume capacity of the containment in relation to the storage tank

15 3D-scaning Benefits Future
Streamlined solution for teams dedicated to this activity (productivity) More accurate results than other methods of measurement Scanning is fast and easy to perform Data can easily be transferred and calculated by anyone, anywhere Unique combination of services increases competitiveness 3D-scanning can be performed by storage tank inspectors/NDT personnel Future 3D-laser scanning is used in a wide variety of industries and markets. The technique is for instance well established within the Swedish nuclear sector for measurement and as-built drawing at installations.

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