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Knowsley City Learning Centres

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1 Knowsley City Learning Centres
Think U Know…? Nancy Waine - Learning Technologies Officer: Delivery Knowsley City Learning Centres ASCEL ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2010

2 Knowsley Children and Young People’s Strategic Plan
eSafety in Knowsley Knowsley’s ambition is for every child and young person: “To be safe and protected, free from fear and danger and not involved in risk taking activities” Knowsley Children and Young People’s Strategic Plan 2007 – 2010

3 Aims Identify potential online risks
Discuss eSafety concerns and issues Determine particular vulnerabilities facing children and young people Signpost available resources

4 Byron Review “Everyone has a role to play in empowering children to stay safe while they enjoy these new technologies, just as it is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe in the non-digital world.” BUT “There is a digital generational divide and most adults are stranded on the wrong side!” Professor Tanya Byron – Child Psychologist Conducted independent review looking at the risks to children from exposure to potentially harmful or inappropriate material on the internet and in video games The radius of play for children has shrunk by 93% (Child of our Time – BBC4) but children still need to play, push boundaries and take risks. Their freedom has been greatly reduced in the offline world so are turning to online communities Jim Rose published Tanya Byron’s recommendations with regard to ICT and eSafety in Rose Review of the Primary Curriculum that include: Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) – regularly updated UKCCIS – UK Council for Child Internet Safety - established Unites 100 organisations from public and private sector working with the government Reports directly to the PM Improve the regulation and education on internet use Online bullying Safer search facilities Violent video gaming Cyber proficiency testing Cyber mentoring Beat Bullying Becta NGLC (Next Generation Learning Charter) New language – sofa king great – understanding Parental engagement

5 Adults needs to know… SweetyHigh Mom
Know what children are accessing online Use the applications children use Create a social networking profile Remember to Think Before You Post

6 What are they accessing?
Discussion What are the particular vulnerabilities that face our children and young people whilst using mobile and online communication tools ? What are they accessing? How do they access it? Benefits? Dangers?

7 Benefits Pages taken from CEOP’s parent presentation – available at

8 Risks

9 CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre based in London
combines children's charities, industry, government and other interested parties -protecting children from sexual abuse affiliated to the Serious Organised Crime Agency although it has operational independence CEOP will work across a number of fronts to provide: an online presence helping to protect children in the UK when using the internet educational support for parents and children on tips to safeguard their internet time a focus for industry to work with law enforcement in safeguarding children as technology advances full support to police forces and other interested parties in safeguarding children and tackling child abuse. UK's national law enforcement agency that focuses on tackling the sexual abuse of children

10 VGT Virtual Global Taskforce to make the Internet a safer place;
to identify, locate and help children at risk; and to hold perpetrators appropriately to account The Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT) is made up of law enforcement agencies from around the world working together to fight child abuse online. The aim of the VGT is to build an effective, international partnership of law enforcement agencies that helps to protect children from online child abuse. The VGT is made up of the Australian Federal Police, CEOP in the UK, the Italian Postal and Communication Police Service, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the US Department of Homeland Security and Interpol. Jim Gamble, the Chief Executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre is the Chair of the VGT. The VGT delivers low-cost, high impact initiatives that prevent and deter paedophiles from exploiting children online.

11 CEOP Reports: Overview of Key Performance Year on Year –CEOP
Indicators Total Children safeguarded as a result of CEOP activity 76 131 139 278 624 Arrests following the dissemination of intelligence by CEOP and CEOP resources  83 297 334  417  1,131 Child protection professionals trained on CEOP courses 1,457 2,697 3,734  3,370 11,258 High risk sex offender networks disrupted and dismantled  29  55  82 96 262 Figures released November 2010

12 CEOP Reports: Grooming is still the number one offence reported to CEOP two thirds of public reports relate to grooming exploiting children through integrated social networking sites is a fast-growing trend whereas before this was done primarily via instant messaging offenders are increasingly using peer-to-peer networks and newsgroups in order to share images of sexual abuse rather than commercial pay-per-view sites reinforce the benefits of internet Grooming has existed for many years internet is a modern media through which adults have access to children and young people Posted by GSS on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 (Global Secure Systems) 800 secondary pupils Questions: Q How many colleagues have school aged children? Q How many have access to a PC? Q Where do they have access? 40% have “chat buddies” they do not know in real life. half admit using peer-to-peer software (P2P) to download music illegally 20% of pupils confessed to having their computers infected by a virus after using P2P software Half of pupils don’t secure their login with a password Online chatting programmes were used extensively by the majority of the children in the survey, using software such as MSN, Yahoo, Facebook and Bebo. Most of the children used this facility to catch up with friends and family outside of school hours with general chatting and file sharing being the most popular features

13 Child Exploitation and Online Protection
CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Jigsaw

14 Personal information about Becky
Profile is open (not private) - left her front door open Photo of her - put on a sign outside her house School uniform - in the photos School name - during conversation with Simon She was going to the park after tea this information was on her online calendar / events diary Q What personal information was Simon able to gather from Becky’s profile and from his online chat with Becky?

15 Keep your personal information private
Know how to keep your settings private Ask a teacher or a friend how to change settings Be as careful online as you are offline Don’t do anything online that you wouldn’t do in the real world Know where to go for help Trusted adult Report Abuse button IWF, Childline, There4me Be nice to each other online IWF - The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) is the 'hotline' for the public to report potentially illegal content online. More specifically they deal with child sexual abuse content hosted worldwide, and criminally obscene and incitement to racial hatred content hosted in the UK. There4me - Another support service provided by the NSPCC is There 4 Me. Using this website, children can talk confidentially to NSPCC advisors online about any issues or problems they may be experiencing, using an application similar to Instant Messenger (IM).

16 CEOP Reports 624 children have been safeguarded from circumstances of horrific abuse in the last four years 278 were safeguarded in the last 12 months 1,131 suspected offenders have been arrested since the organisation was launched in April 2006 417 suspected offenders were arrested in the last year alone New figures released Nov 10 – see table on Slide 11 2009 figures: Within that same period that Knowsley have been developing eSafety Strategy – CEOP have reported: 346 children safeguarded 139 in last 12months over 700 suspected offenders have been arrested 334 in last 12 months

17 CEOP Reports: dismantled or disrupted 262 offender networks since 2006
96 in the last year 5.7 million UK school children have now seen its unique ThinkUKnow education programme 6,291 reports received in the last 12 months 2,391 from the public 70% via ‘ClickCEOP’ button on average four a day still require immediate action See slide 11 for yearly breakdown figures inc 2010 2009 figures: 166 offender networks infiltrated 82 in last year over 4,000,000 UK school children have seen ThinkUKnow 5,686 reports in last year average four a day still require immediate action

18 CEOP reports - the past 12 months
417 suspected child sexual offenders arrested for offences ranging from possession of indecent images to rape as a result of intelligence reports from CEOP and/or through the deployment of CEOP resources 278 children have been safeguarded or protected from sexual abuse either directly or indirectly as the result of CEOP activity

19 CEOP reports – cont... 96 high risk child sexual offender networks have been disrupted or dismantled as a result of CEOP activity 6,291 intelligence reports have been received by the CEOP Centre a combination of reports through the public’s ‘ClickCEOP’ reporting mechanism, from the online and mobile industries and law enforcement partners in the UK and overseas. 3,370 child protection professionals have attended CEOP’s specialist training courses

20 Important Messages ‘It’s never too late to tell’
tell someone when you think an adult is behaving in an inappropriate or abusive manner tell someone at any time no matter how long the abuse has been going on ‘Someone can help you’ there4me, Childline, police or social services access Childline, there4me or Crime stoppers anonymously reporting online to CEOP is the same as reporting to the police

21 Report Abuse NB All reports from children and young people will be taken very seriously - even hoax reports! This may involve someone from CEOP making contact or maybe even police officers visiting them BUT - This will always be done within a confidential environment

22 Think before you post Block bullying online
NB Upload a photo online for 20 seconds… …and it’ll stay on the internet for 20 years!

23 Emotional health, well-being and safety
Think u Know Resources Emotional health, well-being and safety

24 And finally… “Child protection is everybody’s business and we should afford our children the same protection online that we would give them in the park or playground” Jim Gamble Chief Executive of the CEOP Centre and leads on Child Protection for the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Think before you post

25 ??? Questions and help

26 Thank You 0151 443 4776
Knowsley City Learning Centres: Kirkby Rockford Avenue, Southdene, Kirkby, L32 3YE

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