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Imaging of the CNS.

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Presentation on theme: "Imaging of the CNS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imaging of the CNS

2 Contents Diagnostic tools Anatomical localization: Brain Diseases:
- Infection - Tumor - Trauma - Stroke - Cord compression

3 Tools Plain film CT MR Angiography

4 Plain radiography

5 5 densities Air Fat Soft tissue (water,muscles,etc)
Bone, calcification Metallic

6 Advantage & I/C Adventage - Convenience - Safe - Fast - Availability
Indication Fracture skull Increase ICP Intrasellar mass Osteolytic/ osteoblastic lesion Calcifying pathology

7 View and positioning

8 PA Petrous pyramid อยู่ภายในกระบอกตา Frontal bone and parietal bone
Frontal sinus Nasal cavity Mandible Roof of orbits

9 Lateral skull Cranial vault Suture : coronal and lambdoid
Occipital bone Sellar turcica Floor of cranial fossa Clivus Nasopharyngeal soft tissue Sphenoid air sinus lateral of calvarium lateral of mandible Cervical spine 1st-2nd

10 Lateral Outer table Suture Diploic space Sellar turcica Inner table
External occipital protuberance Sphenoid air sinus

11 Caldwell view Orbital wall Frontal and ethmoid sinuses Mandible

12 Ethmoid sinus Maxillary sinus Caldwell view Orbital wall

13 Towne’s view Occipital bone Lamdoid suture Foramen magnum
Petrous ridge และ mastoid sinuses Zygomotic arch Mandible ส่วน head, neck และ rami

14 Waters’ view Facial bone Orbital roof
Maxillary, frontal and ethmoid sinus

15 Waters’ view Frontal sinus Orbital wall Maxillary sinus

16 Paranasal sinuses Water’ s view Caldwell view

17 Air-fluid level at both maxillary and both frontal sinuses
Paranasal sinusitis Air-fluid level at both maxillary and both frontal sinuses

18 Linear fracture skull right parietal bone

19 Outer table destruction : histiocytosis X
Nasal bone Fx nasal bone Outer table destruction : histiocytosis X

20 Normal sella turcica Anterior clinoid Posterior clinoid Dorsum sellae
Floor of sella

21 “loss of dorsum sella sign”
ICP “loss of dorsum sella sign”

22 Pituitary tumor “Double floor sign”

23 Large intrasella mass 1 3 2 “ballooning sella”

24 CT : Pituitary tumour CECT

25 CT scan

26 CT /Spiral CT/ MDCT

27 CT scan Advantage - Axial imaging
- Reconstruction, reformatted to coronal, sagittal planes - Providing contrast- noncontrast study - Differentiation tissues by densities(HU) - Additional software: CTA, CTV, 3D, CTP etc.

28 Indication Trauma case 1st line imaging of Stroke Infection Tumor
Intracranial calcification C/I: pregnancy, contrast enhancement injection: limited in patient with azotemia

29 Attenuation number of CT (HU) Hounsfield Units
CSF = 0-20 HU. Gray matter = 40 HU. White matter = H Clot blood & hematoma = HU. Calcification and bone = HU. Fat = HU. Air = >- 600 HU. Density ของ lesion ใดๆจะดูเทียบกับ gray matter

30 Normal CT brain Gray matter White matter Basal ganglia cerebellum

31 Normal CT brain : Ventricular system
Temporal horn Frontal horn Lateral ventricle 4th ventricle Occipital horn

32 Physiologic calcification
Pineal gland Age > 10 year Size < 10 mm. Basal ganglia Middle aged Young aged : hypoxia or abnormal serum Calcium Choroid plexus Dura Falx cerebri Calcification of diaphragmatic sellae

33 Enhancement by contrast media
Abnormal blood brain barrier (BBB) Identify vascular and dural structures Differential pathology by pattern of enhancement

34 DSA



37 MCA aneurysm


39 Indication Gold standard for vascular imaging ( ex. Aneurysm, AVM)
Arterial / venous Risk=1% C/I : azotemia, pregnancy

40 MRI machine

41 MRI Magnet Field : 0.5-3Tesla Pulse sequences : Spin Echo ( SE)
Parameters : T1 : T2 : TR : TE

42 Advantage MRI Multiplanar imaging ( axial/coronal/sagittal/any planar)
No radiation No bony artifact Safer contrast agent (Gadolinium) Best for analysis: posterior fossa and leptomeningeal lesions

43 MRI- three planars Axial Coronal Sagittal

44 Contraindications Implantable Cardiac defibrillator Pace Maker
wt. > 136 Kg Severe Claustrophobia Pregnancy (+/- ) Cochlear Implant Aneurysm Clips Ferromagnetic eye prosthesis / F.B.

45 SIGNAL INTENSITY(SI) Tissue T1W T2W intermediate high high low
intermediate intermediate low high Intermediate intermediate high high BRAIN : GM : WM Muscles Nerve :dorsal root :ventral CSF Fat Pituitary: anterior posterior

46 T1WI

47 T2WI

48 MRI of brain tumor T2W T1W-GD T1W

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